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macrumors 68040
Sep 11, 2008
New York City
It's noticeable but from that to bring a deal breaker? Just no.

Is not like is so fuzzy you can't read on it. The screen is perfectly fine. And yes apple will introduce a retina mini and it will be better but for now this one is just fine.


macrumors 601
Jul 14, 2010
Phila, PA
It's noticeable but from that to bring a deal breaker? Just no.

Is not like is so fuzzy you can't read on it. The screen is perfectly fine. And yes apple will introduce a retina mini and it will be better but for now this one is just fine.

I find on zoomed out text that its fuzzy but once you double tap to get to the right size, it's great. Never thought I'd use a non retina screen but this isn't bad. I actually Love it a lot.


macrumors regular
Feb 23, 2009
My take.

My eyes started having difficulty in small texts (oh, the aging process!) this year. I always zoom in texts even on a big iPad.

Got the mini yesterday, really like the size and weight. But the texts are significantly smaller on web pages comparing to regular iPad, especially if you get used to the retina display. While I can still zoom in, it is just eye-laboring for long time web reading. I would say it is a great product, but the 8" format may not be the best for everyone.

I will keep it for most of the outdoor needs, but in house, in bed, I would say I still prefer the retina iPad 3. The size of the regular iPad is really not that bad, but the weight is significant.

The best wish? Like the other thread: a much lighter iPad 5 in the near future!


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
Also with how good the iPhone 5 is with LTE, how many people use an iPad outside of their house? Even if you's not like the normal iPad is a beast to lug around. I understand though for people who will carry it around all day b.c then portability is most important.


macrumors regular
Oct 11, 2012
I have both retina and the terrible eye bleedingly non retina mini and an iPad 2, I can't see the fuss, I'm surprised these retina or GTFO crowd aren't going on about its lack of flash ability too.:rolleyes:


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
I have both retina and the terrible eye bleedingly non retina mini and an iPad 2, I can't see the fuss, I'm surprised these retina or GTFO crowd aren't going on about its lack of flash ability too.:rolleyes:

Like me and others said. It doesn't matter to some and does to others. It's like once you have an HDTV, you can't go back. It's enough of a difference to me personally.

I would be totally lying to myself if I said it didn't matter.


macrumors 68040
Sep 11, 2008
New York City
I find on zoomed out text that its fuzzy but once you double tap to get to the right size, it's great. Never thought I'd use a non retina screen but this isn't bad. I actually Love it a lot.

Exactly how I feel and I don't think that's due to a low-res screen, I think it's because the screen is smaller period. Videos look great on it.


macrumors member
Jun 23, 2010
Exactly how I feel and I don't think that's due to a low-res screen, I think it's because the screen is smaller period. Videos look great on it.

It is because of the low-res. If you compare the same text in the same book in an app like the Kindle app on the Mini against a Nexus 7 you'll see that the Nexus is way clearer. I own both and will keep the Mini because the apps available are so much better, but it'll be replaced as soon as a retina version is available.

Everyone was so positive in their praise of the iPad 3 with its retina display, commenting on how bad it made the iPad 2 look. The same people are now noticing that the Mini also looks bad because of the relatively low resolution. Of course some people couldn't see just how much better the iPad 3 was, so perhaps they are the ones who find the Mini to be fine?


macrumors regular
Oct 11, 2012
Like me and others said. It doesn't matter to some and does to others. It's like once you have an HDTV, you can't go back. It's enough of a difference to me personally.

I would be totally lying to myself if I said it didn't matter.

If that is what you believe.


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
You either have to be blind or lying to yourself if you think it is almost retina. Is it bad, no way...but almost way in hell.


macrumors member
Oct 30, 2012
There's nothing wrong with preferring a retina display for backlit screens. Sure, my MBP isn't retina, but I'm not reading a novel for 5+ hours a day on it.

No, instead you're reading this forum, "macrumors regular".

It's definitely a matter of preference in terms of "which device should I buy?". But it's not a matter of preference when people are exaggerating to the point that you'd think the device is unusable. That's just misleading.

I get the sense that people who bought the iPad 3 are adamantly against the mini's display because they're not going to buy another iPad and they need to justify their $500+ purchase.

I'm glad I fought off the urge to buy the iPad 3 because I knew I wanted a smaller tab. Was even considering a kindle/nexus if Apple didnt come through before christmas.


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2007
i bought an ipad 4, returned it for an ipad mini, didn't like it so i exchanged it for an ipad 3 refurb, returned that for an ipad 2. then i exchanged that for an ipad 1 refurb, returned that too. then i decided to buy a gameboy off craigslist for $10


I went and checked the mini out yesterday and I have to admit that I noticed the lack of resolution immediately. The retina spoils ya.


macrumors member
Mar 27, 2012
Dallas, TX
I think it just comes down to individual needs and wants. I've had all iterations of the iPad and got a new 4 and Mini yesterday. Other than the screen being more yellow than I'm used to, the 4 is great. Is it significantly better than the 3? No. But I don't game, and someone who does may think it's fabulous.

I was convinced the Mini was going to be the holy grail for me. I was very disappointed in the screen resolution and didn't fully realize how accustomed to retina I'd become, but I can see where the Mini has its uses, and the form factor is great. For instance, I'd be more likely to throw this in my purse and tolerate the lower resolution just for convenience. I never do that with the full-size one. I probably wouldn't try to create a spreadsheet on the Mini, though, and I thought a lot of websites looked pretty bad in comparison to retina. And I won't be reading books on it at home, for sure, but it would work fine on the road. But...I thought even the iPad 1 was the greatest thing since sliced bread, so if I were stuck with only a non-retina tablet for the rest of my life, I'd live and live well. I still look forward to the Mini with retina. That is what is missing, for sure! I'm still not sure if I'll return the one I have now. It kind of grows on you. I'm more likely to return the 4 because it's so similar to the 3. Ask me in a week if I've returned either...I probably will be happily enjoying both!

3rd Rock

macrumors 6502
Aug 10, 2012
Over here
I was #2 in line at the local Best Buy and bought a 64 gb Black mini this morning. While it is incredibly light and small, I started getting headaches because of the small, blurry text (I'm 52). I exchanged it earlier this evening for a 32gb new iPad 4. Very happy once again.

Now I need to cancel the order from the Apple Store for the mini Smart cover.

Smart move. ;) If you don't like it, return it. Doesn't matter what others think of your decision. I did the same with the ipad 3. Returned it and got what I wanted, not caring about what others think of my choice.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2010
I was #2 in line at the local Best Buy and bought a 64 gb Black mini this morning. While it is incredibly light and small, I started getting headaches because of the small, blurry text (I'm 52). I exchanged it earlier this evening for a 32gb new iPad 4. Very happy once again.

Now I need to cancel the order from the Apple Store for the mini Smart cover.

I had the same experience..

Last night, I went to a restaurant and waited for a little over a hour.. they finally called my name but I was so hungry from waiting, I just went somewhere else..


Smart move. ;) If you don't like it, return it. Doesn't matter what others think of your decision. I did the same with the ipad 3. Returned it and got what I wanted, not caring about what others think of my choice.

But apparently this guy does care what we think, because he just had to tell all of us.

You cared enough to post in his thread, lol.

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