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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 22, 2006
I have downloaded GIMP and one of the requirments it says is to have X11. I tried to download it. When I tried to install the sucker, it told me that I already had newer versions of that software. I thought no problem but when I searched for it in spotlight nothing came up. I don't even know what X11 really is so I need some major help. If you can help me I would apreciate it alot.



macrumors 6502
Jan 8, 2006
New Jersey
X11 is the developer's tool for Mac OSX Tiger. I think you can see Xgrid when you click on my system preference. Then choose sharing. Then you can see Xgrid.

I believe X11 helps people design programs for Mac OSX.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 22, 2006
just tried that. I started up xgrid and tried to start GIMP up again. It gave me the same message. Someone else just told me that I should custom install it with my system install disks. So Im going to try that next.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
X11 is a display system

adm4now said:
I have downloaded GIMP and one of the requirments it says is to have X11. I tried to download it. When I tried to install the sucker, it told me that I already had newer versions of that software. I thought no problem but when I searched for it in spotlight nothing came up. I don't even know what X11 really is so I need some major help. If you can help me I would apreciate it alot.


Apple included X11 with OSX so that Mac user can run any of the 20 bazillion UNIX appications that are out there.

X11 is a display system developed at MIT and now maintained by an independent group. X11 predates the Macintosh. I used it more then 20 years ago on Sun equipment. I had windows and a mouse back when Apple was building the Apple II. X11 has been kept up to date and is the dominate window/diisplay system on systems that don't run MS Windows or Mac OS.

TO start it try Finder -> aplications -> utilities -> X11.
This will start up a termal session.

The neat thing about X11 is that the X11 display server can run on a different computer then the application progam. and Also "X11 is X11" no mater if it is running on a Linux system, on Solaris, VMS or a Macintosh. So I can run (say) Gimp on my Linux system and tell it to send the display to my Mac Mini.

Mac OS is just BSD UNIX with an aqua display system on top of it. Most all UNIX programs will expect an X11 display server. and they will not act like typical Mac apps. For example the menu mar the contails "File" and "Edit" will be in the application window not on the top of the screen. Gimp was developed on Linux but Linux is _so_ close to Mac OSX that it "just works" assuming you have X11 but X11 ships to OSX.


macrumors 6502
Mar 15, 2005
The heart of Europe
EHUnlucky7x9@ao said:
X11 is the developer's tool for Mac OSX Tiger. I think you can see Xgrid when you click on my system preference. Then choose sharing. Then you can see Xgrid.

I believe X11 helps people design programs for Mac OSX.

Please note that X11, Xgrid and Xcode (this one is the developer's tool) are completely different things.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
ChrisA said:
Apple included X11 with OSX so that Mac user can run any of the 20 bazillion UNIX appications that are out there.

X11 is a display system developed at MIT and now maintained by an independent group. X11 predates the Macintosh. I used it more then 20 years ago on Sun equipment. I had windows and a mouse back when Apple was building the Apple II. X11 has been kept up to date and is the dominate window/diisplay system on systems that don't run MS Windows or Mac OS.

TO start it try Finder -> aplications -> utilities -> X11.
This will start up a termal session.

The neat thing about X11 is that the X11 display server can run on a different computer then the application progam. and Also "X11 is X11" no mater if it is running on a Linux system, on Solaris, VMS or a Macintosh. So I can run (say) Gimp on my Linux system and tell it to send the display to my Mac Mini.

Mac OS is just BSD UNIX with an aqua display system on top of it. Most all UNIX programs will expect an X11 display server. and they will not act like typical Mac apps. For example the menu mar the contails "File" and "Edit" will be in the application window not on the top of the screen. Gimp was developed on Linux but Linux is _so_ close to Mac OSX that it "just works" assuming you have X11 but X11 ships to OSX.

Wow, good answer.....


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Have you seen "cinepaint"?

risc said:
Seashore is a native port of The Gimp X11 isn't required.

This is good news but I checked it out and I'd not really call it a "port". It is more of a re-design that uses some "gimp parts". The advantage is the seashore look like a Mac program but it's disadvantage is that it seems to lack Gimp's large developer and user base and might be developed a bit slower than Gimp. I think Gimp will be the feature set leader for a long time to come, but then it may not matter.

One feature I wish they both get soon is 16-bit color depth If you want "deep color" then you will want to look at "cinepaint" another gimp derivitive

I think Cinepaint is the one to watch. It will be Mac OS native soon and already does deep color. Also there is some big money supporting it s it will continue to by maintained


macrumors 68030
Jul 23, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
ChrisA said:
I think Gimp will be the feature set leader for a long time to come, but then it may not matter.

Of course, personally I'd rather use Photoshop but that's just me. Given that most people have never even heard of Seashore it's one to watch imo.


macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2006

so first i downloaded x11 and then i downloaded gimp... but it's still saying that i don't have x11. and i tried dragging x11 into gimp but it wouldn't let me because gimp can't be modified. so if anyone can tell me how to fix this.. THANKS!! <3


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Her's how it works

Eriberiboo said:
so first i downloaded x11 and then i downloaded gimp... but it's still saying that i don't have x11. and i tried dragging x11 into gimp but it wouldn't let me because gimp can't be modified. so if anyone can tell me how to fix this.. THANKS!! <3

It's saying that you don't have X11 __running__ not that you don't have X11 __installed__ All rograms that depend in X11 expect to see a running X11 Server when they are launched.

So, try this. Click in the X11 icon in the applications directory. This will bring up X11 and one X11 program - A terminal. OK now X11 is running. You can start gimp from inside the x-termian.
(No not confuse the "normal" Mac OS X terminal witrh an X-Term.. Each uses a different display subsystem.)

A little bit of background: X11 has been around for a long time. UNIX had windows and mice via X11 before there was such thing as a Mac (or a lisa, or a MS Windows) Back then it was common to have a lot fewer computers then people. X11's idea was that you could build a "chaep" (say maybe $12K) thing called an X-Server and put it on someone's desk and have it connect via hight speed network to a larger computer. Apps running on the large computer could send graphic commands down the network cable to draw pictures and text on the desktop X-Server. This was realy great because you could connect your X-Server to several big computers at once and the output from each app could go into it's own window or you could get two X-Servers if you wanted more screen space and even better, one x-server could drive multiple screens.

Now zip forward about 25 years: All that's changed is that now the X-Server runs on the "big computer" and the "big computer" is now cheap enouh that you can buy one for yourself and set it on your desk. With the x-server runing on the sam computer as the x-aplication, graphic commands don't need to flow through a cable but they still use a kind of internal (loopback) network connection. The software is till the same the Apps need to make a network connection to an X-Server. (Yes, your X-Server can display graphic from any networked computer.) Surprizingly little has changed, much of the code inside Tiger dates from ther 1980's and uses design ideas that were "cutting dge" in the 60's

To help remember how this works, just remember those old computers that were so large they filled an entire room. That's where your Aplication runs. The X-server is that thing with that is on the desk in your office that has a CRT and keyboard. The next thing is that any x-server and any x-program can be connected


macrumors newbie
May 6, 2008
GIMP doesn't see all installed fonts

GIMP runs great on my MacBook except I cannot use a new font I recently downloaded. The font works perfectly in WORD but not GIMP, any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


macrumors 68020
Jan 3, 2006
GIMP runs great on my MacBook except I cannot use a new font I recently downloaded. The font works perfectly in WORD but not GIMP, any ideas?
I believe X11 has its own set of fonts and unable to access Mac native fonts.

You might have better luck getting answers if you create a new thread (with a more appropriate title) instead of resurrecting an unrelated old one.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
FWIW one of the nice things about Leopard is it'll automatically launch X11 on demand, as long as you have the DISPLAY variable set.

One way to do this, if your comfortable editing your bash init scripts, is to add the following to the end of the file .bashrc in your home directory:

if [ x"$DISPLAY" == x"" ] ; then
   export DISPLAY=":0.0"

Any future sessions will have DISPLAY set automatically.


macrumors newbie
May 6, 2008
Thanks for the responses, point taken about new thread but i wasnt sure where to post it tbh.

GIMP does fire up automatically.

I am a Mac newbie so I don't yet feel comfortable changing stuff around :eek:
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