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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Chair Entertainment, the division of Epic Games responsible for the first two games in the Infinity Blade series, has released a new game called Vote!!!. The game pits U.S. presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney against each other with the same gesture-based fighting mechanics from Infinity Blade.


Though the game only launched today, it has already drawn a lot of media attention including from Bloomberg:
The candidates wield lightsabers and baton-like microphones, facing off in the Oval Office, the White House lawn and the debate stage in "Vote," from Epic Games Inc.'s Chair Entertainment. The company plans to offer the game for free starting tomorrow on Apple Inc.'s App Store. It lets users of iPods, iPhones and iPads pick either the president or his Republican challenger, Technical Director Geremy Mustard said.

Chair Entertainment, maker of the popular "Infinity Blade" sword-fighting game, goes a step beyond political satire by working with Washington-based Rock the Vote for the first in-game attempt to register thousands of young people to cast a ballot this November.

"Gamers are a pretty hard audience to reach, and the game is a really fun way to keep people engaged in the political process these next critical two months," Mustard said in an interview.
Our sister site TouchArcade recorded this video of their first play through.

VOTE!!! is available free for iPhone and iPad on the App Store. [Direct Link]

Note: Due to the inevitable political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: 'VOTE!!!' Combines Infinity Blade with the U.S. Presidential Election


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2007
I wonder how long before Apple pulls the app and enables the KILL SWITCH. It does violate one of the app store guidelines, which is making fun of political figures.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2009
It will be nice if they show which candidate is winning once everybody starts playing, they can be like CNN show a map Of the 50 states * points to Atlanta where it should be Obama undefeated lol


macrumors 68020
It will be nice if they show which candidate is winning once everybody starts playing, they can be like CNN show a map Of the 50 states * points to Atlanta where it should be Obama undefeated lol

There's a % on the menu screen, was 52% Obama, 48% Romney. Later it changed to 53/47.

Is that the people choosing to play each character being updated live?


macrumors 601
May 10, 2010
*checks date* not april 1st, ohh dear.

My first thought, too ... No, mid of August ... Not a classical joke season


I wonder how long before Apple pulls the app and enables the KILL SWITCH. It does violate one of the app store guidelines, which is making fun of political figures.

But it's balanced with both side part of it ... You might be right though


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2010
Does it have a function where these two criminals kill each other so that a real leader can take the White House and lead the American people out of debt slavery?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2009
Does it have a function where these two criminals kill each other so that a real leader can take the White House and lead the American people out of debt slavery?
Last time I checked you have to have chuck Norris permission to include him any video game. With out he's permission video game chuck Norris might go to the dark side


How many hours ago was that? I launched mine around 10 hours ago. Opened it now and it shows 83/17

Well, at least among iPad users, Obama will win in a landslide. And considering that all of our sales reps and medical scientific liaisons in the field use iPads and IT hasn't been able to stop them from getting stuff like this from the Appstore, I'd say that includes a good chunk of older adults as well.

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
It will be nice if they show which candidate is winning once everybody starts playing, they can be like CNN show a map Of the 50 states * points to Atlanta where it should be Obama undefeated lol

Since when did ATL become a state? That's some fuzzy geography.

Well, at least among iPad users, Obama will win in a landslide. And considering that all of our sales reps and medical scientific liaisons in the field use iPads and IT hasn't been able to stop them from getting stuff like this from the Appstore, I'd say that includes a good chunk of older adults as well.

No, not iPad users, that's way too broad a universe. Among iOS users that chose to download the game yes. All iPad users, no, you can't draw that conclusion. Sorry.


macrumors 65816
Apr 5, 2012
Adrift in a sea of possibilities
I wonder how long before Apple pulls the app and enables the KILL SWITCH. It does violate one of the app store guidelines, which is making fun of political figures.

Sure, but I think it pokes fun at both sides evenly, doesn't it? No affiliation or bias? Should be safe.

There's a % on the menu screen, was 52% Obama, 48% Romney. Later it changed to 53/47.

Is that the people choosing to play each character being updated live?

If the devs really wanted to 'reach' the gaming sector, those numbers would be updated to reflect current polls, not some fictional gaming metrics.

Well, at least among iPad users, Obama will win in a landslide. And considering that all of our sales reps and medical scientific liaisons in the field use iPads and IT hasn't been able to stop them from getting stuff like this from the Appstore, I'd say that includes a good chunk of older adults as well.

. . . Why would owning an iPad make one more likely to vote for Obama? Or do you mean his character requires complicated multi-touch gestures to truly dominate, thereby giving the advantage to those with bigger screens? Or are you really stating that people with iPads obviously have extra cash laying around, who therefore are seemingly unaffected by the current financial crisis in this country, and who therefore aren't going to vote for anyone else to kick Obama out of the pilot's seat and pull the stick back as hard as they can to keep this country from plowing into the mountain?
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