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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 15, 2005
Houston, Texas

On Friday Apple accepted a new app of mine which is add supported. Today I went to check on my iAd stats and it doesn't look too good. The old app is getting both requests and permissions with a fill rate of >98%.

The old app is more popular with more requests but has ZERO impressions. The issue clearly isn't that the app is being used in countries which do not have iAds becaus look at the numbers in the USA and GB and Austrlia and Canada...

What I want to know is, is there something wrong with StepTracker's code that is preventing iAd requests from succeeding? Or does iAd just not like new apps or something like that? I remember SlothCam used to havea horrivble fill rate but it is much better lately but I thought that was just the overall state of advertising and so I thought my second app would have similar numbers.

Also, I should add that SlothCam is a utlility and StepTracker is a health and fitness app with a secondary category as utility.

Here are some screenshots of yesterday's numbers.

SlothCam is the old app and StepTracker is the new app.

This is StepTracker's iAd breakdown from yesterday.

If you want to try it and see if you see any ads, the link is at the bottom of my signature.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 15, 2005
Houston, Texas
In case anybody is interested (maybe not because nobody replied) after about 3-4 days of waiting I started getting ad impressions. Apple says this is normal. All new iAd apps haves a 3-4 day waiting period before they start getting ads.


May 1, 2010
In case anybody is interested (maybe not because nobody replied) after about 3-4 days of waiting I started getting ad impressions. Apple says this is normal. All new iAd apps haves a 3-4 day waiting period before they start getting ads.

A while back I searched for an app I heard about on a webcast show. I typed the name into the appstore and could not find it. I found a google link to their site that had the link to the appstore and there it was.

Most search engines will ignore new things for a while. I understand this is so that if you do a hit-quit scam, you don't get to move up the charts as easy.

I spoke with an ex-Apple employee and he said they look for new apps that have big activity. They look for some kind of scam so they can stop payments before it's too late.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 15, 2005
Houston, Texas
Interesting. Makes sense why they might wait a few days until your ads go live. I just with Apple was more upfront about it and mentioned it in their documentation.


May 1, 2010
Pretty much all aspects of Apples (and everyone else's) search engines are kept top secret. It's not supposed to hurt the honest developers, it's to hurt the people trying to scam the system.

Consider the number of apps in the appstore, everyone is trying to get attention anyway they can. They use other app names in the keyword searchs, they use similar name to confuse people into downloading their app.

Apple knows this and tries to correct thing.
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