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macrumors 68000
Dec 8, 2006
I think that the "production delays" are part of the marketing strategy.

By creating a perception of scarcity they feed into irrational impulse driven demand.

Haven't you noticed how apple devices always "sell out"? They are produced in quantities designed to do so.

The iMac is no different. Hype drives sales. Perceived scarcity builds hype. Very simple.

It makes the people that rush out and blow 3 grand on a desktop computer feel superior for a few days/weeks/months.

I'll tell you when I ordered my rMBP the experience was all the more exciting because I had to wait to have it delivered, and was the only person I knew that had one.

Now you can walk into best-buy and buy one.... it's lost it's exclusivity ;)

All these conspiracy theories on Apple's marketing, I'll tell you are simply *not* true.

Any delay in getting a product into the hands of the consumer equates to time the consumer will think about jumping to a competitor's offering. What Apple tries to do (and this is up to debate about whether they do it well) is balance having enough stock to meet day 1 and early demand without spending so much money on warehousing these x million units to meet demand for x time beyond early days post launch. It's a balancing act, and the big point these conspiracies ignore is that logistics and warehousing cost a company a lot of money. Can you imagine how much money is required to ship (from manufacturing) and store (before launch, which is corporate money sitting in a warehouse) millions of product units in warehouses ready for shipment all over the planet? It's not pocket change is all I can say.

The other thing these conspiracies ignore is that the shareholders want one thing - sales. They don't want hype of sales (however you imagine that is realised), they want sales. They don't want to lose customers who have to wait too long after launch, or before - try managing that act. What if they overestimate demand and then have stock sitting in warehouses with no one to buy the items? What if they wait too long to launch (before ideal day 1 stock levels are achieved) and miss an entire selling season with the product? These affects revenue and profit margin.

The whole chain from inception to putting the product in the hands of the consumer is complex and adding a conspiracy into the equation is simply something that doesn't happen.


macrumors newbie
Oct 18, 2011
Seems like it is much easier to shop online than to purchase in the store. You can't even order it in advance and go to the Apple store to pick it up - message says its not eligible.


macrumors 6502
Nov 26, 2012
They're doing all they can, but due to huge success, their demand far outweighs initial supply. It's just simple economics.
Then what explains the lack of availability of the previous generation iMac at Best Buy and the Apple Stores in October and November? That's two months without hardly any iMacs available at the brick & motar stores! Two months of lost sales. Is it reasonable to think the old iMac was so popular that manufacturing capability could not keep up with demand?


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2012
Elsewhere, USA
Then what explains the lack of availability of the previous generation iMac at Best Buy and the Apple Stores in October and November? That's two months without hardly any iMacs available at the brick & motar stores! Two months of lost sales. Is it reasonable to think the old iMac was so popular that manufacturing capability could not keep up with demand?

First of all, that isn't accurate in every location. I'm in Tampa, Florida and both Apple stores near me had stock. Same with Best Buy.

Second, that situation has little to do with demand at all. From a business standpoint, Apple chose to wind down stock in order to roll out and focus on the new iMac.

Finally, let's all remember that the iMac hasn't been refreshed in awhile, and it's not Apple's top line product. In other words, they probably decided that they would not miss many sales (they're correct) and would instead just focus on getting the new iMac right.

One more thing: This isn't new for Apple. They have often had little "old stock" on hand when bringing "new stock" out. Many companies do this.

Bottom line, and more on topic, Apple has limited supply of iMacs because there are only so many they can produce in a given period. It isn't because they feel the need to create a "frenzy."

Friend Trend

macrumors member
Aug 11, 2010
Ordered my 27" pimped out custom configuration at 12:54 EST.

Delivery date on the confirmation say 2 Jan - 7 Jan :(

Surprising, since it wasn't available to order when I checked at 12:30. And when I ordered a semi pimped 27 inch (fusion, 680 GPU, i7) at 3:15am , it still said shipping in 2 to 3 weeks, and my delivery date is Dec 24th to Dec 31st. Hard to believe a 3 TB drive or RAM could be an issue to pushing it a week or two later.

Oops - sorry, to be clear, I ordered at 12:54PM.


macrumors newbie
Dec 5, 2012
iMac 27" Ordered (Why put off the unavoidable)!

I got my order in at 7:18AM EDT Nov 30th. After about an hour of consideration, I decided to stop debating with myself and just do it!
I hope that it gets here by the Dec 24th date so I can have several days of uninterrupted time with it.


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macrumors newbie
Oct 10, 2006
I think that differences in delivery dates have to do with what configuration you ordered. If you want an i7 processor on a 27" iMac, it's going to take longer. This may also be true of other made to order configurations. I ordered a 27" iMac with the i7 processor and 3TB (regular) drive, no other modifications, and got a 3-4 week (early January) shipping estimate.

I did notice that at one point the shipping estimates were 4-5 weeks and then reverted to 3-4 weeks. I'm hoping that Apple is giving an outside estimate, but may ship sooner. People are a lot less likely to be annoyed if something comes sooner, rather than later, than expected. So it's in Apple's interest to be conservative with shipping date estimates.

fix is wrong


Yes, made to order Apple products are assembled in the U.S. Pre-configured products are assembled in China. So your iMac will ship from the U.S. (Which makes Apple's recent annoucement that they will assemble products in the U.S. odd, since they've been doing this for a while--here we truly are looking at least in part at marketing hype.)

What's surprising is that products assembled in and shipping from the U.S. take longer even to get to U.S. addresses, than products shipping from China. Perhaps they have to first get the parts from China, then assemble them, then ship them, and that effectively adds a step to the process.


macrumors newbie
Dec 5, 2012
New iMac 27" Shipped Today!

Oh yea, checked my email this am around 7:15AM EDT and found a really nice surprise.

MY iMac 27" SHIPPED TODAY!!!!!!!


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macrumors newbie
Dec 11, 2011
Bought at spec-ed out BTO 27" at 3am in the morning last night. I wouldn't be surprised if 3 - 4 weeks doubles later today.

Bought mine spec'ed out at 12:45 am PST on Nov 30 and my credit card was just charged. Expect to see Preparing to Ship status any hour now!


There is a reported glue shortage in China. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.


They should have stayed with the magnets!


macrumors newbie
Oct 10, 2006
Has anyone with a Dec. 3 or later order date gotten a shipping notice yet? What about people who have ordered the i7 processor?

I ordered a 27" i7 on Dec. 3. Just wondering if it might ship earlier than Apple stated (Jan 2 to 8).



macrumors member
Jan 25, 2008
my iMac has shipped, yee-hah!

I ordered my 27" iMac on the day after it was released. At 5:30 am (on 19dec12) I got an email letting me know that it shipped, from China. I ordered it with slight modification, doesn't that mean it was supposed to have been assembled stateside? -not that it matters to me very much as long as it is healthy and happy.
can't wait to do my unboxing video!
Details here for the record -

27-inch iMac
Part Number: Z0MR
With the following configuration:
PROCESSOR 065-0631 2.9GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
MEMORY 065-0638 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM-2X4GB
HARD DRIVE 065-C0Q6 3TB Fusion Drive
APPLE KEYBOARD 065-0664 Apple WL Kybd (English)+UG
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