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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 6, 2013
After weeks of research I just bought a new MBA 11" 2013 for $849. (Base Model) The Price was too good to pass up. The first thing I did was check what screen I had after all the negative stuff I read about I read about the LG screen I was heartbroken when I found out my new MBA had that screen compared to the new samsung which is supposed to be much better. Being a photographer I care about color accuracy, period.
I decided to review the LG screen and compare it my Dell 2713HM (Calibrated) which is 99% sRGB and my iPhone 5 which is close to 99% sRGB as well. All three screens were set to EQUAL brightness. Out of the Box the LG screen looks washed out and lacks contrast. I used the macrumors profile I found on-line for all the tests. If you don't want to use this profile go into accessibility and enhance screen contrast to the first notch using the ORIGINAL profile that shipped with the unit. The difference between the two of them is very slight, but I preferred the macrumors profile.
So I was expecting to be extremely disappointed, especially when comparing them to the Dell and iPhone 5. For the test I used the images from my website ( They were viewed full screen across all the screens and compared in detail. The results are actually impressive and quite excellent. Whoever created that macrumors profile did a very good job. After going through 74 various images I'm extremely happy with my LG screen and I will keep it. The Dell and iPhone 5 weren't exactly the same when it comes to color output, but they were extremely close. (the iPhone 5 was ever so slightly cooler) Both were excellent. The LG screen wasn't able to display Green as vividly as the other screens. Which you would expect since it's not even close to 99% sRGB. The rest of the colors were surprising close. So close it took me a good minute to tell them apart. In some cases they all looked the same, like in sunset pictures or pictures will less green in them. I even called in my sister who thought I was crazy, I didn't tell her what I was doing, I only asked her to look at the 74 images and tell me what difference she sees. She confirmed the Greens weren't as vivid, but the rest looked the same to her.
I hope this helps people who are going nuts over a screen returning laptops trying to get a samsung. (like I was thinking of doing) For Color Accuracy the LG is Excellent for what it is. A Budget TN Panel. I do think that Apple of all people should put something in OSX which senses which screen you have and apply the proper color profile. It's so easy and will save them tons of money on returns.


macrumors regular
Aug 10, 2013
After weeks of research I just bought a new MBA 11" 2013 for $849. (Base Model) The Price was too good to pass up. The first thing I did was check what screen I had after all the negative stuff I read about I read about the LG screen I was heartbroken when I found out my new MBA had that screen compared to the new samsung which is supposed to be much better. Being a photographer I care about color accuracy, period.
I decided to review the LG screen and compare it my Dell 2713HM (Calibrated) which is 99% sRGB and my iPhone 5 which is close to 99% sRGB as well. All three screens were set to EQUAL brightness. Out of the Box the LG screen looks washed out and lacks contrast. I used the macrumors profile I found on-line for all the tests. If you don't want to use this profile go into accessibility and enhance screen contrast to the first notch using the ORIGINAL profile that shipped with the unit. The difference between the two of them is very slight, but I preferred the macrumors profile.
So I was expecting to be extremely disappointed, especially when comparing them to the Dell and iPhone 5. For the test I used the images from my website ( They were viewed full screen across all the screens and compared in detail. The results are actually impressive and quite excellent. Whoever created that macrumors profile did a very good job. After going through 74 various images I'm extremely happy with my LG screen and I will keep it. The Dell and iPhone 5 weren't exactly the same when it comes to color output, but they were extremely close. (the iPhone 5 was ever so slightly cooler) Both were excellent. The LG screen wasn't able to display Green as vividly as the other screens. Which you would expect since it's not even close to 99% sRGB. The rest of the colors were surprising close. So close it took me a good minute to tell them apart. In some cases they all looked the same, like in sunset pictures or pictures will less green in them. I even called in my sister who thought I was crazy, I didn't tell her what I was doing, I only asked her to look at the 74 images and tell me what difference she sees. She confirmed the Greens weren't as vivid, but the rest looked the same to her.
I hope this helps people who are going nuts over a screen returning laptops trying to get a samsung. (like I was thinking of doing) For Color Accuracy the LG is Excellent for what it is. A Budget TN Panel. I do think that Apple of all people should put something in OSX which senses which screen you have and apply the proper color profile. It's so easy and will save them tons of money on returns.

Thanks for the review! Guessing this would apply relatively equally well to 13" displays too?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 6, 2013
Thanks for the review! Guessing this would apply relatively equally well to 13" displays too?

You're welcome! Unfortunately I can't personally confirm that it does. My guess would be yes.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 24, 2011
Nice review! I agree the LG is washed out out of the box. But apply a good profile and your set! I only returned my MBA because I dint like having a scandisk SSD. Second replacement had samsung SSD. Both MBAs had LG. No way will I keep returning hoping for a Samsung while looking like a fool.


Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
Thanks. I see that the info is also available at the link in the OP. :eek:

I have the LG screen on my 2013 11" MBA. It seems "OK" to me, not quite as nice as the screen on my 2011 13" MBA. Very "contrasty" compared to my old 23" Apple HD Cinema Display, which I always felt was an excellent monitor. Not sure if I like that custom profile because it looks a little dark and I don't see as much detail in the shadows.

But I am not going to do anything that needs to be color-accurate on the 11" screen anyway. :)
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2012
My air has the LG screen as well. I applied the macrumors profile and the screen to me looks exceptional. I am partial to LG displays though overall I find them more accurate and pleasing t the eye than most Samsung displays I have seen.


macrumors member
Mar 26, 2013
I recently picked up a 13" MacBook Air and on first boot I could tell I had the LG display since the colours looked quite washed out. However, instead of downloading a pre-calibrated colour profile I opted to calibrate it myself with the software built in to OSX.

The screen now looks a lot better and doesn't look far off of my Dell U2312M, which is a relatively budget IPS panel.


macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2006
Thanks for posting this. While I did notice the screen on my 11" MBA was "off", I'm not an expert on calibrating and aside from scrolling through the different built-in ICC profiles in OSX, I wouldn't have known how to improve it.

It looks much better now.


macrumors newbie
Aug 28, 2013
By looking at it, do YOU think you need to calibrate it? Do you like the way it looks now?

Since you are asking the question then no.

question asking friends using google translation,difficult to understand answersmuch about the fact that I have no problem screen
like running away a little yellow whites only
When I asked if calibrated better
mid2013 13"


macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2011
I've had both screens, and I really don't care either way, both are nice. This LG/Samsung display argument has run its course in my books, and is a waste of time to even be discussing. :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 6, 2013
since I've been using my New Macbook with the Macrumors profile I've made a very important observation that might be of great importance. When comparing the default color profile with enhanced contrast to the macrumors profile there is a very important thing that I initially overlooked. Battery Life. The macrumors profile requires a higher level of brightness to achieve the optimal benefit. I found myself using my screen at higher levels of brightness. The original color profile with enhanced contrast requires a much lower brightness. We all know that increased brightness on the display lowers battery life. Since this is a mobile device and most of us if not all use it that way, I no longer can recommend the macrumors profile as it is darker and requires you to increase the brightness on your display. I hope this info help you make a better decision. Additionally after running more tests the Green vividness is marginally better on the default color profile with enhanced contrast (one level up) compared to the macrumors profile. I hope this helps everyone make a better decision on the matter.


macrumors 6502
Aug 20, 2013
since I've been using my New Macbook with the Macrumors profile I've made a very important observation that might be of great importance. When comparing the default color profile with enhanced contrast to the macrumors profile there is a very important thing that I initially overlooked. Battery Life. The macrumors profile requires a higher level of brightness to achieve the optimal benefit. I found myself using my screen at higher levels of brightness. The original color profile with enhanced contrast requires a much lower brightness. We all know that increased brightness on the display lowers battery life. Since this is a mobile device and most of us if not all use it that way, I no longer can recommend the macrumors profile as it is darker and requires you to increase the brightness on your display. I hope this info help you make a better decision. Additionally after running more tests the Green vividness is marginally better on the default color profile with enhanced contrast (one level up) compared to the macrumors profile. I hope this helps everyone make a better decision on the matter.

I completely agree. I use the factory calibration 95% of the time. 95% of the time I'm at 6 bars of brightness or less.

When I'm plugged in and it's daytime, I'll occasionally use the MR calibration, but at night and on battery I stay on the factory profile.


macrumors 6502
Sep 17, 2011
this is amazing…my only grudge with my Air just disappeared. the colours look fantastic
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