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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


Patently Apple reports on an interesting new patent application from Apple describing the use of environmental sensors to generate screen saver content for mobile devices such as the iPod nano. As an example, the device could sense such environmental characteristics as motion, sound, temperature, or even camera input, using that information to provide the users with screen saver content relevant to the setting.


As one example of the technology in practice, Apple describes a screen saver displaying raindrops falling down the screen. By employing the environmental sensing, the device could automatically determine which way is down regardless of the device's orientation, allowing the screen saver to always display the raindrops falling downward.

Apple's figures for the patent application show a device that appears nearly identical to the current iPod nano, a square device with a touch screen displaying up to four icons on a home screen. With the text and images included in the patent application also addressing the possibility of using images taken by an onboard camera to inform screen saver activity, it offers additional evidence that Apple is considering adding a camera to the diminutive iPod nano.

Interestingly, Apple's patent application was filed in November 2009, nearly a year before the sixth-generation iPod nano debuted with the form factor depicted in the drawings.

Article Link: Apple Patent Application Suggests Camera-Equipped iPod Nano With Situation-Aware Screen Savers


macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2010
So essentially this says that if it's raining outside... I can look at my iPod instead of out the window?? :D


macrumors 6502a
Jan 2, 2010
Menlo Park, CA
Yawn.... Another patent that won't be implemented...

Does the Nano really need a camera? Why not put one on the shuffle and classic then? Like size matters..


Full of Win

macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2007
Ask Apple
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

This should make Woz happy.


macrumors 6502
Feb 28, 2011
Everett, WA
I wish some video games would do this (Pokemon for example)
Most people wouldn't like it, but I like the idea of it.
This kinda reminds me of WeatherIcon though.


macrumors 601
Oct 6, 2008
The rotating wallpaper doesn't look that interesting, but I wouldn't mind a camera back on the Nano.

As long as they could still somehow keep the clip as well because that is one of the main reasons I bought a shuffle.

Lesser Evets

macrumors 68040
Jan 7, 2006
I would be surprised by a Nano camera.
I wouldn't be surprised by a Nano camera.
Frankly, the Nano seems like worthless product category, and it should be shifted cheaper instead of clinging to a spot filled by a neutered iPod Touch which could sell apps and video for the company.

The current Nano is a mess for that price. Adding a camera would at least be something of greater a step back to 2009.


macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2010
I have the nano before the current gen with the camera, and I have never used it once in 1.5 years.

I really don't understand why it's there, I just don't see the point of it.

What I would like to see is making the nano bigger so you are able to watch videos on it again. I have used my nano on many occasions to watch films on - yea it isn't a massive screen but it's just about big enough to be able to still enjoy watching stuff on it. I was really disappointed when they made the screen smaller.


macrumors 68040
Apr 14, 2010
Washington State
My first thought... great, something to make the battery even less long lasting.

I love my 6th gen nano but the battery already is disappointing. I don't think it could support these features and not be sucked any quicker. Basically if you are just using basic function for the nano the battery lasts a long time, but it seems the more you ask out of it,it exponentially gets drained quicker. Some reason just being connected to my motorcycle helmet's speakers make that "24 hour" battery last more like 2 hours. And my 3rd gen Nano was able to go a whole weekend trip of riding without being charged on those same speakers. I think the only reason the battery on the 6th gen is 24 hour is that the ipod sips energy long as you don't have anything it is connected to take any power.

Add a camera and some sort of screensaver where it stays on? Specially fi the camera makes the battery even smaller? Yeah... good luck with battery life on that.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 25, 2011
Portugal (Porto)
Apple as all other companies thinks ahead about stuff... So it is possible that a future iPod nano gets camera and something like this for screen saver.


macrumors 6502
Sep 17, 2003
I just want the next nano to have stereo bluetooth. I'd think about doing one of those watch things, that way.


macrumors 65816
Apr 4, 2011
I would be surprised by a Nano camera.
I wouldn't be surprised by a Nano camera.
Frankly, the Nano seems like worthless product category, and it should be shifted cheaper instead of clinging to a spot filled by a neutered iPod Touch which could sell apps and video for the company.

The current Nano is a mess for that price. Adding a camera would at least be something of greater a step back to 2009.

Apple really dicked up the nano, that's for sure.
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