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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 23, 2010
London, England.
Hi all and greetings from the UK. :)

I'll be travelling to NYC on Sunday for work (landling late on the evening of Sunday 11th March) and flying back on Sunday 18th March - you know where I'm going with this don't you!? :D

So, I'm wondering what the chances are of being able to buy an iPad 3 while I'm in NYC?

Whether by reserve/pickup, or even a bit of daytime queueing I don't really mind, although ideally I'd like to just walk in to the Apple store at the top of 5th Avenue and just hand over my credit card in exchange for one!

This is of course assuming that Apple have released the damn thing while I'm out there of course!



macrumors 65832
Aug 17, 2011
Since Apple has not announced the product yet, and no firm release date, your chances are iffy at best. No one here can answer that question. You can arrive in NY and just hope for the best.

Good luck ;)

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Assuming that iPad is released while you are in NY, last year the time in line was at least a few hours. I got there about 3 hours before release time, and when the sale started, it took almost another hour to get to the front of the line and pay for the iPad, so a total of 4 hours. But if you got there at release time, the line was all the way around the block and spilling into the next block, so it likely took several hours before you got to the front of the line, and by that time, it's possible that some models would already be sold out.

It might be different if they do online preorders with in-store pickup, but in order to get in an order, you'll need to be in front of a computer ready to punch in your order right at the moment online orders open. That usually happens something like 3am New York time.

So either way, you need to put in considerable time and effort in order to score an iPad during launch week.


macrumors 65816
Nov 2, 2008
I think NYC stores get the most stock so your chances are high. It took me about 3 hours in line to get one last year at the Upper West Side store. I got in line at like 5:30pm so I was a little late. You can choose any NYC store and hang out for about 3 hours to get one and still have time to go out that night. I consider that a pretty cool NYC experience.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 23, 2010
London, England.
Since Apple has not announced the product yet, and no firm release date, your chances are iffy at best. No one here can answer that question. You can arrive in NY and just hope for the best.

Good luck ;)

As I said, I appreciate that it was all assuming that the thing gets released while I'm out there and I obviously if it doesn't then my chances are somewhat limited. :D

But thanks anyway. ;)


Assuming that iPad is released while you are in NY, last year the time in line was at least a few hours. I got there about 3 hours before release time, and when the sale started, it took almost another hour to get to the front of the line and pay for the iPad, so a total of 4 hours. But if you got there at release time, the line was all the way around the block and spilling into the next block, so it likely took several hours before you got to the front of the line, and by that time, it's possible that some models would already be sold out.

It might be different if they do online preorders with in-store pickup, but in order to get in an order, you'll need to be in front of a computer ready to punch in your order right at the moment online orders open. That usually happens something like 3am New York time.

So either way, you need to put in considerable time and effort in order to score an iPad during launch week.

That's good info, thank you.

I will be working on Monday 12th/Tuesday 13th/Wednesday 14th March and then I'll have the 15th/16th/17th to myself (I'll obviously also have the late afternoons/evenings of the 12th/13th/14th to myself as well).

So I guess if it does get released while I'm out there, then I've got a reasonable chance. :)


I think NYC stores get the most stock so your chances are high. It took me about 3 hours in line to get one last year at the Upper West Side store. I got in line at like 5:30pm so I was a little late. You can choose any NYC store and hang out for about 3 hours to get one and still have time to go out that night. I consider that a pretty cool NYC experience.

That sounds like a plan to me, thanks.

Now I just need to sort myself out a decent SIM with a generous data allowance that I can stick in my iPhone 4 to keep the obligitory FB/Twitter queue updates going! :D

Thanks all.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 16, 2010
England, UK
I can't imagine it'll be released before the 18th to be honest.

Just as a word of Advice (I bought my iPad 1 whilst I was on a trip to Florida from the UK) if you purchase one of the more expensive models, and it works out to be valued at more than £390, you are legally required to declare it upon re-entering the UK at which point you may have to pay VAT on it.

Also you have to take into consideration Sales Tax when you buy it, you will have 4.5% tax added on in NYC, And obviously you might also have to purchase a UK plug adaptor if you don't already have one.


macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2012
I can't imagine it'll be released before the 18th to be honest.

Just as a word of Advice (I bought my iPad 1 whilst I was on a trip to Florida from the UK) if you purchase one of the more expensive models, and it works out to be valued at more than £390, you are legally required to declare it upon re-entering the UK at which point you may have to pay VAT on it.

Also you have to take into consideration Sales Tax when you buy it, you will have 4.5% tax added on in NYC, And obviously you might also have to purchase a UK plug adaptor if you don't already have one.

Either you are the most honest guy EVER or else just plain dumb ;D ...


macrumors member
Jul 11, 2008
Bristol, UK
I'm in the same boat as Azzin - though am there the week before. I am keeping my fingers crossed that following the announcement on Wednesday afternoon they announce availability from Friday 9th...

I live in hope! :eek:


macrumors 601
Nov 5, 2007
I think your odds are pretty good and the price savings over buying in the UK will be substantial. I might target the Grand Central Station store on the weekend. First, it is a nice place for the tourists to see and you should be able to lineup inside, second it is a flagship store that should get a good supply of stuff, third it should be less busy on the weekends since Grand Central is more set up for weekday commuters.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 23, 2010
London, England.
I think your odds are pretty good and the price savings over buying in the UK will be substantial. I might target the Grand Central Station store on the weekend. First, it is a nice place for the tourists to see and you should be able to lineup inside, second it is a flagship store that should get a good supply of stuff, third it should be less busy on the weekends since Grand Central is more set up for weekday commuters.

Good call, thanks-I had forgotten about the Grand Central Terminal store! :eek:

It looks like I have a lot of finger and toe crossing to do-can everyone here @ Mac Rumors say a little prayer for me!?

Can I get a A-Men!? :D


macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2009
Hi all and greetings from the UK. :)

I'll be travelling to NYC on Sunday for work (landling late on the evening of Sunday 11th March) and flying back on Sunday 18th March - you know where I'm going with this don't you!? :D

So, I'm wondering what the chances are of being able to buy an iPad 3 while I'm in NYC?

Whether by reserve/pickup, or even a bit of daytime queueing I don't really mind, although ideally I'd like to just walk in to the Apple store at the top of 5th Avenue and just hand over my credit card in exchange for one!

This is of course assuming that Apple have released the damn thing while I'm out there of course!


I just returned from your country. I spent a fortnight in Lincoln working for the Royal Air Force. Really enjoyed the people, hospitality, food and especially the ales. :D Good luck in your quest for an iPad 3.



macrumors member
Feb 1, 2008
Getting an iPad first week at any of the 4 Manhattan stores is impossible. I'm sure you read about the iPad black market lining up in NYC. Unless they have some sort up in-store pickup set up.

If you have a friend in the states, I recommend you have them order it to their home. I haven't lined up since the iphone 3g and have always received my product the first day hand delivered by my friend UPS man. Last release, my doorman must have had 20 ipads waiting for him at 10am.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I think your odds are pretty good and the price savings over buying in the UK will be substantial. I might target the Grand Central Station store on the weekend. First, it is a nice place for the tourists to see and you should be able to lineup inside, second it is a flagship store that should get a good supply of stuff, third it should be less busy on the weekends since Grand Central is more set up for weekday commuters.

This is the first product launch since Grand Central store opened, and I have no idea how the line is going to work. It's a logistical nightmare, what with all the commuters and narrow indoor passageways. I'll probably go there this time, because I want to just check out what it's going to be like, plus it's right near my office, but if Grand Central wasn't so close, I'd stick to the Fifth Ave store, it's the nicest location to line up. Lots of room on the plaza, and even once the line spills into the streets, the sidewalks are wide with lots of breathing room to spare.


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
Obviously there's no guarantee but I believe the last 2 iPads were released on Fridays, last year's specifically on Friday, March 11 (after March 2 announcement IIRC) so at best I'd guess the earliest we'll see the new model will be March 16. If that's the case, as others have suggested, I'd queue up as early as possible that day and as long as there's not limited inventory, you'll probably get your hands on one.

Best of luck.

Rebel Hedgehog

macrumors member
Feb 28, 2012
I just returned from your country. I spent a fortnight in Lincoln working for the Royal Air Force. Really enjoyed the people, hospitality, food and especially the ales. :D Good luck in your quest for an iPad 3.


Lincolns my home town - glad you enjoyed it. Did you go up steep hill to the cathedral? - That's where they filmed some scenes for the divinci code you know.

Some nice little bars up there as well:)


macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2009
Lincolns my home town - glad you enjoyed it. Did you go up steep hill to the cathedral? - That's where they filmed some scenes for the divinci code you know.

Some nice little bars up there as well:)

Lincoln is nice. Brayford Pool was frozen over when I arrived. Yes, I walked up Steep Hill twice. Love the Cathedral. Visited the Magna Carta, Wig & Mitre, Strugglers, Tap and Spile, Victoria, Prince William Inn, the Still, Wetherspoons and Square Sail. I couldn't believe the Laughing Budda. The place was crazy with people pigging out on Asian food. I never made it to the Lamb & Flag, the Lion & The Snake or the Italian restaurant (Gino's ??)


macrumors newbie
Oct 21, 2011
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Great thread! I'm a norwegian going to NYC for a week, so a friday 16. launch would fit just perfect.

I'm still curious in which Apple Store which gives the least amount of waiting... The largest one with more staff (Fifth Avenue) or some of the smaller ones. Any suggestions?
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