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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 21, 2010
My app is currently iPhone only but I'm wanting to make it universal and implement a UISplitView for the iPad. I'm not sure where to start or even how to change it to a universal app. I didn't use storyboards in the app so I have a feeling this will be more difficult because of that. Can someone point me in the right direction?


macrumors 601
May 10, 2010
Are you programmatically create the UI or use IB ?

When you do it by code (e.g. Standard controls, simple lists and layout) or web view it quite easy.
Make sure that during app initialization you get the screen dimensions and place/resize the controls accordingly.

If you do it by IB you might end up in two sets of screens (I preferred the manual way).
Also make sure that the SplitView is not called on the iPhone; it would crash. I'm not at my desk but there was some piece of code to detect what device is used and if SplitView is safe to call. or will give you samples.
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