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What Should I get

  • 2.4GHz 20in. iMac

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Stock Mac Pro

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Windows PeeCee

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 21, 2007
Pennsylvania, United States
Let me tell you a bit about my lifestyle as I see it for the next 5 years.

Until Spring '09 I will be in school. Now I do go home but usually for a 24hr period, nothing major. I have an iPod Touch so when I go home I can use my wireless to check e-mail, surf MacRumors, etc.

Since Dec. 31st 2004 I have had my PowerBook G4, 1.5GHz, 1GB RAM, 80gb HDD. It is now out of APP and I am starting to look for a new mac within the next 6-12mo.

I have loved having a laptop for about the first 2 or 3 years. Now I find that I am using it more and more as a desktop [I have a Belkin iCurve for it] and it is just a little extra thing that I could take it places with me.

I run the FCP 4 suite of programs, Final Cut, LiveType, Soundtrack, Motion, DVD Studio Pro all OKay, and I frequently use Photoshop, InDesign, et. al. So I need a "Pro" computer since integrated graphics will not cut it.

Now that we have extabolished that I need to run all of those programs, the only other stipulation is that I would prefer to have an external monitor. AKA not an all-in-one. But this is not a requirement.


SO... my choices are a 20in iMac 2.4GHz C2D, 2gb RAM, and baseline everything else OR a Mac Pro stock except for MAYBE a different graphics card [that question next...] Its about a $1,000 difference to not have an integrated GLOSSY monitor [i hate gloss] and the possibility of like 4TB of internal storage that I will never need.

My question with the Mac Pro is what the difference is between the bottom 3 graphics cards. From the one I highlighted down. I might want to run dual monitors at some point but thats it. I mean I could run dual with my PB.

I still get SOME portability with an iMac, but compromise my goal of not having an integrated screen. But I doubt ill ever need the power of a Mac Pro to justify an extra grand.


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macrumors 65816
Oct 27, 2005
But I doubt ill ever need the power of a Mac Pro to justify an extra grand.

Sounds to me like you've just answered your own question. Although, it also sounds to me like a fresh macbook pro would be the perfect answer, esp. since it sounds like you already have an external monitor, etc.


macrumors regular
Oct 21, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Dude you already have a latop. Go with the Mac Pro and don't look back. Then you've got the power and the portability.

If you are serious about production, I don't know why the MBP would even be an option.


macrumors 6502
Mar 11, 2005
MI or NJ
I run the FCP 4 suite of programs, Final Cut, LiveType, Soundtrack, Motion, DVD Studio Pro all OKay, and I frequently use Photoshop, InDesign, et. al. So I need a "Pro" computer since integrated graphics will not cut it.

If this is what you do for a living, or use extensively, then you should get the MacPro. You are the target audience. It may be an extra grand now, but that machine will have a MUCH longer life than the iMac and over the course of 4-5 years will actually cost LESS than bying an iMac and upgrading later.

You can keep your laptop and use that to travel with, give presentations or demos, surf from the couch, etc.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 21, 2007
Pennsylvania, United States
Thats really why I made this thread. I plan on selling the PB if I can get at least 1.5G's for it to help offset the cost of another computer. its a 17in and if i throw in FCP i think I can make it happen.

I kind of view the Mac Pro as a computer for a production company, not someone that edits for some extra money and as a side deal.

I would like to know what the average life span of a iMac and a Mac Pro is. My school has ~20 G5's and one of them after like 2 years the motherboard crapped out. But this is after tards in my school have used it.


macrumors 6502
Mar 11, 2005
MI or NJ
Well, I'm not up too much on the 17" prices because it's much larger of a machine than I'm interested in ... But I'd be surprised if you got over $1100 for it.

As far as lifespan, my 800MHz G4 iMac is still kicking and works fine after 6 years. The major issue with it is the speed, HDD size, and the dated graphics card. If that had been my only machine, it would have be in dire need of an upgrade 3 years ago (speed).

We have some MDD dual 1.42GHz G4s here at school, they were purchased at about the same time as my iMac. They're still kicking too, decently fast and have no trouble with modern software (Photoshop, etc). If they were personally owned and had upgraded graphics and RAM (~$200-300) they'd be in even better shape.

The upgrade paths of the Pro Desktops really do add years to their usefulness.
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