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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 3, 2006
So I see a good amount of users always asking in other threads "What case is that?", "Where did you get that?", "Who makes that case?", etc.

I figured this thread can help the "not so internet-savvy" folks or those "not in the 'know' " folks identify iPhone cases/accessories they've seen here and there.

I've used the "search forum" option to see if there were any threads like this and none to be found. Hopefully I'm right and this can be Volume 1.

I can start this off by asking if anyone can help me out with these 2 products:




macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2007
This is a good idea but a lot of unique cases are truly limited or "handmade." My initial guess was that these were both from etsy. I didn't know what to call the first one but for the second one I searched "iPhone leather wallet" and came up with 20 or so items on the first few pages that are close or could be the item pictured. Example:

Personally I absolutely love etsy. I have 2 wooden iPhone docks (1 nightstand and 1 at work) and people love them. The guy who made them has a dormant account so they are literally almost one of a kind.
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