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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 19, 2012

I have a problem with my new retina MBP. When the battery is empty and I close it down and put it to sleep and I reconnect it to electricity, when I press a button it displays the low battery warning, but does not power on. Even if I wait for 10 minutes it does not and continues to display the low power warning or nothing at all. If I want to get it back to work I have to press the power button for a long time multiple times and then the computer will startup.

But this cannot be the proper behaviour of it, can it? The MBP should go to hibernation mode when the battery is about to go empty and write all ram contents to disc. When it has power again it should just resume from where I left off without having to shut down fully and rebooting.

How can I fix or prevent this?

Greetings, Kim


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
Why are you draining the battery that far, in the first place? Why not plug it in when it gets low?

Run on battery whenever you need to and plug it in whenever you can. You can plug or unplug any time you need to, regardless of the charged percentage, and you never need to completely drain your battery. Just make sure you don't run on AC power exclusively, as your battery needs to be used regularly to stay healthy. The link below should answer most, if not all, of your battery/charging questions. If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend you take the time to read it.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 19, 2012

thank you for your reply, but this is hardly a solution. It is a mobile computer and I want to use it mobile for as long as possible and not just 80% of the battery time.
Sometimes I just cannot plug it in because I do not have the charger with me. I want to continue using it for as long as possible and then ones it runs out I want to take it home, plug it in and be able to continue where I left off without having to reboot!

This also does not explain why the MBP doesn't just hibernate to the SSD and restores the RAM when it is connected back to a power source. It's not rocket science. Something must be wrong there and this cannot be intended behaviour.

I have also checked the battery thread and couldn't find anything regarding my problem. Does anyone else have a solution for this?
Do all rMBPs behave like that?

Greetings, Kim


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
It is a mobile computer and I want to use it mobile for as long as possible and not just 80% of the battery time.
Sometimes I just cannot plug it in because I do not have the charger with me. I want to continue using it for as long as possible and then ones it runs out I want to take it home, plug it in and be able to continue where I left off without having to reboot!
That's fine, and perfectly understandable. My question comes from finding that many are misinformed and think they are required to completely drain the battery every time they use it, even if AC power is available. I wanted to make sure that isn't the case here.
This also does not explain why the MBP doesn't just hibernate to the SSD and restores the RAM when it is connected back to a power source.
No, it's not the intended behavior. Other than the power adapter, do you have anything else plugged into your MBP when you try to wake it, such as an external drive?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 19, 2012
Nope nothing. Today I have found out that the bit torrent client transmission has an option "Prevent computer from sleeping". Maybe this has caused the problem!

We will see, Ill let it drain later.

Thanks for your help!
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