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macrumors G3
Original poster
Mar 9, 2002
Remember our good friend Troy?

Well it seems he's at it again... this time with an 'invention' that see's through walls and stuff!! :p

Is it just me... or does it look a bit 'A Team' :p

rinky dink link


Jun 18, 2004
iGAV said:
Remember our good friend Troy?

Well it seems he's at it again... this time with an 'invention' that see's through walls and stuff!! :p

Is it just me... or does it look a bit 'A Team' :p

rinky dink link

It reminds me of a) The regular stories you hear about an ordinary bloke who makes his car run on a pint of piss at 300mph for 1,000mi and will have his invention to market in about a year then you never hear of him again. b) Every mad-professor super-villan who's invention ever so nearly destroys the world. I bet he's got a really fit looking daughter/grand-daughter/neice who just happens to be going out with an ordinary guy who by a stroke of luck is the only person who can see the potential calamity approaching and has just the right technical knowledge to save us all while still remaining cool enough to play quarter-back and be in trouble with his high-school principle, nothing serious just pranks 'n stuff.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 19, 2003
London, England
He's a bit late to the market with this, I have a device that lets me see through walls, in fact I have lots, they're called "windows"....

Do I detect a slight whiff of "scam" in this?

IMO it looks more Captain Scarlet the A-team.... :D


Jun 18, 2004
Surely any alternative to Windows is gonna get plenty support around here.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
I think that the suit in the picture is the one he tried to sell on eBay. Perhaps, if he'd been wearing it, he'd have avoided the "malaise" caused, according to "his friends at MIT", by "splashback".


Troy Hurtubise has done the seemingly impossible with his newest invention and defied all known rules of physics, he says.
All of them? That is truly amazing. I mean, it's hard enough just to defy one stinking rule of physics, much less all of them.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2002

Anyone else think this guy has seen Austin Powers too many times?


macrumors Core
Jan 4, 2002
There is another invention that will see through walls, its called a sledgehammer. :rolleyes:

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
I don't want to buy one until it comes in a handheld.

I didn't see it mentioned there, but I'm sure its powered by cold fusion :D



Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
Thomas Veil said:
I'll believe it when I see the pre-orders from hotel managers and college girls' basketball coaches. :rolleyes:
Geraldo Rivera has already ordered one to use before opening his next vault on live TV.


macrumors 68040
He could have just made a backscatter X-Ray machine. It doesn't say that it made the walls transparent but just that he saw through them.

His "Hyde" effect has symptoms similar to mild radiation poisoning...

I would love to see this gizmo in action though. Provided I was wearing a lead cup...


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
MongoTheGeek said:
He could have just made a backscatter X-Ray machine. It doesn't say that it made the walls transparent but just that he saw through them.

His "Hyde" effect has symptoms similar to mild radiation poisoning...

I would love to see this gizmo in action though. Provided I was wearing a lead cup...
The article implies that the walls become transparent:
Hurtubise said he could see into the garage behind his lab wall, and read the licence plate on his wife's car and even see the salt on it.

"I almost broke my knuckles three or four times, because it was almost like you could step through the wall," Hurtubise said.

"You could be fooled into believing that you could actually walk through the wall and go touch the car."
And, really, do you think a simple X-ray machine would require all of this:
The main unit, which Hurtubise calls the centrifuge, contains the Angel Light’s brains and includes black, white, red and fluorescent light sources, as well as seven industrial lasers.

The second unit, or the deflector grid, contains a large circle of optical glass, a microwave unit and plasma intermixed with carbon dioxide.

The third unit contains eight plasma light rods, CO2 charges, industrial magnets, 108 mirrors, eight ionization cells industrial lights, and other components Hurtubise chooses to remain tight-lipped about.
I mean, it has seven industrial lasers and eight plasma light rods. That must be how it works. :rolleyes:

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Hurtubise said he could see into the garage behind his lab wall, and read the licence plate on his wife's car and even see the salt on it.

The thing is, if this actually happened, why isn't there video or a picture of it? Riiiight.....

And if you have two of them and cross the beams what happens?



macrumors 6502
Nov 15, 2003
Chucktown, SC
Uhm, if it destroys anything that is set in its path, wouldn't that make this a bad thing? If I thought it was real, I'd be a little scared.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2002
I think the questions we all really want to know now that such a device has been invented are:

A) Will it help me download porn faster?

B) Does this mean the Powerbook G5's are here?

EDIT: WOOHOO! 500th post!


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
I wish that there would have been a picture of what the view is like. Until this becomes a little more portable, it won't be very useful.


macrumors member
Jan 3, 2004
I'm not as skeptical as the rest of you. Maybe it's just the conspiracy-theorist in me coming out, but I think it's plausible. It'd be pretty cool if it was. I don't think France would pay him $40,000 bucks if it wasn't at least partly for real.
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