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macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 1, 2008
Vancouver, BC
Does not exist as far as I can see... How could any Apple Developer that worked on iTunes 11 not have seriously missed this feature?! Do they all get the entire iTunes catalog for free?!

Album view is useless as a result.

Another side effect of this and removing cover flow is that there is no way to see your recently added music with cover art.

:eek: :rolleyes: :confused: :( :eek: :mad:


macrumors 6502
Nov 4, 2011
I want to do the same thing with Artist view. I want to be able to sort all my albums in Artist view by Date Added or Rating but you can't sort by anything!!!

I think Artist view is a lot better at viewing albums than the Album view is!

Why can't you sort!?!? Crazy, crazy, crazy.

Songs view doesn't even have artwork!!

This is some seriously bad design. I hope someone gets fired over it.


Just give me artwork in Songs view at least.


The only view that I care about and is of value to me is Songs view because I can customise all the columns I wish to see for all my songs.

But, I need to see artwork next to my songs.

The Album view shows little information and you can't even order your albums!

The Artist view looks good initially, but then you can't add columns such as Date Added and again, you can't order by anything!! I want to order by Date Added and/or rating and other things.

The Genres View - again you can't re-order your tracks!!

Is this a joke?


macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 1, 2008
Vancouver, BC
Songs view doesn't even have artwork!!

Yeah, they can solve the problem in two ways... provide artwork in song view or sorting options in artist/album view. Not hard. :rolleyes:

I actually wish that the song and playlist views looked similar to the "Up Next" view.


macrumors newbie
Oct 1, 2007
Apple has to be kidding making iTunes 11 :mad: it's good but why did they remove Date added songs to sort them :mad::mad::mad:


macrumors member
Mar 26, 2012
I thought I was the only one. This irks me as well. I like to sort by date so I see the recently added tracks at the beginning. I hate that I can't display my tediously and meticulously organized library artwork! I want artwork back in "songs" view!


macrumors 6502
Nov 4, 2011

This is only for sorting when in Songs view which has no artwork!
Why Apple have made it such a massive ball ache to use iTunes I do not know. I'm looking for alternatives to iTunes because I simply find it unusable and frustrating at best.

iTunes 11 is a usability monstrosity and I really cannot believe that it has been released. Apple's usability experts must be non existent.


macrumors 6502
Nov 4, 2011
I really do not understand why this thread is not more popular.

These issues are my bread and butter.

It's funny how you keep realising that you are very different to everyone else.


macrumors regular
Apr 5, 2010
Yep, I agree as well. I miss album art in songs view. The fact that you cant sort in album view is stupid as well. When you have 27k songs all in albums you need to be able to change the sort order :(


And don't get me started about how they messed up the iphone remote app so I can't rate the music in my library from my phone. Idiots.


macrumors newbie
Jan 23, 2013

Hey guys, yes it appears that iTunes 11 is yet another product in a line of half-baked Apple releases that have come out recently.

So after struggling with this new release (I have yet to understand why they take AWAY new features with a new release - at least leave a toggle in preferences for those who actually know what they're doing to turn things back on, but I digress), I found a work-around.

Playlists can be viewed with album artwork, so try this. Navigate to songs and sort your music library by date added (add this in view options if not already). Then select all, and drag and drop into a new playlist.

Then navigate to that playlist, and in the top right corner, you can change the view to GRID. And voila!

Hope this helps!
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