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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
I need to go thru the Apps that I know my DD will be running on her iPad and see if they are planning on an iPad "update". This knowledge will help us decide on a daily work flow for her, and if we will get by with something - or look at new solutions. I thought it might be handy if people could list any they have heard of - or are developing.


Notebooks - need to contact, nothing listed on site. (For us, part of the functions of Notebooks can be replaced with Pages, but i'm not counting on the file system to keep things so organized, so i'm hoping that possibly Notebooks will open pages docs in pages and put them back into the Notebook. I think that is what I want for now.)

Pocket Informant - plans to blow us out of the water!

Wishlist Apps:
I've put in my request for an iPad version of Inspiration and Kidspriation. They aren't even currently iPhone/Touch Apps - but I can hope! The "mind mapping apps i've looked at so far don't seem to fit the same niche as the Inspiration does for my kids. But this BLOG post was interesting to read and gave me some things to look at.

Will be looking at the various note taking apps that I expect to be aimed at the iPad at/around launch and what types of multimedia they might support.


macrumors 68000
Feb 12, 2008
I'm pretty sure BeeJive is going to. Didn't hear anything about it, but it just makes sense (though even if they didn't, it's okay, cause it's already good!)

I heard from myself that Beatbox Live is going to definitely grab the iPad opportunity.

As for other applications, I think it depends on what they do. Applications like Shazam probably won't do anything because there really isn't much they can do.


macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2010
I'm pretty sure BeeJive is going to. Didn't hear anything about it, but it just makes sense (though even if they didn't, it's okay, cause it's already good!)

I heard from myself that Beatbox Live is going to definitely grab the iPad opportunity.

As for other applications, I think it depends on what they do. Applications like Shazam probably won't do anything because there really isn't much they can do.

I think the opportunity for music composition is huge with the iPad. Imagine this kind of app with more screen real-estate:

Compile 'em all

macrumors 601
Apr 6, 2005
Panefly for iPad looks amazing



macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
I'm excited about comic readers on the iPad as well. Currently, I use because of the excellent dynamic zoom feature, but this is unneeded on the iPad, so something more full featured will be nice. The social features of PanelFly look neat, but it sounds like you are limited to the comics you can (and do) buy through their store. I want to be able to read my own files as well as buy new ones in a comic app. I've got no problem paying for eComics, but lots of stuff isn't available that way and I'd like to be able consolidate all my comics in one app.


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2007
Wow, that demo just showed me how great magazines are going to be on the iPad. The potential for interactive stuff is really interesting. I don't know why online magazines don't offer some of this stuff on our computers already.

They got a sure fire way to charge you for it now.

I'm excited about comic readers on the iPad as well. Currently, I use because of the excellent dynamic zoom feature, but this is unneeded on the iPad, so something more full featured will be nice. The social features of PanelFly look neat, but it sounds like you are limited to the comics you can (and do) buy through their store. I want to be able to read my own files as well as buy new ones in a comic app. I've got no problem paying for eComics, but lots of stuff isn't available that way and I'd like to be able consolidate all my comics in one app.



macrumors 68040
Aug 8, 2002
Well its not an official announcement, and likely won't be quick in any case, but by now we've all probably seen what the Mac product SVP from Microsoft said about Office for the iPad, yes? i.e. that they're looking at it.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
Well its not an official announcement, and likely won't be quick in any case, but by now we've all probably seen what the Mac product SVP from Microsoft said about Office for the iPad, yes? i.e. that they're looking at it.

I'm pleased for the iPad Platform, but I have ZERO desire for it. None. iWork has been all i need... :D

But it would be a huge boost for the iPad - and maybe those OneNote people will get their App. Which is funny, I tried to go look at that app - and wondered why there was so much TEXT on the page and not screenshots and pictures showing me how wonderful it was... i gave up. (and before anyone starts in on me - back when I worked outside the home I had my own special engineer assigned to me with a direct number for an Exchange Server problem, I was special :cool: and it never got solved!)


macrumors 68040
Mar 27, 2009
Seattle, WA
That is amazing. I was thinking today about how I'd love some mag subscriptions. I need to order Print Magazine for class but want to hold off to see if they're on the iPad. Until then I will borrow. National Geographic with interactive content would be incredible.

The magazine demo was great! And the National Geographic, with many more of their photos would be indeed fantastic. This is probably the biggest change in the way the content is going to be consumed since Guttenberg. What an interesting time we live in. Lucky us!
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