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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2014
Searched all variants in goole and on the forum for this problem and yet I found no result.

I instaled win 7 with bootcamp. but in windows explorer i have only one drive (the 20GB partition bootcamp made). In disk manager I can see 4 partions: 200M GPT, 86GB, a 600MB and the windows 20GB.

If i reboot in OS the partition of windows appears in "Finder".

That can I do or I'm doing wrong in order to see the Mac partition from Windows.

Thank you very much
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Mar 4, 2013
Did you install the Windows support software? That will allow you to see you OS X partition. Keep in mind it would be read access only.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2014
Windows software

I do not know about any software that I should install. but any suggestions are welcomed.

I tried using the HFS but its not working.

Thank you!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2014
Bootcamp did everything!

I just kept the USB in the mac. voila windows 7 ...with no access to mac partition :(

So everything should be in place.... but still is not working.

More info is highly appreciated


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2010
Bootcamp did everything!

I just kept the USB in the mac. voila windows 7 ...with no access to mac partition :(

So everything should be in place.... but still is not working.

More info is highly appreciated

on some machines you need to manually install the drivers, so click setup.exe on those files in the USB, machine will likely need 1-2 restarts as part of the process

do you have filevault on the mac turned on?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2014
I will try now to reinstall the drivers from bootcamp folder.

And YES vault its on.


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2010
And YES vault its on.

this is why you can't see the partition; you need fv off if you want to see it

regardless of fv, yes you do need to install those drivers, it won't solve your problem but is an absolutely after the windows install


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2014
Issue solved

My friend YOU are a true genius!

Thank you very much!

Didnt have to install again the drivers, had just to deactivate the Vault.

Great job! :rolleyes::cool:;)


macrumors 68000
Aug 20, 2010
My friend YOU are a true genius!

Thank you very much!

Didnt have to install again the drivers, had just to deactivate the Vault.

Great job! :rolleyes::cool:;)

your welcome and i'm about to give you a headache

now that you've turned off fv, if your laptop gets stolen, i believe there's a window where the person can reset your password before you're able to send a pin lock to the device with find my mac. if so, they will be able to login and do whatever they want with your machine.

i think its a window but it could be the entire time, i'm not sure if command r is not possible once the pin lock is set

so for me, i live with not seeing partitions since i know with fv enabled, nothing anyone can do will get them to login to my machine
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