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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 20, 2012
So I am going to college soon, and I am wondering what would be the most effective option, An Ipad, or an Iphone 4s? Some things id like to know are, which one is most effective for studies, can i take notes on them, and which is more affordable..:confused:

Spectrum Abuser

macrumors 65816
Aug 27, 2011
An iPhone is.. Well an iPhone. The iPad would be better suited for what you want with its bigger screen and what not.


macrumors member
Mar 10, 2012
New Jersey
Are you subsidizing a laptop?

You won't be able to take notes on an iPhone but you can record lectures if you sit close enough. I did this early on and it was pretty successful.

However you can use an iPad to take notes and it'll be an effective device. I personally did not like it (I got a case with a keyboard as well, but was more of a laptop guy), but I know people who do use the iPad and enjoy it.

My favorite combo is an iPhone to record lectures and a laptop to take notes (and using the recording in case I miss something), but if you don't have a laptop I'd go with iPad.

Obviously the iPhone is much more than just a note-taking tool, but I'm just going off the information you talked about. Price will be determined by your plan, what size device you want, etc.

Lastly, and most importantly, I'd get a laptop over either of these devices. Even if it is a PC, that's significantly more useful than an iPad or iPhone.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
iPad is essentially a big iPhone. It will probably be better for studying and keeping you occupied in your off time. However a laptop will be a much better option.


macrumors 6502
Nov 30, 2011
buy a laptop for $500 instead of an iPad... seriously you can do so much more with a laptop.
just my opinion :D


macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2010
San Diego, CA
I would say an iPad if you want help with your studies. It would be even better if you have campus that has WIFI across the whole campus. But like some others said, for school, I would get a laptop. 500 for a nice quality PC, it'll go a long way.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 20, 2012
I do have a laptop, its an asus, and if you know them then you know that they are hefty to carry around. I will check out the Ipad then, and i am interested in being able to record lectures. Thank you guys :D


macrumors 604
Jun 9, 2009
Mich near Detroit
Ipad ;)


and for the Ibooks text books 1 semester savings on college text books could pay for your Ipad..


macrumors 604
Mar 29, 2011
This decision is entirely up to you and your needs, but I just wanted to share that, in my opinion, iOS is far superior on the iPad than on the iPhone. In fact, after using it on the iPad, it's made me realize how poorly represented iOS is on the iPhone.

On the larger screen, iOS is fully realized, and is more natural and intuitive. On the iPad everything is spaced out and the apps don't feel cramped like they do on the small iPhone screen. Mail is easier to navigate and use. Safari is also infinitely better (I can't believe it takes at least 3 steps to switch between tabs on the iPhone Safari.). Switching between apps is easier too thanks to gestures. And the keyboard feels way more responsive on the iPad, maybe thanks to the bigger keys, or the fact that the keyboard offers the option to split into two sides. There are many other examples.

I didn't realize iOS' full potential until I got the iPad. Take that for what it's worth.


macrumors 65816
Jun 7, 2011
Honestly you should get an iPhone. An iPad is not needed for college. I never use it for school. What you need for school is a nice sturdy Macbook Pro. An iPad is a luxurious item, an iPhone is something that you should get before an iPad.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2012
Perth, Western Australia
So I am going to college soon, and I am wondering what would be the most effective option, An Ipad, or an Iphone 4s? Some things id like to know are, which one is most effective for studies, can i take notes on them, and which is more affordable..:confused:

Really? You don't know whether you need/want a phone or a tablet for your own personal use? How did you figure out how to get into college?


macrumors 68040
Mar 3, 2008
While you could technically take notes on an iphone, it's better used to record lectures as mentioned earlier.
If you get the ipad, get a keyboard to go along with it. There are some keyboard-case combos. You should make sure that the battery on the keyboard will last. Andy Ihnatko has reviewed some keyboard-case combos. Since he composes articles on his ipad-keyboard combo, he'd probably be good for the typing pov.
Since you already have a laptop, you can easily mail your notes on the ipad to yourself, so you can read it on your computer at your dorm. You may however choose to read it on the ipad, because it would let you study uninterrupted.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 20, 2012
Really? You don't know whether you need/want a phone or a tablet for your own personal use? How did you figure out how to get into college?

I don't spend lot of time on my current phone as it I and I am most interested in things that will help me in college rather then personal use


macrumors member
Nov 7, 2010
New Mexico
As a grad student, I can absolutely recommend (even encourage) you to get an iPad. It rocks! Seriously though, it's one of the most useful devices that I've ever encountered for students, and I don't ever want to be without one again. I seriously doubt you'll regret it if you get one....probably you'll wish you'd done it sooner! Regardless, good luck with your decision.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2011
So I am going to college soon, and I am wondering what would be the most effective option, An Ipad, or an Iphone 4s? Some things id like to know are, which one is most effective for studies, can i take notes on them, and which is more affordable..:confused:

What's your major going to be? Or rather, what majors are you considering? I only ask this because maybe people can have an idea of how either the iPad or the iPhone may be better in helping you study and be productive. For example, specific apps, real-life uses, etc.


macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2008
If you don't get an iPhone what cell plan will you have? Because the iPad will be way cheaper if you have a low cost monthly cell bill.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2012
You may use iPhone. I have been using it for six months. It is really so much cool phone.:):):)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 20, 2012
What's your major going to be? Or rather, what majors are you considering? I only ask this because maybe people can have an idea of how either the iPad or the iPhone may be better in helping you study and be productive. For example, specific apps, real-life uses, etc.

I am going to study computers


macrumors member
Apr 10, 2012
Depends on how much money you can spend, if money isn't an which case both. An iPhone is a phone, the iPad is more fitting for reading, web surfing etc... Yes you can do the same stuff on the phone, but the screen can get annoying because it is just too small. On the other hand, if you need a phone, the iPad isn't going to be any help.

If money is truly tight, a cheap laptop is probably the way to go. Either way you will still need a phone. Maybe cheap laptop and iPhone?
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