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macrumors 6502a
Jun 4, 2002
Anywhere but here
My prediction is that the Supreme Court in a narrow 5-4 decision will affirm Prop 8 on the basis that Marriage is a state issue not a federal one. Individual states will be left to determine what constitutes marriage.


macrumors 6502
Apr 26, 2011
still not sure why people oppose gay marriage. opposing people has nothing to lose and it's a win for everyone else.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2003
Their CEO is gay, what would you expect?
So Apple backs gay marriage because Tim Cook is reportedly gay?

As someone pointed out earlier Apple has backed this while Steve Jobs was at the helm so your reaction is bogus.

And what about the CEOs of Intel, Facebook, etc.? Are they gay? I don't think so.

This claim reminds me of the days when whites who backed civil rights - HUMAN rights for African Americans were called ****** lovers.

Good grief! You'd think people would have evolved from such neanderthal mindsets by now.


macrumors 6502
May 21, 2011
Way to go Apple! Any business that supports equality is a good business to me. And nice use of the old rainbow apple :p


macrumors 65816
Oct 3, 2010
North of England
It's about time the state ignored religious dogma and paved the path towards equality and secularism!

Good on these companies for supporting this. Really cool.

Bye Bye Baby

macrumors 65816
Sep 15, 2004
i(am in the)cloud
I think this is great. Anyone should be able to marry any one they want as long as its mutual, no matter what gender they are

I don't agree with you. There have been limitations on marriage in every society. You can't marry your siblings, parents etc. that is a healthy limitation, no matter how mutual they say it is.


Feb 24, 2006
So since we are breaking this barrier, I can marry my dog now right?

I think your dog would be too smart to marry you.

The comparing gay marriage to beastiality tripe gets old.

A marriage is about consent. It involves both people understanding the institution and their willingness to enter into it.

Animals cannot speak, much less demonstrate any kind of understanding about human marriage. A human could never prove that an animal gave its informed consent so a marriage between man and dog wouldn't be allowed. This renders the "What next?!?!?! Humans marrying animals?!?!?!" argument laughable to anyone with a brain.


macrumors 68000
Apr 27, 2010
Provo, UT
There is nothing in the constitution about marriage. And rightly so.

The government has been involved in marriage because it has deemed the institution good for society. That's why there are tax breaks for married filing jointly, etc. The prevailing idea was that the government should promote marriage to establish greater social stability and make sure that children were provided for.

Those days are long gone. With the ease of divorce and the numbers of children born outside of a marriage, the government should no longer be involved in marriage. The problem is, How do you get out of it? Property laws, custody issues, etc. are all set-up. The government should get out of this altogether, but never will because everything is too intertwined.
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