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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Mar 7, 2006
Salt Lake City UT
I am interested in "cutting" a photo into 2 x 3 or 5 x 4 pieces so that the pieces are rectangles of equal size.

What program is best for this? Photoshop doesn't seem to make this easy.

tobefirst ⚽️

macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2005
St. Louis, MO
What are you going to be doing with the pieces after you cut them? Are they just going to be printed, or made into a wallpaper, or what?

If you are printing them out, it might be easiest to use a page layout program like ID or Quark.


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2004
Open your image in photoshop, then go to the "view" menu and select "Rulers" (unless it's already checked).

Then click and hold on the left ruler on the left side, and drag to the center of the image... this will create a guide line. (if you have "View > Snap To > Document Bounds" selected, the guide line will easily snap to the center when you get close to it)

Then do the same from the top ruler to drag a second guide line to the center.

Now use the select tool (what photoshop calls the "Rectangular Marquee Tool") and click/drag from one corner of the image to the center... it should snap to the guides you just created.

Then simply copy and paste the part you selected into a new image... and do the same for the other three parts of the image.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I am interested in "cutting" a photo into 2 x 3 or 5 x 4 pieces

Even the most primitive of photo editing tools (iPhoto) allow you to crop. Duplicate the photo then from each crop out all put the part you want to keep. Or in PS or Gimp just select a part you like and "cut" it and "Paste" it to a new blank canvas.

Lone Deranger

macrumors 68000
Apr 23, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Yep... when you're done slicing, you Choose Save to Web which will give you the option of saving as a jpeg, png and bmp (as well as a gif). No tif's unfortunately.


cause i've been using Imageready and it's always .gif <-- mind you i only slice once in a while when i have to do an HTML project

good to know


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2004
Yep... when you're done slicing, you Choose Save to Web which will give you the option of saving as a jpeg, png and bmp (as well as a gif). No tif's unfortunately.

I can't get that to work in Photoshop CS2 - it only ever outputs .GIF files. Are you using CS3 perhaps?


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I only have an old version of Fireworks (2004MX) but even prior versions sliced and diced images with ease, including generating the html to reassemble them on a web page seamlessly. Obviously this was to allow various levels of compression, etc on each slice separately, depending on what was desired for web optimization. I haven't tried to see if .tifs are possible with slices - probably not since it's generally a tool for web page optimization. But... 100% .jpg ain't bad..
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