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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 21, 2005
What are the permissions (Finder-File-Get Info) for my internal Mac Pro drives supposed to be?
I'm running OSX 10.6.8 and have 5 internal drives. I've created two separate users: a file-administrator and a "standard" user. For daily use I log into the "standard" user, and whenever I need to install an application etc. I need to enter my administrator username/password while there.
My drives are set up as follows:
  1. System (OSX, applications, "Administrator" user home area -SSD)
  2. File ("Standard" user area home area)
  3. Bootable backup (daily backup (Chronosync) of the "System" and "File" drives)
  4. Time Machine (hourly backup of the "System" and "File" drives)
  5. Cache (Photoshop, Lightroom, ACR cache storage -SSD)

The reason I ask is because I've been attempting to hide some of those drive icons on the Finder desktop using an Applescript (in order to avoid clutter with drives I never access anyway).
This worked fine for all drives except the bootable backup which I traced down to being an permission issue.

Unfortunately Chronosync tells me it can't create a bootable backup if the "Ignore ownership on this volume" feature (Finder-File-Get Info) is enabled, so that wasn't an option.
The next thing I tried was to create a new user (Finder-File-Get Info) for that drive, which in this case would be myself (the "standard" user). This worked, but I don't know enough about ownerships to understand if this can cause problems down the road or even security issues which I certainly want to avoid.

By doing a "get info" on each drive they're currently set as follows. Are these settings correct?:
  1. System ("Standard" username: read & write, system: read & write, admin: read & write, everyone: read only)
  2. File ("Administrator" username: read & write, staff: read & write, everyone: read only)
  3. Bootable backup ("Standard" username: read & write, system: read & write, admin: read & write, everyone: read only)
  4. Time Machine ("Administrator" username: read & write, staff: read & write, everyone: read only)
  5. Cache ("Standard" username: read & write, staff: read & write, everyone: read only)
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