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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 30, 2014

I recently lost my iPhone 5 (it had the latest ios version installed) and my last backup was through iTunes 2 weeks ago.

I only have access to an iPhone 3GS at the moment.

Is there a way I can restore my last backup (iTunes & iPhone 5) to the 3GS? I would really like to have access to my contacts.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
If your 3GS and your 5 were on the same version of iOS, what you want to do would be possible. But since you say that the 5 was on the latest version (I assume 7.1.2) and the highest version that the 3GS can use is 6.1.6, then this is NOT possible.

Apple won't let you restore to a lower version of iOS with a backup from a newer version of iOS. They will however let you restore to a newer version of iOS with a backup from an older version.

Were your contacts in iCloud?

If so you can go to and login using your Apple ID to access them there. Or, if they were in Google or Yahoo you can go to those sites.
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