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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 29, 2012
Would someone be so kind as to help me with a code problem.

set weatherWindChillSpeed to COL_YELLOW & "Like: " & weatherWindChill & degrees & " Outside Right Now / Wind Speed Is: " & weatherWindSpeed & " " & speed & COL_RESET & newline & newline & COL_YELLOW & "Wind Direction From The: " & weatherWindDirection

Comes out like this:

"Like: 76° F Outside Right Now / Wind Speed Is: 12 mph

Wind Direction From The: South South East

Relative Humidity : 40% / Visibility Distance: 10 mi

 Atmospheric Pressure: 30.09 in - Rising: 2 in"

What I want to do is to indent : WIND DIRECTION FROM THE SOUTH SOUTH EAST

So It would be centered instead of having it indented to the left


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 29, 2012
Total Script

 white_space : {space, tab, return, (ASCII character 10), (ASCII character 13)}
on run
	set pathName to "/Users/papabear/Documents/WeatherIcon"
	set weatherFile to pathName & "/WeatherIcon.txt"
	set weatherLocation to "USFL0378"
	set tempType to "f" -- "f" for Fahrenheit and "c" for Celsius … must be lowercase
	set COL_RED to "\\\\x1b[37\\;01m"
	set COL_GREEN to "\\\\x1b[37\\;01m"
	set COL_YELLOW to "\\\\x1b[37\\;01m"
	set COL_RESET to "\\\\x1b[37\\;37\\;00m"
	set newline to "\\\\n"
	set degreesF to "° F"
	set degreesC to "° C"
	set degrees to ""
	if tempType is equal to "f" then
		set degrees to degreesF
	else if tempType is equal to "c" then
		set degrees to degreesC
	end if
	set weatherCurl to (do shell script "curl --silent '" & weatherLocation & "_" & tempType & ".xml' | grep  'yweather:' >" & weatherFile)
	--set weatherCurl to (do shell script "curl --silent '" & weatherLocation & "&u=f' | grep  'yweather:' >" & weatherFile)
	set distance to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:units' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*distance=//;s/pressure=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set distance to (my trim_string(distance, white_space, "both"))
	set pressure to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:units' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*pressure=//;s/speed=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set pressure to (my trim_string(pressure, white_space, "both"))
	set speed to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:units' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*speed=//;s/\\/>.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set speed to (my trim_string(speed, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherRegion to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:location' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*region=//;s/country=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherRegion to (my trim_string(weatherRegion, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherCountry to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:location' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*country=//;s/\\/>.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherCountry to (my trim_string(weatherCountry, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherCondition to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:condition' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*text=//;s/code=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherCondition to (my trim_string(weatherCondition, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherTemp to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:condition' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*temp=//;s/date=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherTemp to (my trim_string(weatherTemp, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherCondition to COL_YELLOW & weatherCondition & ", " & weatherTemp & degrees & COL_RESET
	set weatherWindChill to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:wind' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*chill=//;s/direction=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherWindChill to (my trim_string(weatherWindChill, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherWindDirection to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:wind' " & weatherFile & "   | sed -e 's/.*direction=//;s/speed=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherWindDirection to (my trim_string(weatherWindDirection, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherWindDirection to (my windDirection(weatherWindDirection))
	set weatherWindSpeed to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:wind' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*speed=//;s/\\/>.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherWindSpeed to (my trim_string(weatherWindSpeed, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherWindChillSpeed to COL_YELLOW & "Like: " & weatherWindChill & degrees & " Outside Right Now /       Wind Speed Is: " & weatherWindSpeed & " " & speed & COL_RESET & newline & newline & COL_YELLOW & "Wind Direction From The: " & weatherWindDirection
	set weatherHumidity to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:atmosphere' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*humidity=//;s/visibility=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherHumidity to (my trim_string(weatherHumidity, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherVisibilty to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:atmosphere' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*visibility=//;s/pressure=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherVisibilty to (my trim_string(weatherVisibilty, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherPressure to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:atmosphere' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*pressure=//;s/rising=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherPressure to (my trim_string(weatherPressure, white_space, "both"))
	set weatherRising to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:atmosphere' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*rising=//;s/\\/>.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherRising to (my trim_string(weatherRising, white_space, "both"))
	--set weatherAtmosphere to COL_YELLOW & "Humdity: " & weatherHumidity & "%    / Visibility: " & weatherVisibilty & " " & distance & "    /    Pressure:" & weatherPressure & " " & pressure & "    -    Rising:" & weatherRising & " " & pressure & COL_RESET
	set weatherAtmosphere to COL_YELLOW & "Relative Humidity  : " & weatherHumidity & "% / Visibility Distance: " & weatherVisibilty & " " & distance & COL_RESET & newline & newline & COL_YELLOW & "      Atmospheric Pressure: " & weatherPressure & " " & pressure & " - Rising: " & weatherRising & " " & pressure & COL_RESET
	set weatherIcon to (do shell script "grep -E 'yweather:condition' " & weatherFile & "| sed -e 's/.*code=//;s/temp=.*//' | sed 's/\"//g'") as string
	set weatherIcon to (my trim_string(weatherIcon, white_space, "both"))
	do shell script ("cp " & pathName & "/png/" & weatherIcon & ".png " & pathName & "/WeatherIcon.png")
	do shell script ("echo " & weatherWindChillSpeed & newline & newline & weatherAtmosphere)
end run

on trim_string(the_string, trim_chars, trim_parameter)
	set start_char to 1
	set end_char to length of the_string
	set all_chars to (characters of the_string)
	if trim_parameter is in {"left", "both"} then
		repeat with each_char in all_chars
			if each_char is not in trim_chars then exit repeat
			set start_char to (start_char + 1)
		end repeat
	end if
	if trim_parameter is in {"right", "both"} then
		set all_chars to reverse of all_chars
		repeat with each_char in all_chars
			if each_char is not in trim_chars then exit repeat
			set end_char to (end_char - 1)
		end repeat
	end if
		return text start_char thru end_char of the_string
	on error
		return ""
	end try
end trim_string

on windDirection(theDegrees)
	set degrees to theDegrees as number
	if (degrees ≥ 0 and degrees ≤ 11.25) then
		return "North"
	end if
	if degrees > 11.25 and degrees ≤ 33.75 then
		return "North North East"
	end if
	if (degrees > 33.75 and degrees ≤ 56.25) then
		return "North East"
	end if
	if (degrees > 56.25 and degrees ≤ 78.75) then
		return "East North East"
	end if
	if (degrees > 78.75 and degrees ≤ 101.25) then
		return "East"
	end if
	if (degrees > 101.25 and degrees ≤ 123.75) then
		return "East South East"
	end if
	if (degrees > 123.75 and degrees ≤ 146.25) then
		return "South East"
	end if
	if (degrees > 146.25 and degrees ≤ 168.75) then
		return "South South East"
	end if
	if (degrees > 168.75 and degrees ≤ 191.25) then
		return "South"
	end if
	if (degrees > 191.25 and degrees ≤ 213.75) then
		return "South South West"
	end if
	if (degrees > 213.75 and degrees ≤ 236.25) then
		return "South West"
	end if
	if (degrees > 236.25 and degrees ≤ 258.75) then
		return "West South West"
	end if
	if (degrees > 258.75 and degrees ≤ 281.25) then
		return "West"
	end if
	if (degrees > 281.25 and degrees ≤ 303.75) then
		return "West North West"
	end if
	if (degrees > 303.75 and degrees ≤ 326.25) then
		return "North West"
	end if
	if (degrees > 326.25 and degrees ≤ 348.75) then
		return "North North West"
	end if
	if (degrees > 348.75 and degrees ≤ 360) then
		return "North"
	end if
	return ""
end windDirection


macrumors 65816
Mar 17, 2012
I could be wrong but I think there's no way of text formatting a string in pure Applescript. As you also can see your ANSI color codes don't quite produce the output you thought they would. I'd look into something other than Applescript if you want to color and format strings.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 29, 2012

I did it before but cannot remember how I did it...


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