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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
I figured that this would be interesting, to know how everybody got here, and what keeps them here.

For me, MR is the only place where I can "fit in", at school, I have no friends, and I have been outed from all of the "nerdy" social groups because of my Aspergers. At home, my dad avoids me, my mom is dead (and was an ignorant drunk anyways), and even if my dad didn't avoid me, all we really do is argue. At first, I came hare to get help when I got a G4 from a teacher, but then I realized that I am actually really good at helping people (at least I try to be) and I took a computer apps class last year that had a part on Google searching (I almost failed that class because it was in the only computer lab that could play minecraft), im better, but I will never master the search like Mr. Retrofire. This forum is better than my home, and I would like to thank all of you.

I started coming on here to find out about when new stuff was going to be released. Then I joined so I could post as I found I knew stuff I could pass on and I wanted to ask questions. That was back when I was just into iOS stuff. Then as I read more I decided to switch to an iMac and dump the PC.

I can sympathise with your personal situation. My daughter (11) has aspergers and finds it real tough with the social stuff at school. As I can't get out much (with her) I find the banter on here can be a welcome distraction. Things will get easier as you get older and don't have to deal with all that school social crap. Just remember the likes of Bill Gates, Richard Branson and others probably have aspergers and they did alright for themselves.

Dr McKay

macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2010
I'm here because I love tech in general, although at the time I had also purchased an iPhone and thus felt I had an excuse to hang around here :D

I also used to browse Winrumors before it closed, I also check Neowin and Engadget. I even look at videos of new versions of Ubuntu when they launch, tech in general excites me. I still check here for new apple rumours.
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