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macrumors 68040
Oct 13, 2011
i have been expericeing sync issue with iTunes 10.7

sometimes photos take forever to sync and sometimes they have been blurry and have to do a resync to fix the issue.. this is also on a device that is not yet supported (ipad 4) im assuming iTunes 11 will support this device since that is what it says on the box.

they need to get this out ASAP to fix those annoying issues

wasnt last thursday the day we had a ton of updates from apple? hopefully today there are updates and iTunes is one of them :)


macrumors 6502
Aug 1, 2011
i have been expericeing sync issue with iTunes 10.7

sometimes photos take forever to sync and sometimes they have been blurry and have to do a resync to fix the issue.. this is also on a device that is not yet supported (ipad 4) im assuming iTunes 11 will support this device since that is what it says on the box.

they need to get this out ASAP to fix those annoying issues

wasnt last thursday the day we had a ton of updates from apple? hopefully today there are updates and iTunes is one of them :)

I'm getting loads of bugs with iTunes 10.7 as well, it keeps freezing completely (sometimes to the point I have to force quit it). I think they probably made 10.7 as a rush job as they thought they'd have iTunes 11 out quicker...


macrumors 68040
Oct 13, 2011
I'm getting loads of bugs with iTunes 10.7 as well, it keeps freezing completely (sometimes to the point I have to force quit it). I think they probably made 10.7 as a rush job as they thought they'd have iTunes 11 out quicker...

iTunes 10.7 brought nothing new either just iOS 6 support


macrumors 6502a
Nov 23, 2009
I was worried about the release date until i realized Black Ops 2 is out next Tuesday. I doubt i even touch my Mac for a few weeks, so F it. :p

This, between assassins creed 3, halo 4, and black ops 2, my macs haven't been getting very much love lately.


macrumors 68040
Oct 13, 2011
well its not today either.. im going with wednesday the 14th since that seems 75% likely according to


macrumors 6502a
Jan 26, 2009
Santiago, Chile
i dont think they need to delay it any further, there is going to be bugs anyway. all software has some bugs, no matter what it is. wont there also be a iTunes 11.0.1 eventually anyway to get rid of more bugs, add features, etc?

they could have released in october with iTunes 11 and than in November released 11.0.1 with whatever bugs did not get fixed. probably will be the case with 11 in November and 11.0.1 in December.

what if there's one little bug that they can't seem to fix, and that's what drove them to postpone it? and what if that little bug is making iTunes 11 wipe out all your library? do you REALLY think it should be a good idea?

I'd rather they release it without "known" bugs.

This forum would be in meltdown if they released an unfinished product.

EXACTLY! the forums are starting to become a bit irritating with all the nagging about every. single. thing.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2007
New Hampshire, USA

I hope they are right :) any day before that would be a surprise though.

Interesting but I don't think previous iTunes releases can be compared to this one because it's been delayed.

I do agree with the point that they make that iTunes has to be out before Thanksgiving week. Employees will be home with their families and coming back to work the next week to release it doesn't make too much sense but I suppose Apple has done crazier things. :p


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2007
New Hampshire, USA
what if there's one little bug that they can't seem to fix, and that's what drove them to postpone it? and what if that little bug is making iTunes 11 wipe out all your library? do you REALLY think it should be a good idea?

EXACTLY! the forums are starting to become a bit irritating with all the nagging about every. single. thing.

I still would liked a public beta for those who are brave enough to try it out. I want to see how the interface feels and how I interact differently with my music.


macrumors 68040
Oct 13, 2011
if it got delayed to december than they wouldnt have the last week of the month either to get it out.. lets hope its out next week or im worried its been delayed again!


macrumors 68040
Mar 16, 2012
I'll be shocked if it isn't released next week but that cult of Mac article is bogus otherwise


macrumors 68040
Mar 16, 2012
If not this week, then last week of November at the earliest and likely pushed to December


macrumors 68040
Oct 13, 2011
maybe there is a chance we will get it tomorrow.. iTunes match was end of october and got delayed to November.. and it came out on November 14 which was a Monday... anytime this week though most likely.


macrumors 65816
Feb 26, 2011
maybe there is a chance we will get it tomorrow.. iTunes match was end of october and got delayed to November.. and it came out on November 14 which was a Monday... anytime this week though most likely.

I'd be surprised. I'm expecting the last day of the month.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2007
New Hampshire, USA
I'd be surprised. I'm expecting the last day of the month.

This doesn't make sense to me. Employees have Thanksgiving week off, why come back to work just to release something, especially if it's that close to being finished? You'd think they'd push it out before the holiday and come back to work on sorting out bugs.


macrumors 68040
Oct 13, 2011
This doesn't make sense to me. Employees have Thanksgiving week off, why come back to work just to release something, especially if it's that close to being finished? You'd think they'd push it out before the holiday and come back to work on sorting out bugs.

exactly bug fixes after thanksgiving or the release is being delayed again..
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