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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 2, 2014
Hey guys,

please help!! My battery is draining quite rapidly since about 2 weeks, since the updates of cydia and some of the tweaks. I´m still on ios 7.
I have quite a lot of tweaks, and it all worked fine before these updates, but I didn't get any new tweaks, so I don't understand.

Now i installed top to see, what uses so much CPU (the phone is also getting hot), and it says on the list, that top itself uses between 85% and 95%!!!
Whats going on there? Any ideas?

I just don´t wanna update to ios 8 yet, as my favorite tweaks are not updated yet.
Thanks for every tiny idea!

Mister Mii


macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
Hey guys,

please help!! My battery is draining quite rapidly since about 2 weeks, since the updates of cydia and some of the tweaks. I´m still on ios 7.
I have quite a lot of tweaks, and it all worked fine before these updates, but I didn't get any new tweaks, so I don't understand.

Now i installed top to see, what uses so much CPU (the phone is also getting hot), and it says on the list, that top itself uses between 85% and 95%!!!
Whats going on there? Any ideas?

I just don´t wanna update to ios 8 yet, as my favorite tweaks are not updated yet.
Thanks for every tiny idea!

Mister Mii

make sure to quit top before you close terminal or else it'll keep running

just tap 'q' and it'll exit running the top command. a reboot also stops the top command from running


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 2, 2014
Thank you! I didn´t know that!
But still, as i opened it again and put in "top -u", top was on top with 98%. The battery is not just draining when top is running. I just installed top to find out WHY.
That´s crazy (or am i missing something?).
Thanks again for your help!


macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
Thank you! I didn´t know that!
But still, as i opened it again and put in "top -u", top was on top with 98%. The battery is not just draining when top is running. I just installed top to find out WHY.
That´s crazy (or am i missing something?).
Thanks again for your help!

Hmm, that's weird. It's normal for top to use a little more than some idling processes but 98% is excessively high

On my iPhone 5 running 7.1.2, I never see top using more than 5%


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 2, 2014
Any ideas? Anyone?


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macrumors 6502
Jul 27, 2010
saurik posted this regarding the issue with discoveryd process playing up so you might be able to change the lines of code to help you troubleshot your issue. Let me know if you need any help

I will also point out to people providing information on CPU usage, the output from "ps -Mx" is much more useful than the output of "top", as it breaks down the CPU usage of individual threads. Also, if anyone is experiencing this issue with discoveryd, I would love to get a few things:
1) the output of running "ps -Mx -p52" (where 52 is the process of discoveryd); if you don't have ps, it is installed as part of the adv-cmds packages in Cydia
2) the output of running "./dump3 52" (where 52 is the process id of discoveryd), where dump3 can be downloaded here:
3) without rebooting, "kill -5 52" (where 52 is the process id of discoveryd), and then get the crash log that is stored in /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 2, 2014
Hey seanwebb68,
Thank you! I'll do that. But are you sure he´s also looking for problems on 64-devices on ios 7? And, if yes, can you tel me, how to get this information out of mobile safari (sorry, I don´t even know how to scroll down to see the entire information).
Thanks for your help!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 2, 2014
I uninstalled all my tweaks and installed them again. Magically battery doesn´t drain so quickly now.
Thanks anyway!!!
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