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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 2, 2013
My IPad 2 fell off the table and the screen have little problems sometime not always. I take some pictures.
Can anybody help me to know what is wrong.



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Aug 4, 2011
What is wrong?
Easy, you dropped it off a table.

Next question!


macrumors 6502
Apr 24, 2003
Madison, WI
Your LCD is showing lines across the screen right? Typically its a sign of LCD malfunction, obviously because of the drop. It could be the LCD cable got knocked out of place and needs to be reset, or more likely, you irreparably damaged the LCD and it will fail eventually.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
This reminds me of the guy who posted on another online site (a long time ago) that he had just cracked his head on an open cabinet door and it stunned him momentarily, he was bleeding and it hurt, what should he do?

In his case, the obvious answer was to go to the ER (in the UK, A&E). In this case, well....the obvious answer is to take the iPad to the emergency clinic (ie, the Genius Bar at the Apple Store).


macrumors member
Dec 4, 2012
Don't post any more thread in any forum, Just go to your nearest apple customer care and tell them about this problem. Only they can help you. Not any forum member. Because it is out of our reach. :cool:


macrumors 68000
Nov 15, 2010
What's wrong is that your iPad has installous...

On a more serious note, the blue lines look like your LCD is defective.


macrumors member
Sep 3, 2010
Same thing happened to my Dad's iPad 2 about 3 months ago, it fell of a table and the screen wasn't cracked, but the LCD showed the same lines as yours and the colors were all messed up. Took the iPad to the Apple Store and they wanted to charge $249. for a replacement since it was out of warranty.

Before replacing the iPad, we decided to go home and do a backup. Searched in google about the problem and found a thread on a different forum with somebody having the same problem. He recommended to hit the back of your iPad with your hand, palm open several times. Believe or not, after tapping the iPad several times, each a little bit stronger than the last, the screen went back to normal and my Dad's still using his iPad with no problems.

Try it before taking the iPad to the Apple Store.
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