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Kenneth D

macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 3, 2012
First off. Sorry but there are so may activation threads I couldn't decide which on to hijack with my issue.
I have a 3GS that was running redsnow 4.1 with the iPad baseband to get it on tmobile.
I wanted to pass it off to someone else so I first tried to wipe it with no luck so I plugged into iTunes to update and wipe it that way. Well now I can't get it to activate even with an AT&T sim. So am I Can I get it rejailbroke at this point? Or did I pull a really dumb move.
My guess is the later.
Thank you. I hope I can save it.


macrumors 68040
Oct 21, 2010
Tampa Bay
First off. Sorry but there are so may activation threads I couldn't decide which on to hijack with my issue.
I have a 3GS that was running redsnow 4.1 with the iPad baseband to get it on tmobile.
I wanted to pass it off to someone else so I first tried to wipe it with no luck so I plugged into iTunes to update and wipe it that way. Well now I can't get it to activate even with an AT&T sim. So am I Can I get it rejailbroke at this point? Or did I pull a really dumb move.
My guess is the later.
Thank you. I hope I can save it.

You need to remove the iPad baseband.

Kenneth D

macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 3, 2012
Unfortunately I've been unable to get the downgrade of the baseband to take. I've tried almost everything I've found on the web. I finally let iTunes restore to 6. And then tried to do the downgrade and it freezes on the waiting to reboot screen in redsnow. I'd love to save this phone because hardware wise it's perfect. Firmware is another story.

Indeed, downgrade the ipad BB

Use the older version of redsn0w mentioned in the tutorial

Kenneth D

macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 3, 2012
I finally got it. After many attempts I used redsnow and installed 6.0 and restored the old baseband. However when it booted up 6.1,3 was still on the phone. I don't understand that. Also I don't think its jailbroke even though I picked it. But it did change the baseband back to 05.13.04 also I can't tell if it's back to AT&T or if it's unlocked. I have a AT&T sim that's not active and the carrier says unknown.


macrumors 601
Oct 13, 2010
Only downgrading does nothing.

Ultrasn0w does the unlocking, but that only works on certain Basebands.
Now that you are in 05.13.04 you need Ultrasn0w to unlock.

Kenneth D

macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 3, 2012
Another iPhone activation issue. With a twist

Oh ok got ya.
So it's back to AT&T now.
Only downgrading does nothing.

Ultrasn0w does the unlocking, but that only works on certain Basebands.
Now that you are in 05.13.04 you need Ultrasn0w to unlock.
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