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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Twitter has ended support for TweetDeck for iPhone, Android, and TweetDeck AIR, the company said in a blog posting today. TweetDeck first arrived on the iPhone back in 2009.

Instead, Twitter is focusing development on its TweetDeck web app and Google Chrome apps, and secondarily on its native Mac and PC apps.

Additionally, the company is dropping Facebook integration from all versions of TweetDeck.
TweetDeck is the most powerful Twitter tool for tracking real-time conversations. Its flexibility and customizable layout let you keep up with what's happening on Twitter, across multiple topics and accounts, in real time. To continue to offer a great product that addresses your unique needs, we're going to focus our development efforts on our modern, web-based versions of TweetDeck. To that end, we are discontinuing support for our older apps: TweetDeck AIR, TweetDeck for Android and TweetDeck for iPhone. They will be removed from their respective app stores in early May and will stop functioning shortly thereafter. We'll also discontinue support for our Facebook integration.
The company claims the web and Chrome apps will provide "the best TweetDeck experience yet", with those apps receiving new features first. The native Mac and PC apps will receive updates soon after.

TweetDeck for Mac is a free download from the Mac App Store. [Direct Link]

Article Link: Twitter Kills Off TweetDeck for iPhone in Favor of Web Edition, Drops Facebook Integration


macrumors 65816
Apr 22, 2009
I understand dropping it as far as keeping up on software updates, but why drop features and throw it under the bus? Why not just leave it for what it is?

Twitter isn't exactly a difficult process, I don't see why they couldn't keep up with both sides of the spectrum, also I would imagine people to tweet more so while they are out and about from their cell phones rather than their computers.. I can't imagine someone pulling out a laptop or running over to a computer every time to tweet something that just happened, but somebody will pull out their cell phone specifically just to tweet something.



macrumors 604
Aug 15, 2001
The Cool Part of CA, USA
I understood Twitter's open animosity toward 3rd party clients now that they're trying to build walls and generate money.

But killing off your own native smartphone app? Seriously?

This isn't an April fool's joke or something? What on earth are they thinking?

Am I missing something, or is it now possible for a web app on iOS to throw a push notification? If not, how is this anything but insane now that they're also killing 3rd party native clients?


macrumors 6502
May 11, 2002
Is Twitter trying to kill their business?

Twitter has a wide variety of client apps supporting their service. "We've decided we can make the best apps out there, so we're killing off other client apps by both not approving them and putting harsh limits on how many people they can support"

And now "Well, we've decided to kill our best clients, you all will go to the website now"


macrumors 6502a
Mar 30, 2006
I for one am glad any time an AIR app dies. Adobe AIR itself needs to go next.


Jan 18, 2005
"I like what Twitter is doing." -said no one in the past 2 years

Facebook will die because it changes too much.
Twitter will die because it's changing the wrong things.

(FWIW I use both for business and pleasure)

The Phazer

macrumors 68040
Oct 31, 2007
London, UK
Twitter baffle me. It's like everyone there in charge of software was dropped repeatedly on their heads.

Killing off good clients to focus on inappropriate websites, making boneheaded changes to their own software (the new "improved" search, lol), abandoning their own software...


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
Facebook will die because it changes too much.

I haven't heard anyone complain about Facebook changing in a long time... I've almost always appreciated the changes, though.

Twitter, on the other hand, has always struck me as pointless and silly. Maybe Facebook should offer a view where all you can see is the first 140 characters of all your friend's statuses... it'd amount to the exact same thing, minus hashtags and little else.


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2012

This is horrible news. I use Tweet Deck on my Iphone all the time. I like it a lot better than the official Twitter app. I also still use the Adobe Air version on my Mac Book. The non-air version is horrible. I just might delete my Twitter account once Tweet Deck stops working.:mad::confused::eek:


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
Isn't there at least one other viable Twitter rival that can succeed and capture Twitter's disgruntled fanbase?

Kinda like Pandora versus Spotify, direct competitors vying for the same space; if you have issues with one, then you defect to the other.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2010
Removing Facebook support? I may not like FB, but having it built in to TweetDeck was a lifesaver. I could just post to all of my required areas with one post instead of logging in to my different accounts. This is ridiculous.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2010
London, UK
Used to enjoy interfacing with all my numerous Twitter, FB, & LinkedIn feeds on a single platform but can't see much point in continuing with the product if Twitter keeps on reducing the feature set.

Probably time for me to seek other alternatives and perhaps an opportunity for some clever fellow to step into a possibly lucrative niche as TweetDeck once was before the Twitter acquisition.


Jan 18, 2005
I haven't heard anyone complain about Facebook changing in a long time... I've almost always appreciated the changes, though.

Twitter, on the other hand, has always struck me as pointless and silly. Maybe Facebook should offer a view where all you can see is the first 140 characters of all your friend's statuses... it'd amount to the exact same thing, minus hashtags and little else.

In my case it was the addition (a while ago now) of showing what friends had liked, it just clutters up my feed with unnecessary gunk. IMO it needs streamlining now.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
I haven't heard anyone complain about Facebook changing in a long time... I've almost always appreciated the changes, though.

That's because almost no one cares. As long as they can contact their friends that's all that matters. Sure I don't like the direction facebook is going, but they are not removing their core functionality like twitter is. Remove your own iPad client? Make it harder for 3rd party clients to access the twitter API? wtf? That's just suicide (in the long term) for twitter.


macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2004
Around the World
Didn't FB tried that before?

The company claims the web and Chrome apps will provide "the best TweetDeck experience yet", with those apps receiving new features first.

Didn't FB tried that before, only to get back to their iOS app?
As it turn out their web version on a cell phone was crappy and unresponsive!
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