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macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2009
Modify Imovie HD to Install with iLife 09

I recently got the iMovie HD 6 installer, and when i tried installing it, it says i have to have iLife 08 installed, I read that one of the users who posted in this thread has iLife 09 installed and also iMovie HD.
My question is, HOW?

Obtain the IMovieHD6.dmg file (sorry, I can't help people with this) or the iMovieHD6.pkg (inside of the .dmg)

If you have the dmg, copy the iMovieHD6.pkg to a folder on your hard drive.

Right-click (or control-click if you have a one-button mouse) on the iMovieHD6.pkg file and select "Show Package Contents"

Open the folder called "Contents"

There is a file inside called iMovieHD6.dist.

Right-click and choose "Open With", then "Other".
Scroll down the list of applications presented and choose TextEdit.

Locate the following code in the file:

// requires iLife 08 cookie
		if (!system.files.fileExistsAtPath("/Library/Preferences/"))
			my.result.title = system.localizedString('TITLE_NOCOOKIE'); 
			my.result.message = system.localizedStringWithFormat('ERR_NOCOOKIE');
			my.result.type = 'Fatal';
			return false;

change it so that it reads:

// requires iLife 08 cookie
		//if (!system.files.fileExistsAtPath("/Library/Preferences/"))
		//	my.result.title = system.localizedString('TITLE_NOCOOKIE'); 
		//	my.result.message = system.localizedStringWithFormat('ERR_NOCOOKIE');
		//	my.result.type = 'Fatal';
		//	return false;

Save the file, and exit TextEdit.

Close the package contents window and run the iMovieHD6.pkg.

It will install in a folder called iMovie (previous version).


Three easier alternatives:
1. Copy the file called "/Library/Preferences/" from a mac with iLife 08 installed to your mac. The file is only 4K.

2. Copy your own "/Library/Preferences/" to a file called "/Library/Preferences/"

3. Create a blank file called "" in your "/Library/Preferences/" folder. It doesn't seem to check the contents, just for the file's presence.

Any of these methods makes editing the .dist file as described above unneccessary.



macrumors newbie
Oct 8, 2009
imovie 6: can you run it on the new mac pros?

Please help. I am new to this list and am wondering if one can run imovie 5 or 6 on the new mac pro laptops? I hope so as the new versions of imovie just don't cut it in my opinion. I do very quick turnaround movies with the residency program I do in schools and need as few hand moves as possible. I love 5 and 6 for their straitforward professional nature.


amicusqt: very interesting post but im not sure what this has to do with iMovie 6 :confused:

IF you can still find iMovie 6 then it will work on basically any computer you can throw at it (if its running 10.4/10.5) - the main issue here is that its not available. that doesnt really relate to backwards compatibility, i guess it would be relevant if iMovie9 wouldnt run on an older computer (checks compatible computers for latest ilife) -- hhmm ok it needs 10.5.6...

bummer :| -- but it can still run on G4 computers(faster then 867MHz) - they are a good couple of years old now.


macrumors newbie
Oct 8, 2009
backward compatibility for imovie 6?

New here . . . wondering about whether or not imovie 5 or 6 will run on the new mac pro lap tops? Is this possible and if so, what must one do. I much prefer these versions of imoive.


Obtain the IMovieHD6.dmg file (sorry, I can't help people with this) or the iMovieHD6.pkg (inside of the .dmg)

If you have the dmg, copy the iMovieHD6.pkg to a folder on your hard drive.

Right-click (or control-click if you have a one-button mouse) on the iMovieHD6.pkg file and select "Show Package Contents"

Open the folder called "Contents"

There is a file inside called iMovieHD6.dist.

Right-click and choose "Open With", then "Other".
Scroll down the list of applications presented and choose TextEdit.

Locate the following code in the file:

// requires iLife 08 cookie
		if (!system.files.fileExistsAtPath("/Library/Preferences/"))
			my.result.title = system.localizedString('TITLE_NOCOOKIE'); 
			my.result.message = system.localizedStringWithFormat('ERR_NOCOOKIE');
			my.result.type = 'Fatal';
			return false;

change it so that it reads:

// requires iLife 08 cookie
		//if (!system.files.fileExistsAtPath("/Library/Preferences/"))
		//	my.result.title = system.localizedString('TITLE_NOCOOKIE'); 
		//	my.result.message = system.localizedStringWithFormat('ERR_NOCOOKIE');
		//	my.result.type = 'Fatal';
		//	return false;

Save the file, and exit TextEdit.

Close the package contents window and run the iMovieHD6.pkg.

It will install in a folder called iMovie (previous version).


Three easier alternatives:
1. Copy the file called "/Library/Preferences/" from a mac with iLife 08 installed to your mac. The file is only 4K.

2. Copy your own "/Library/Preferences/" to a file called "/Library/Preferences/"

3. Create a blank file called "" in your "/Library/Preferences/" folder. It doesn't seem to check the contents, just for the file's presence.

Any of these methods makes editing the .dist file as described above unneccessary.



macrumors member
Jan 1, 2009
Wow. So it's looking like the iMovie HD 06 download is only going to work alongside iLife 08. That's sad if that's the case. Guess I'll be holding off upgrading to iLife 09 until I can get myself completely off iMovie 06.

It's that timeline that makes it useful for me. I'm in the process of moving everything over to Final Cut Express 4, but there's still times when iMovie 06 is useful for smaller projects I can crank out quickly.

I know this thread is old, but iMovie '06 can work alongside '09. If you have a Mac from 2006, probably late 2006 at best, instead of a copy of ilife '06, you can use pacifist to install it on your Mac. The isight does not work, at least for me, but Quicktime X and iMovie '09 can use it, if the isight is necessary.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2005
Salt Lake City
I know this thread is old, but iMovie '06 can work alongside '09. If you have a Mac from 2006, probably late 2006 at best, instead of a copy of ilife '06, you can use pacifist to install it on your Mac. The isight does not work, at least for me, but Quicktime X and iMovie '09 can.

Thank you for this. I do still have my 2006 MBP 15" (I gave it to my wife when I got a new MBP in Sep 2009) and plan to use it to migrate all of my iMovie 06 projects to Final Cut Express 4, which is what I now use full time for all of my video projects.

I do, however, still have iMovie 06 around in case I need to reinstall it on the older MBP.


macrumors member
Jan 1, 2009
Thank you for this. I do still have my 2006 MBP 15" (I gave it to my wife when I got a new MBP in Sep 2009) and plan to use it to migrate all of my iMovie 06 projects to Final Cut Express 4, which is what I now use full time for all of my video projects.

I do, however, still have iMovie 06 around in case I need to reinstall it on the older MBP.

You're welcome. I knew that it would work, because I did it myself and I have an iMac from September 2006.


macrumors newbie
Sep 4, 2008
I just copied iMovie 06 from my older laptop and dropped in into my new Mac Pro and it worked without any other modifications or anything. Just double clicked and it opened. I then dragged the iMovie folder from library>application support and put it in the Mac Pro...that's for the themes if you use those.


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2007
I just copied iMovie 06 from my older laptop and dropped in into my new Mac Pro and it worked without any other modifications or anything. Just double clicked and it opened. I then dragged the iMovie folder from library>application support and put it in the Mac Pro...that's for the themes if you use those.

Thanks for the tip on getting the themes over.


macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2008
Any chance I can find the plug-ins for iMovie HD 06 for OS X on Intel?

I had plug-ins like chromakey and quicksilver rainbow but they were for OS9.


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2009
iMovie HD 6 is the only way to go if you do not have the awesomeness of Premier or Final Cut. Forget the new crap.

I hate the new iMovie! It's so much harder to use. And I need iMovie HD now because I might have broken my copy of it.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2005
Salt Lake City
FWIW, iMovie 06 HD works under OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion. Just tried it not that long ago to edit some older footage/project files.

The only gotcha I found was that it had some issues running if I installed it after putting iLife 11 on the new install. So make sure to install it first before iLife 11.
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