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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 13, 2010
Leeds, UK
Hey guys

iOS 4.3 is causing poor battery performance. Went to bed at 5am this morning and 6 hours later battery has dropped from 100 to 93%. No apps or we pages are running and it had a reboot since I restored the phone rather than just updated.

My phone was jail broken before but all this has been removed. Before battery would drain at 1% every 5mins when in wifi. Now it's more like every 2 mins with a bigger drain when on standby and not doing anything.

I would expect a jailbreak to give poor battery performance but not the new software without it.

Anyone else noticed it? Have I done something wrong?


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
Big time battery drain.

iPhone 4. Never Jailbroken. WiFi and Bluetooth off. Five bars 3G coverage. Sitting on my desk with the screen off doing absolutely nothing.

Went from 85% to 53% in under 4 hours.

The camera isn't focussing either but that's irrelevant, I'm off to the Apple Store on the weekend to get this thing swapped out.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 13, 2010
Leeds, UK
1% battery drain when iPhone is in standby is perfectly legit :confused:

I disagree, On iOS 4.1 which is what I was on before and jail broken I could leave fully charged and unplug from charger overnight and It may have gone down 2% in space of 10 hours if nothing running. This time it's gone down 5% nearly in space of almost 5 hours.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 13, 2010
Leeds, UK
Big time battery drain.

iPhone 4. Never Jailbroken. WiFi and Bluetooth off. Five bars 3G coverage. Sitting on my desk with the screen off doing absolutely nothing.

Went from 85% to 53% in under 4 hours.

The camera isn't focussing either but that's irrelevant, I'm off to the Apple Store on the weekend to get this thing swapped out.

Are u on iOS 4.3? What was u on before?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2010
Noticed my Usage keeps creeping up too, and data usage creeps up as well - whilst in standby.

Example - over 10 hours in standby I have nearly an hours "usage" and 500kb data usage... what the hell?


macrumors regular
Sep 1, 2009
Cheshire, UK
Same here! took it off charge this morning at 8:30am 100%, now 3hrs later @ 11:40am i am down to 78% with just a few text messages and everything as it was before the update!

Thats on a 3GS :confused:


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
Are u on iOS 4.3? What was u on before?

Yup, on iOS 4.3.

Never had anything close to this sort of drain on 4.2.1. My 4G iPod touch running 4.3 with WiFi on has been sitting in my bag all day and it's only dropped a % or two.

I think there's something up with this phone, I just plugged it in and it's back from 50% to 91% in about 20 minutes.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 13, 2010
Leeds, UK
Well at least I know am not the only one. I am going to do a run down of the battery to empty today then let it do a full recharge and see if that helps.

Not very good though for 4.3 without jailbreak especially when I did a restore rather than update. I even reset settings too so it had a clean start. :( x


macrumors 68030
Nov 10, 2010
You folks check what kind of push/pull apps are running in the background or in settings?


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
You folks check what kind of push/pull apps are running in the background or in settings?

None. I have never turned push or notifications on. Mail is set to fetch every 15 minutes as it has since I got the phone.

This is something that's happened only in the last few days (I've been running the GM build) and it's a marked difference in battery life.

Last night when I went to bed I thought the phone wasn't responding but the battery was totally flat. Needed 20 minutes on a wall charger before it even booted up. This was after my usual day of very little use, the phone would usually be around 75% when I got back from work at ~6. Then by the time I go to bed and pop it in the dock to charge it's at around 70%.

Same procedure yesterday, absolutely nothing different in phone settings except for iOS 4.3 and BAM, no battery.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 13, 2010
Leeds, UK
(I've been running the GM build) and it's a marked difference in battery life.

Try doing a restore to the new final release like I have done and then letting it restore from backup once its done you dont lose anything at all and you dont have to set anything back up but it does a clean install. See what happens then and I bet its same as mine is... POOR!


macrumors 65816
Jun 8, 2007
I dunno if you guys are accounting for normal wear and tear on the battery's health... A brand new iPhone's battery is going to perform better than an 8 month old battery; 2% overnight to 6% overnight really seems quite normal to me over the course of a year.

My Macbook battery health dropped 12% in a year :(


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 13, 2010
Leeds, UK
I dunno if you guys are accounting for normal wear and tear on the battery's health... A brand new iPhone's battery is going to perform better than an 8 month old battery; 2% overnight to 6% overnight really seems quite normal to me over the course of a year.

My Macbook battery health dropped 12% in a year :(

We are not discussing over the course of a year... we are talking of overnight since we have done the new update to 4.3 battery is noticeable draining quicker.


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
I dunno if you guys are accounting for normal wear and tear on the battery's health... A brand new iPhone's battery is going to perform better than an 8 month old battery; 2% overnight to 6% overnight really seems quite normal to me over the course of a year.

My Macbook battery health dropped 12% in a year :(

The change in battery behaviour has occurred only in the last few days since I popped on iOS 4.3.


macrumors member
May 31, 2010
I tried iOS 4.3 GM and experienced the same problem on an iPhone 4. Rolled back to 4.2.1 and the issue was solved.


macrumors 65816
Jun 8, 2007
The change in battery behaviour has occurred only in the last few days since I popped on iOS 4.3.

I'll keep an eye on mine tonight and see if I notice anything out of the ordinary. I'm just always skeptical because it seems with every update people start staring at their battery meters and think battery drains happen overnight when in reality it's just been a slow process of normal battery health degradation.

If people are reverting back and getting considerably better performance then something is wrong admittedly...


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2006
As stated above this has already been done after I had done the restore and then restored from backup... I reset "ALL SETTINGS" .

Thing is the phone is running like a dream very fast and responsive.

Thats really weird. I took my phone off charge this morning at 5AM, it is now 1PM and i'm still at 95%

Notifications On
Location On
3G On
Wi-Fi On (no ask to join)
Push contacts/calendar
Hourly mail fetch

Go figure


macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2009
I had terrible battery drain on my 3Gs after one of the previous updates, as well as apps crashing all the time.

A DFU wipe, then set up as a new phone (rather than 'restore from backup') has solved the problem. I don't think it's typically a handset hardware thing - just needs the cobwebs blowing out


macrumors 6502
Feb 4, 2010
Just thought I'd throw my experience in here. I put my phone on the charger at night when I'm getting ready for bed and then I always take it off when it reaches 100%. I usually wake up with the phone around 96-99%, depending on what was running in the background (I don't bother closing apps, that's for android ;) ) Last night I did the same thing and my phone was at 88% this morning. 10% difference is a lot, but we will see how it goes on a full days use and recharge tonight.
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