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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 14, 2012
Los Angeles
First off, I am NOT in any way, shape or form, associated with this developer-- I'm just really impressed with their app being into fitness.

It's called Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker from, I found it by accident on the app store. It turned out to be an excellent [FREE] fitness app for fitness fanatics.

OK, I don’t really do reviews or recommend apps very often but I’ve grown to really like this Calorie Counter & Diet tracker from I’m very much into fitness and have been so for quite some time. I generally know how many calories I’m taking in and how many I’m expending. However, as most people already know, it’s the last 2-3 pounds that becomes the most difficult to lose. I’m in a slightly more difficult stage where I’m actually trying to gain more lean muscle and drop body fat % at the same time.

This can only be done by being super accurate with your caloric intake. To be absolutely truthful, I think I only use about 1/3 of this app’s capabilities—but that’s all I need and I’ve been on-point with my diet goals.

When you first run the app it will ask you specific questions about your current weight, gender, activity level, and goal weight. After you enter this, you will set up a profile that is actually linked to their online site which is very similar to a social network site, complete with “groups” and “friends” to help give you support. Truthfully, I didn’t actually use this particular feature, but it seems very cool.

The first screen you'll see will show your caloric allowance for the day (mine was 1950 calories/day) based on how many pounds you want to lose— which you enter during initial set up. This screen also shows your daily allowance of Total Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium (which is my big problem), Carbs, Protein, etc.

The second screen is your actual calorie “Diary.” This section is where you enter what you’ve eaten and how many servings. It also separates it in categories for, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. This section’s function is, by far, the most impressive to me:

After entering a meal—let’s say “6-inch Steak and Cheese sandwich from Subway” it will automatically search its database for its caloric worth (340 calories) and automatically subtract that number from your daily caloric allowance. Their food and restaurant database is so complete, that it will even have the calorie information for some of the smaller quick-serve restaurants, like Yoshinoya, which many other apps do not have information on. In addition, the app even has a bar-code scanner to scan the caloric information on foods from the grocery store or snacks from a local convenient store!

The next screen will show you your weight loss/gain progress from the last 30 days in a line graph to keep you in line with your goals.

Another great aspect to this app is that it allows you to view your progress daily or weekly in a bar graph. This helped me quite a lot because this graph made me realize that I was very good with my diet 4 days of the week, UNFORTUNATELY, I totally messed up on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from drinking way too much alcohol at the bars and clubs-- which was undermining my efforts to get leaner. This app made me realize exactly how and when I was wrecking my diet; and also helped me figure out how to create ways to modify my diet so I can still continue to party on the weekends :)

Oh, btw—if you haven’t figured it out yet, this app also has the caloric information on alcoholic beverages from your hard scotch, or your mixed vodka tonics, beers and much more!

Truly an excellent app and has helped me get very close to achieving my goal of having a very low body fat percentage especially with summer coming up. With this app’s help—in a few more weeks I’m at my goal!

You guys should check it out, if you’re looking to get more fit!
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