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macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
Uh, the entire meta data collection program?

You know, the very first story that Snowden leaked. The one that dominated the news for a good month and is still breaking headlines.

Try informing yourself next time.

Oh you're trying to imply that metadata was private personal communications?


macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
Tim Cook? The biggest target is Google Maps. Also when you send a phone to a social media site. If you are uneasy about all this snooping, I agree. But to single out Tim Cook is unreality.

I was referencing this interview when Tim Cook was asked if Americans would be more at ease if he could tell more, and he said "I do".


macrumors 603
Dec 8, 2011
East Central Florida
Why is it a big deal that the NSA is looking at this data. I feel they serve a far better purpose than the companies that are collecting and transmitting this data in the first place for advertising purposes. The concern should be what someone who wants to cause harm could do with this information.

IMO the government is more likely to be hacked, compromising the information, than google.

US government is particularly incompetent with technology.

I would trust google more than the NSA, yes.


Oct 22, 2010
As long as they're foreign targets, it's fine.

US Citizenship - membership has its privileges.

Really? So if you are from EU its ok that they spy on you but if from US then its not? You remind me the famous saying below:

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."

Do you not see that this whole spying business is making matter worse for not only US but rest of the world?

Unggoy Murderer

macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2011
Edinburgh, UK
People like you are why your country is implementing filters on your internet.

No, it's because our country was lead by a bunch of morons until the current government came in. Unfortunately, delinquency on this rock is rampant through lack of discipline and disrespect for peers and elders. Lots of people like me - educated to degree level - are doing their bloody best to breed it out. The next stage is sterilisation.

And the reason for these filters is because of loony left wing idiots blaming society for their bad parenting skills.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
IMO the government is more likely to be hacked, compromising the information, than google.

I would trust google more than the NSA, yes.


So Google's facilities are secured by faraday cages and armed guards (among a million other classified/unclassified techniques) like military facilities?

Unggoy Murderer

macrumors 65816
Jan 28, 2011
Edinburgh, UK
So just curious... if the government (yours or any) decided to put a camera in everyone's living rooms.... would you not complain then either? I mean, you aren't "hiding anything" are you?
See, if it's being watched by some sort of computer - I probably wouldn't care, no. If there's some mug employed to watch my every move without due cause - then yes, and I'd feel compelled to make their life better by doing silly things to the camera now and then.

Besides, the UK is apparently the most surveilled population on the planet. And we still can't catch who robbed the local corner shop.

Also, whats the point of creating a ludicrous, exaggerated scenario created to downplay my perfectly real-world argument?


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
I have the same problem with the NSA that I have with Google.

Suppose they are fine entities which won't do anything evil with the data they collect. Everything is okay then, right?


Nobody, not Google, not the NSA, not Apple, NOBODY, is unhackable. They're massive targets with a huge amount of value for cyber criminals to hack. The criminals hack in, steal whatever they want (your intimate pictures, your bank information, the school your children go to, your daily schedule, your address... more about you than you know about you!) and can get away without a trace (if they're good enough to get in, I don't doubt they're good enough to disappear without a trace.)


macrumors 6502
Sep 14, 2013
That's one of the most naive things I've ever read.

Considering he had no idea that the government was collecting metadata, are you surprised?

Many of the people supporting the agency in this have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and are completely misinformed.


macrumors 68020
May 8, 2008
So why is it that it is ok for the government to spy on its citizens but not for its citizens to sky on its government? Exactly who controls who again?
You complain about agencies whose job it is to protect you looking through data that hackers who want as much info about you as they can get to steal you identity or transfer money from you to them have free access to. Its created by the companies who don't believe you have a right to privacy if it keeps them from making more money from your data.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
If this is the only rebuttal you have to make, then you've already lost the argument.

Feel free to explain why you think metadata is supposed to be private.

Didn't we have supreme court decisions that clearly state reading communications metadata, like addresses on letters, wasn't private?


macrumors 68030
Sep 21, 2009
Sigh, time to stop my google map directions of top secret uranium sites in North Korea from Iran. And I was so close...


Editor emeritus
Jul 10, 2003
Falls Church, VA

So Google's facilities are secured by faraday cages and armed guards (among a million other classified/unclassified techniques) like military facilities?

Also, the classified network is completely physically disconnected from the internet. the "breaches" you hear about on the news are of the unclassified (but still sensitive) networks.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
I don't see how what you suggest stops hackers. But yes, I trust google more than the NSA.

You have misplaced trust, then.

Government is far more capable of preventing hackers than any private organization.

Private organizations have very limited resources in protecting against hackers.


macrumors 603
Dec 8, 2011
East Central Florida
You have misplaced trust, then.

Government is far more capable of preventing hackers than any private organization.

Private organizations have very limited resources in protecting against hackers.

government and capable in the same sentence, lol

these are the same guys that enabled the snowden situation to happen in the first place.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
Considering he had no idea that the government was collecting metadata, are you surprised?

Many of the people supporting the agency in this have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and are completely misinformed.

Who had no idea government was collecting metadata?


government and capable in the same sentence, lol

I don't see any private companies landing robots on the Mars.. do you?

Or maybe you prefer spending $15 to mail a letter via FedEx instead of 50cents via USPS?


macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2011
San Diego
See, if it's being watched by some sort of computer - I probably wouldn't care, no. If there's some mug employed to watch my every move without due cause - then yes, and I'd feel compelled to make their life better by doing silly things to the camera now and then.

Besides, the UK is apparently the most surveilled population on the planet. And we still can't catch who robbed the local corner shop.

To your first and third points... this seems to be how most citizens feel. But the problem is that an erosion of rights is just that, an erosion (doesn't happen overnight. it is done in many many small steps). So we don't get from A to Z directly, without enough people screaming out... but we will get there eventually. And if you think that was so absurd of a scenario... take a look at North Korea. So they are executing all blood relatives of the beloved leader's uncle... women and children. Is that a ludicrous, absurd and impossible scenario? How did they, as a country, get there? Did that type of government/leadership happen overnight? And is that better/worse/the same as my scenario?

Kudos to your second point. They seem to be great at advancing the wrong kind of protections.
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Nov 25, 2005
As long as they're foreign targets, it's fine.

US Citizenship - membership has its privileges.

Everybody is a foreigner. Almost everywhere.

Really? So if you are from EU its ok that they spy on you but if from US then its not?

What he is saying, without realising, is that it is OK for the UK to spy on him. And for France. And for Germany. And for Italy. And for Spain. And for Japan. And for Libya. And for Egypt. And for China. And for Australia. And for North Korea. And for South Korea.
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