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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2005
in the internet
Hey all

I'm seeking some help for a startup I'm building called Everbarrel. The site allows consumers to hedge their gas prices just like airlines do. However, due to the differences in gasoline prices between states, I have to customize the site experience based on the location that the user says that they're from (eventually I'll try to detect it from their IP address)

My question is: What state should I set google to have when it's indexing the page? If you go to the root URL of the site it redirects you to a "choose state" page if you aren't logged in. I think this is obviously a bad idea to send a crawler to a state-selection page.

So how should I handle this? It's a bit like selecting a language, but browsers don't send the HTTP Accept-Language with a state...

Also, another question: What do you think of the idea? Is it something that you'd be interested in buying?


macrumors member
Jun 19, 2009
I would consider having a different URL for each state. Then give google a sitemap that lists the URLs you want indexed.
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