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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 26, 2013
Hey everyone, I know the 13" non retina MBP is not exactly meant for gaming, but I used to be able to run games like skyrim, Star Wars the old Republic, and Saints row 3 fine without any problems on it via bootcamp. However, lately these games are unplayable due to a really bad stutter effect. It doesn't show up at first, but it gets more and more noticable as time goes on. Again, these games used to run fine, but now they don't. No matter what graphics settings I change. I have done some research, and found that perhaps my GPU is being throttled? Not sure if that is true or not, but some people say using Nvidia Inspector, Throttlestop and Mac Fan Control help. Now, I don't have a Nividia graphics card, I have an internal intel one, but I am not sure how exactly I would use these programs to help. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


macrumors 6502
Dec 10, 2013
not much you can do about throttling unless you have a way to keep the temprature the fans probably won't do that much for you unless they are seriously blocked.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 26, 2013
Sorry for late reply, I have intel 4000. How exactly do you suggest cleaning the fans?


macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
if you have to ask...

To be honest if you have to ask then get an apple certified technician to do it for you and maybe get the thermal paste reapplied at the same time. There are lots of you tube videos on how to do it if you'd like to have a go yourself.

check this out.
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