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macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2007
Plymouth, MN
Problem is that it would only be apple devices. Not a wide enough spread to take care of the problems.

That’s why there really isn’t anything to panic about. The type of application where this could be even feasible is where device homogeny could be ensured. Say in a corporate environment that has standardized on iOS devices. In the general environment this would be useless given the massive number of phones by different manufacturers.

apple is in the process of revolutionising revolutions
One problem. This doesn’t exist at all and is pretty unlikely to ever exist in any application much less the one you are proposing.

The only way this patent enhances security is in conjunction with an on-site check to insure all phones are set in the camera disabled mode, and even then there is only a security benefit if the user could not re-enable the camera. If the user can re-enable the camera then the preceding scenario is actually less secure, as it would give the security force extra work with no payoff.

Of course this sort of thing would be enforced at some gateway with security and it would be enforced by an existing corporate lockdown policy that would prevent you from overriding the toggle. But the point of this is to allow you to keep carrying your device with additional restrictions versus not having it at all. And as it has pointed out before there are legitimate uses to continue using this device, even under additional monitoring or restricted. This doesn’t change a companies technology policies in general where one violation can cost you your job or put you in jeopardy of a lawsuit or criminal penalties. This probably would loosen the rules since before the company would just take your phone totally.

And this is just an option for a company to employ should they want to... It’s good for the company since it enhances security overall and reduces risk of people needing to use devices that by and large are containing cameras. Especially in a world where camera phones are the default. If anything, Apple wants to make sure something like this is desirable for companies and is going to tie it to using the iPhone.

If of course this ever makes it to market... It hasn’t.
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