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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 17, 2009
Mesquite TX
Hey guy, I have been reading the forums for a while now and finally decided to post. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with Best Buy installing an InvisibleSHIELD. I want to get it put on my 3g on day one, and I have had some trouble installing one myself in the past.

So should I just install it myself, Or are the people at Best Buy going to do a better job?


macrumors member
Nov 17, 2007
I can't speak for every bestbuy but my brother works at one and he spends a long time, he's told me, on doing the installs. Like 30mins making sure its perfect.


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
if you can use and iphone you can install an invisible shield.

The directions are
Clean the glass
apply shield and align
let sit for 15 minute
24 hours to fully dry.

1 recommendation
turn your shower on hot and steam the bathrrom up. wait about 5 minutes, then start the clean and apply. the steam removes the lint/dust floating in the air.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 17, 2009
Mesquite TX
Well its not really the front I'm worried about, I know i can do that one. Its the back that was tricky for me the last time. I just don't want the corners and such to come up later on. I heard somewhere that you can use Windex instead of the spray that comes with it. Is that true?

Unspoken Demise

macrumors 68040
Apr 16, 2009
The guy at Best Buy is doing my front Zagg screen on the 19th when I pick up my iPhone. They did it with my 3g as well. I'm sure they will take care of it for you. From what I understand, they do it often. Its usually how they get people to buy it: they offer to install it.


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
Well its not really the front I'm worried about, I know i can do that one. Its the back that was tricky for me the last time. I just don't want the corners and such to come up later on. I heard somewhere that you can use Windex instead of the spray that comes with it. Is that true?

it depends on what type of windex, which I personal would not use.
Ammonia and vinegar hmmmm

I had the back on it but I opted for a case and after the phones first tuck and roll I ahvent been without a case


macrumors member
Jul 10, 2008
The spray that comes with the InvisibleSHIELD scares me.

Is it okay to let it go into the earpiece and home button?

Does it evaporate?

Unspoken Demise

macrumors 68040
Apr 16, 2009
The spray that comes with the InvisibleSHIELD scares me.

Is it okay to let it go into the earpiece and home button?

Does it evaporate?

When you squeegee the liquid out from under the screen, you push it away from all open ports. You DO NOT spray the iPhone directly. Follow directions TO THE "T." You will be very sorry if you dont. I had the Invisible Shield, and Im getting it again. Its amazing when properly installed.


macrumors member
Apr 28, 2005
Wellington, FL
Despite being on my 3rd generation of iPhone (2g; 3g; 3gS) and loving the 'naked' look, I just did my first back-side INVISIBLE SHIELD install last night on the 3gS.

Took maybe 10 minutes.

- Removed all items from package.
- Pulled cut-outs from back piece.
- Washed and sprayed hands.
- Peeled back piece from backing and sprayed it as I took it off.
- Sprayed the adhesive side liberally again after full exposed.
- Placed film on phone, using camera hole and headphone 'inlet' as guides; took maybe 3 times ot get it just right.
- Used Squeegy for removal of water.
- Place corner flaps, but they were too wet. Dried phone and waited 2 minutes, they were amply tacky and stayed right where I put them.


And it looked like CRAP. Bubbles and Orange Peel seemed to come out of nowhere, but I took faith that the internets were right and that it would smooth out.

Woke up this morning and it still looked rough. Spent time using Squeegy to push out obvious air bubbles. polished, pushed some more. Maybe 20 minutes.

And now, it's near perfect and I'm loving it.


macrumors member
Jul 19, 2008
When I was at Best Buy yesterday getting my iPhone 3G S and waiting on the number transfer, I watched someone applying the invisible shield to a 3G model I believe and he really did take his time with it. So I would say let BB install it if you want one.

I haven't decided if I want a screen shield but I would recommend at least a case.


macrumors 6502
Aug 3, 2006
I just installed the invisibleSHIELD back on my iPhone 3GS. It looks good. I'm letting it set overnight like the instructions say. I think I'm gonna put a Power Support Crystal Film on the front. I like the way that one looks & feels as opposed to the "grippyness" of the invisible shield. Problem is, I have to order it. There aren't any stores around here that carry it.


macrumors 65816
Sep 9, 2008
it's not hard to install these things. it took me about 5 mins. u don't need the spray, just apply water to the sticky surface with your clean fingers and slowly apply to the phone. if u screw up the position, just peel it off and redo it.


macrumors newbie
Jun 22, 2009
I had no problems installing mine, and I'm about as patience-challenged as they come. Just take your time, dry the spray as you go, and you'll be fine.

There is only one spot that bothers me about the job I did: there was a small ripple by one corner of the camera cutout. Unfortunately, I didn't notice it until it had mostly dried, and I didn't want to risk damaging the rest of the finish to fix it. Conveniently enough though, my iPhone developed a random rattle today, and on closer inspection, a screw fell out of the SIM slot! Apple is going to swap the handset for me, and ZAGG is giving me another shield under warranty, so I'll have the chance to correct that mistake.


macrumors 6502
Aug 7, 2007
Baltimore, MD
and on closer inspection, a screw fell out of the SIM slot!

I'm looking at my sim slot right now, and I can't help but think that some people might mistake that hole you use to pop the SIM tray out, as a potential screw spot. Sorry if that actually wasn't the case, just want to satisfy my own curiosity, it's just that I didn't know that a screw existed anywhere around the SIM slot area.


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2008
Take a look at this video that a guy made about his experience with Best Buy's installation of an invisibleSHIELD.

No offense to anyone that may work at Best Buy. I'm just posting this because it's good for people to know.

In that video, the guy says that one of his speakers is broken... Hmmm... I wonder if he knows that there is only one speaker at the bottom. The other one is a mic.


macrumors 6502
May 31, 2004
Colorado, USA
I'd have WorstBuy install it with no questions asked. IMO, installing a skin like this can be stressful due to bubbles, dust, and other stuff. Let them worry about the problems and complain if it's not totally perfect. Best case, you get a flawless install, worst case, you don't pay for it and leave.
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