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macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2007
I would have bought rMBP back in December when I upgraded, but I decided the convenience of an integrated DVD player (and to a lesser degree the price) outweighed the retina display. I bring my MBP with me when my family travels, and I like the ability to play RedBox rentals on it. Pick up a movie in one town, play it on the mac in the car, drop it off at the next town.

iTunes doesn't compete there. I can either plan ahead and rent the movie on iTunes before I leave (inconvenient and overpriced), or stream them over an unreliable LTE connection (annoying and expensive), or the RedBox app finds a movie for me somewhere along my route and reserves it for $1.29

And a DVD works in my hotel room regards of how crappy the hotel's wifi is.

I love MacOS, but Apple is in a wrongheaded drive for as thin as technically possible, and to hell with everything else. What happened to finding the right balance?

By the way. I have a rMBP for work. I really like the screen and the SSD. I couldn't care less that it is thinner than my personal MBP. Offer a thicker version with a DVD/BlueRay!

And SSDs are still too expensive. A thicker body would be really beneficial if it allowed them to put a fusion drive inside a MBP. Or they could always put in a hybrid drive. The only time my slow HDD bothers me on my MBP is when booting or waking. A fusion drive should take care of that nicely.

You're in the minority, optical media is dying but to be honest I haven't used optical media AT ALL since 2006. I ripped the DVD drives out as soon as I got any mac and replaced it with something useful like a second hard drive.


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2007
Isn't it possible that Apple for 2013 releases a 15" without a discrete GPU as the base model for the 15"ers to lower the entry point for a 15" MBP? Similar to what they did in 2009.

And at the same time kill off the lower priced non-Retina MBP lines.


May 3, 2009
This is too much.


Apple doesn't owe you anything.


You're in the minority, optical media is dying but to be honest I haven't used optical media AT ALL since 2006. I ripped the DVD drives out as soon as I got any mac and replaced it with something useful like a second hard drive.

Apple will likely be able to detect people who void their warranties by doing things like that. Apple has already eliminated the ability for users to upgrade via third parties, making a useful Mac that much more expensive in the process...

I should get all my application installers put onto hard drive. Optical media will be gone one day and I will not lease licenses from predatory do-nothing companies that have already shown pre-cloud products' new versions having fewer and fewer features of interest...



HD4000 can actually support 4k

Yeah, but if discrete video can't handle rMBP's resolution and Intel's integrated offering is slower...

I think Apple is doing the right thing if they use Iris Pro only for the low end model, but only if they manage to cut the price as well. Or include more RAM as standard, to compensate.

Apple's goal is to make profit, even if it means putting in poor cooling mechanisms, getting people to pony up $500 per system board update, and repeat the process when the replacement board peters out for the same "mysterious" reason.


Just get an external optical drive. They're cheap and just fine for the relatively limited use they get now. I work in IT and have used my external drive at work 3 times this year, and have used optical media in my home computers 0 times. Last time I can remember using it is installing Office on my wife's laptop last August.

It's a shame Apple didn't drop the price by the $20-per-unit savings or whatever it is... but that's Apple's decision. Companies are not obligated to pass any savings to the customer, even if the customer believes companies will do such a thing.


macrumors 68040
Jan 28, 2008
Vancouver, BC
My 2011 15" macbook gives a score of 10800. That means the new stuff is 20% faster in 2 years. meh.
I work tethered to a power cord so not really fazed by the massive battery life on my Pro.

In contrast Samsung phones are now getting 3000+ in geekbench (score I got on my 2008 15" macbook pro!). I reckon the 5S will hit that score too. That's be a 100% increase year-over-year.

Technology is slowing down at the desktop space it seems and moving towards the handheld space.

pretty cool eh?


macrumors 68030
Oct 25, 2008
Next-Generation 15-Inch MacBook Pro Shows Up in Benchmarks

Well, as they say it's much easier to go from 25-50 mph than it is to go from 225-550 mph in a car...


macrumors newbie
Jul 26, 2013

Just a few more weeks everyone! Expect to see the new RMBPS at apples October event. I've been holding out so long on getting one, its about time :)
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