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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Reuters reports that Apple's manufacturing partner Foxconn has announced new wage increases for entry-level workers at its facilities in China, boosting pay anywhere from 16-25 percent. The increase, which comes as Foxconn is again under increasing global pressure stemming from reports on working conditions and worker rights issues at the company, is the company's third wage hike since 2010.
In a statement on Friday, Taiwan-based Foxconn said the pay of a junior level worker in Shenzhen, southern China, had risen to 1,800 yuan ($290) per month and could be further raised above 2,200 yuan if the worker passed a technical examination.

It said that pay three years ago was 900 yuan a month.
Foxconn says that its wages are already far above minimum wage standards set by the government and that it will continue to focus on training and education for its employees. The company also provides room and board for its employees, although some have criticized the living conditions centered around cramped dormitory-style housing with various reports citing anywhere from eight up to fifteen or more beds per room.


Foxconn made a significant boost to worker salaries in mid-2010 following significant scrutiny over worker suicides at the company's facilities. Initial reports had claimed that Apple was directly subsidizing those wage hikes, but Foxconn later denied those reports.

Article Link: Foxconn Again Raises Wages for Entry-Level Workers


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2011
Moscow, Russia
year, in 20 years, china (and others) will be comparable to america or europe. and brazil, india and others will be doing all the cheap job.
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Four oF NINE

macrumors 68000
Sep 28, 2011
Hell's Kitchen
Sometimes you have to do the right thing, regardless what anyone else is doing.

When you're number one in anything, there's a huge bullseye painted on your back.

Maybe the workers could form a union


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2010
And still they work 6 days a week 14 hours a day


Sometimes you have to do the right thing, regardless what anyone else is doing.

When you're number one in anything, there's a huge bullseye painted on your back.

Maybe the workers could form a union

Worker Unions are illegal in China. Only the Government can form them.


macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2010
I am glad that these poor workers will see a raise, but if Apple or anyone else thinks this solves the issue as a whole, get real.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2009
Redford, MI
I am glad that these poor workers will see a raise, but if Apple or anyone else thinks this solves the issue as a whole, get real.

Anyone who feels different, your point is invalid unless you personally have worked in those conditions.

Have you worked in those conditions, or do you have firsthand knowledge of what those conditions are?


macrumors regular
So, instead of having 30,000 Chinese people applying for 1,000 jobs; now Foxconn will have 50,000 applying for those same 1.000 jobs.

What is the rate of pay for the Textile industry? I'll bet those folks making shoes, shirts, pants, socks and underwear aren't making nearly as much - and are working in a much more brutal environment.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2011
Just a matter of time until the Chinese workers will become too expensive.

Then I guess we have exploit the African population. :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Mar 4, 2005
I'd like to know the typical taxes as well as expenses for housing, food, transportation, and utilities. If low, then net-net I may be better off working for Foxconn!


macrumors 603
Jan 20, 2010
Only $290 a month? What is the cost of living over there anyways? They couldn't even afford an iPad that they're making :(


macrumors regular
I am glad that these poor workers will see a raise, but if Apple or anyone else thinks this solves the issue as a whole, get real.

Anyone who feels different, your point is invalid unless you personally have worked in those conditions.

Wow ... just a little arrogant. Have YOU worked in those conditions.

Having worked with more than a few Chinese engineers, let me share with you a little cultural difference that you may/may not be aware of. China is largely agricultural in nature. In the Chinese culture, marriage is a really big deal. It's a huge deal. In a small village, everyone is expected to be invited to your wedding, and if the food or anything about the wedding is 'bland' .. you have insulted your neighbor. Failure to invite a villager is a deep insult.

So, many people work years (Plural) saving to pay for their wedding. But wait, instead of saving and scrimping for years - you can work a contract shift at Foxconn for 3 months or more; and pay for an elaborate wedding feast. What's more, you can work for 6 months or more and not only pay for your wedding, but buy a parcel of land to farm and immediately raise your family.

Many of those folk working at Foxconn are from the interior of China, where they live as farmers. Basically, subsistance living. They have no ambition to move to the city and work like this forever - this is a temporary job; this is why Foxconn provides dorms, cafeterias, medical, housekeeping and even laundry services. The Foxconn plant near Shenzhen employs between 250,000 to 450,000 people. That places that single factory on the scale of being the size of the top 45 cities in the USA. That is freakin' HUGE!!

These people have Foxconn to thank for this boon to their lives ... or would you rather that Foxconn just pack up and move somewhere else?


I'd like to know the typical taxes as well as expenses for housing, food, transportation, and utilities. If low, then net-net I may be better off working for Foxconn!

You sign a contract - from there your living costs are ZERO. You live in a dorm, eat at a cafeteria, use the plant medical center, use the plant laundromat. You have no living expenses at all.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2006
New York, New York
Just to provide a little perspective on how relatively well-off these junior-level workers are: a typical salesperson's base salary in Shanghai, where living expenses are relatively higher than Foxconn's campus, is 2,000 yuan.

That typical salesperson has to pay out of their own pockets to afford their own attire (suits, shirts, etc.), transportation, etc. Granted, they earn commissions on top of their base salary, but that's not guaranteed. Whereas the Foxconn workers, living on campus, most likely aren't paying for these expenses.


macrumors 68000
Apr 7, 2003
Good. Maybe this will help push Apple to diversify beyond China. Having so many eggs in one basket is never a good idea.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2007
Pay in us. funds means nothing, what you can buy or how to live on that sum is the difference. Comparing to other companies/ jobs they had before, did life improve or ?, looks like they have improved.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2010
I am glad that these poor workers will see a raise, but if Apple or anyone else thinks this solves the issue as a whole, get real.

Anyone who feels different, your point is invalid unless you personally have worked in those conditions.

Wait, so you've worked in these conditions?
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