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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


Apple has started celebrating the first anniversary of the App Store with a special section on iTunes [link] highlighting their favorite applications and games. While the App Store officially launched on July 11th 2008, many MacRumors readers were able to access the App Store early after the 2.0 firmware was leaked early by Apple.

The special page lists several of Apple's favorite apps, though the lists seem to vary by country. Some of the favorites in the U.S. listings include (links to iTunes):

- MLB at Bat ($9.99)
- Brushes ($4.99)
- Ocarina ($0.99)
- Things ($9.99)
- Real Racing ($9.99)
- Toki Tori ($0.99)
- Eliss ($0.99)

The App Store has come along way in a year with over 56,000 apps now available in the App Store. While all of Apple's choices have their merits, the last game listed above, Eliss, in particular is an iPhone original game that makes use of iPhone specific multi-touch features to allow you to pinch and push together objects (video) to create the right size. The remainder of the lists contain more well know games such as Sims and Fieldrunners as well as useful web-companion applications such as Facebook and eBay Mobile.

Article Link: Apple Celebrates First Anniversary of App Store


macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2006
id like to see what apples numbers have been sales wise since the app store has opend up im curious to see how big of a proffit the app store has been for them


macrumors 65816
Jan 30, 2009
id like to see what apples numbers have been sales wise since the app store has opend up im curious to see how big of a proffit the app store has been for them

Me too. It's such a great idea, the whole App store thing. It's a good chance for programmers on a small budget to get a great start.


macrumors 6502
May 12, 2009
This slide says it all:


That was about a month ago...another 6,000 apps already!
And if you watched the keynote, the comment about Palm's App Store was hilarious and cracked everyone up.
(from WWDC '09)

Mr. Zorg

macrumors regular
Sep 5, 2007
Me too. It's such a great idea, the whole App store thing. It's a good chance for programmers on a small budget to get a great start.

A great idea with a low barrier to entry, for sure. Speaking as a new app seller, though, once you drop off page 1 of new releases so do your sales. Marketing is a must, but that usually costs a lot of money unless you try to drum up attention on various forums! :p


macrumors regular
Jan 1, 2008
id like to see what apples numbers have been sales wise since the app store has opend up im curious to see how big of a proffit the app store has been for them

i've seen estimations in the media suggesting the revenue was close to 1 bn around the time of the WWDC keynote. i would assume that apple books at least 25% as profit.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2008
The back of beyond.
Can't believe its a year already. Its amazing how many people must have benefited, from Apple selling more phones and iPods to the developers who have made a fortune on surprise hits.

Ivan P

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
i've seen estimations in the media suggesting the revenue was close to 1 bn around the time of the WWDC keynote. i would assume that apple books at least 25% as profit.

I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure Apple gets 30% of an app's revenue with the developer getting the remaining 70%.


Jun 22, 2007
Fieldrunners. Nuff said. It's on sale for $2.99 as of this writing.
All we need now is Plants vs Zombies in the app store.

Mr. Zorg

macrumors regular
Sep 5, 2007
I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure Apple gets 30% of an app's revenue with the developer getting the remaining 70%.
You're right. But Apple has the server and bandwidth overhead of running the store. Not to mention the people reviewing and approving each app. So while they gross 30%, I'd be surprised if their net was as high as 25%. If it is, they're doing great!


Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
It's good of Apple to have a "favourites" section like this as it allows users to discover great apps that they otherwise wouldn't be aware of. Having said that, some of the choices are rather baffling (eg. "Oz Weather" on iTunes NZ).


macrumors regular
Feb 7, 2008
They say it's your birthday

The app store I say is the real killer when you compare the iPhone to other devices.

I was waiting for a BART train the other day as was unsure of the schedule. I went to the app store and downloaded a free BART app. Amazingly simple.

Add in the latest OS which does finally bring the OS to where it should be and it Apple really does have the killer platform on its hands.

I would say the only issue left is AT&T. I spend most of my life on Edge in San Francisco. Compare it to the Verizon 3G card I have and AT&T sucks big time.


macrumors regular
Feb 7, 2008

Also a quick nod to Beejive IM. Their app is great with the push notification.

On the 4th July weekend I was in a hotel late with the kids and wife asleep. I checked who was on line and my Dad in the UK was on Yahoo starting his day. We chatted for over 30 mins on IM. I did the same thing on the bus coming back from Best Buy the week before. My Dad is 72 and this level of communication with him is very important to us both.

International SMS is really expensive so this rules.


macrumors member
Dec 8, 2008
Geez I can remember downloading my first app the night before the 3G came out, AIM. I miss the simple days where there were no ads "take an iq test" or free edtions plastered all over the icon. With a small range of usefull apps and not the monstrosity of a number we have now, 95% of which are useless if you ask me


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2009
Geez I can remember downloading my first app the night before the 3G came out, AIM. I miss the simple days where there were no ads "take an iq test" or free edtions plastered all over the icon. With a small range of usefull apps and not the monstrosity of a number we have now, 95% of which are useless if you ask me

totally agree.. anyway, keep it up!
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