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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
31,598 reports that according to a Norwegian music industry magazine (Faro Journalen), Apple will be launching iTunes in Norway on April 28th.

The editor of Faro Journalen, claims he has confirmation from four music industry insiders, three of them naming April 28 as launch date for iTunes in Norway, and the fourth saying it will be available in that time period.

Another article with the same information can be found at



macrumors 65816
Mar 14, 2004
It looks like April 28 will be good day for many countries. Hopefully, Switzerland will also get its iTMS on that day.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2004
If norway gets it but not Denmark I'll be pissed. It's a promising rumor though - would make sense if they introduced it to all of scandinavia in one go.



macrumors 603
Oct 16, 2003
I'm sure this also means iTunes Sweden and Denmark, at the very least. Oh, and I forgot to say that I think this is great. Finally I can stop buying CDs.


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2003
Stavanger, Norway
This is great news. For those who wants a translated version of the article, head over to clickety. is used to translate it, but tranexp atleast wouldn't let me use their free web-based translation directly from their site (Safari on 10.2.8) so I coded a small web-page to make it work.


macrumors 601
Jan 8, 2004
Back in the motherland
I mean I can understand you all get excited but I never quite get the point behind the greatness of iTMS. Sure it's nice to have a place where I can buy a track without the CD but ONLY buying from the iTMS???
Besides the often talked about quality issue of 128AAC the lack of songs is a big downer. I'd buy there more often for the occasional song but they are lacking so much.
700,000 sounds like a lot but in reality it really isn't. Double that and you could actually find ALL the stuff you want.

Anyway, nice for the people that actually use it, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys.


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2003
Tampere, Finland
mcadam said:
If norway gets it but not Denmark I'll be pissed. It's a promising rumor though - would make sense if they introduced it to all of scandinavia in one go.

scandinavian itms already exists as finland already has it - it is only the rest of you who are still waiting :D :D :D


macrumors 68020
Mar 1, 2004
Well I certainly hope Australia is included in this somewhere, we have been waiting ages over here and I would very much like to see the store actually happen.


macrumors 65816
Aug 6, 2002
samh004 said:
Well I certainly hope Australia is included in this somewhere, we have been waiting ages over here and I would very much like to see the store actually happen.

Me too! It was originally thought to happen somewhere in January, something about the new privacy policy being updated to include iTMS details made it even more realistic + they've removed the splash page of "you country is currently iTMSless"...

If it does happen, I wonder what the reaction would be, surely it would beat the WMA only Bigpond service.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2003
mcadam said:
If norway gets it but not Denmark I'll be pissed. It's a promising rumor though - would make sense if they introduced it to all of scandinavia in one go.


Not all of Scandinavia.. Finland already has iTMS! :D (sorry)


Moderator emeritus
Mar 10, 2004
Bergen, Norway
This would be nice... I need a place to get those hard to find tracks that they don't have at my local public library... :D

I would be more optimistic if the leader of Apple Norway was just a bit more revealing... all he said was "we're not commenting on these kind of assertations", not unexpected, but a little hint would have been nice... ;)


Moderator emeritus
Mar 10, 2004
Bergen, Norway
Windowlicker said:
Jealous? Haha! This is gonna end in a war.
Not really too jealous, as I've quadrupled my iTunes collection for free, and legally, using my public library... :cool:

And I don't think a war is necessary... but I do find it intriguing that two Finns are oblivious to what Scandinavia is, and believe that Finland is a part of it... someone's not having geography at school...? :p


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2003
Guildford, Surrey, UK
Seems reasonable to me…

Well, 28th April is the second anniversary of the launch of iTMS so it seems reasonable to expect a) some territorial expansion and b) some functional upgrades for iTMS if not for iTunes altogether.


macrumors member
Aug 23, 2004
Zaty said:
It looks like April 28 will be good day for many countries. Hopefully, Switzerland will also get its iTMS on that day.


It's looking more and more like other non-EU or non-Euro countries in Europe will soon be getting a store. It's already been confirmed by Apple Switzerland and Apple Europe that Switzerland will have its store by the end of the year - why not launch it together with Norway on the 28th?
As you know, I've never really been a believer - but now I'm starting to think that it's actually going to happen for us Swiss pretty darn soon.



macrumors 68000
Oct 4, 2004
Oslo, Norway
Just heard it on the radio. That´s great news.
Now it won´t just be one of the NORDIC countries that have iTunes, one of the scandinavian countries will have as well.
I am surprised that Sweden and Denmark are not mentioned, as their population are far more numerous than Norway.


macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2000
Melbourne, Australia
Confirmed - 3 new countries to be added

Currently, if you go to "Choose Store" on iTMS, you get a display with all the flags of the current iTMS countries. There are 15, displayed as 5 rows x 3 columns.

Apple is rumoured to add Australia - making 16 countries. This can be displayed as 4x4 - though everything has to shrink a bit to fit 4 across. 8 x 2 or 2 x 8 will not look pleasing to the eye, and require scrolling, or really small fonts.

Apple is rumoured to add Norway - making 17 countries. You can't make a symmetrical grid from that, so the "Choose Store" page won't look as pleasing to the eye. No way!

So, Apple has to add a third store. That makes 18 countries. 6 rows x 3 columns.

QED. :)

Ideally that third store should be Japan. There is a serious lack of Asian content in the iTMS (like - none), and Japan is a very big market for Apple. But no rumours of Japan, so this is unlikely.

I really wish Apple could organise things so we could buy from any country. Once we get the Australian iTMS, that will be great. But I would love to be able to buy J-Pop stuff from the Japanese iTMS rather than having to import CDs from Japan.


macrumors 65816
Apr 19, 2004
wow, great! Adds a little bit of weight to the Australian rumor (which I want to be true, but have been burnt so many times before). Hopefully there will be other countries too. The more the merrier!
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