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macrumors 68030
Jun 2, 2006
ipad 2 is so blurry that i can't stand a change using it. but the mini is different, pixel density is more dense. much better.


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2012
Even so it looks much worse than iPad 2.

You are either lying or miswrote something. The iPad mini's screen is equal or superior to the iPad 2 in every way except for size. The definition is sharper (smaller pixels), and the rest is pretty much the same (IPS, LED backlight, etc.).

Even allowing for personal preferences, poor memory, and such things where somehow you might think the iPad 2's screen is better than the mini's, there's no way to say it's "much worse". Are you thinking of the iPad 3?


fanatics are a rude bunch nowadays

macrumors used to be civil :rolleyes:

too many immature people hiding behind anonymity
Yourself included.


Are you getting paid by Apple or somthing?

People have their reasons for like or hate things.

And in this case, their reasons are nonsensical. The mini's display isn't bad, it's just not retina-sharp. Somehow we don't bitch about our non-retina computers, and Apple still sells millions of non-retina iOS devices, some of which still have a lower PPI than the iPad mini...

But only on the mini is it somehow the worst thing ever in the whole world. You're right that different strokes for different folks and all that, but the haters are the fanatics in this case, and the guy you question if he is "getting paid by Apple or something" the voice of reason.

No one says you have to like the display, but it's drama queen absurd the way some people are reacting.


macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2009
I am really surprised how emotional people get over one device versus another. I sold my iPad 2 about 1.5 months ago. My wife has the 3. I went back and forth at the Apple store with the Mini and the 4. I ordered the Mini with LTE. No argument on the technical specs. I will use for mainly mail, RSS reader, web, and some TV/Movie watching on airplanes.

I may wind up returning it for a iPad 4; but the form factor and weight is so tempting I just have to give it a try.

Can you imagine if clothing choices were as limited as tablet devices? Everyone has to pick what works for them; it's great to have more choices. And yes I agree the next gen mini will be retina as that is the maximize income model Apple uses. Profit is a good thing, if you do not believe that read Atlas Shrugged.


macrumors 6502
Mar 28, 2011
You are either lying or miswrote something. The iPad mini's screen is equal or superior to the iPad 2 in every way except for size. The definition is sharper (smaller pixels), and the rest is pretty much the same (IPS, LED backlight, etc.).

Even allowing for personal preferences, poor memory, and such things where somehow you might think the iPad 2's screen is better than the mini's, there's no way to say it's "much worse". Are you thinking of the iPad 3?

If you agree or not I don't care. But that was really uneccessary.

And in this case, their reasons are nonsensical. The mini's display isn't bad, it's just not retina-sharp. Somehow we don't bitch about our non-retina computers, and Apple still sells millions of non-retina iOS devices, some of which still have a lower PPI than the iPad mini...

Exactly, no one is complaining because these other devices have better displays. It is real world experience, not paper specs. It's worse.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2012
If you agree or not I don't care. But that was really uneccessary.
What does that even mean? Nothing ever posted in these forums is necessary. You are basically saying people are allowed to agree or disagree with you, but only those that agree with you are allowed to post their opinions?

Exactly, no one is complaining because these other devices have better displays. It is real world experience, not paper specs. It's worse.
What are you talking about? There are countless posts here about how Nexus 7 and other tablets having better displays.

And it's not "real world experience" that's being talked about here. Real world experience is people currently use lower resolution displays today without complaints.

Apple even sells a lower res iPad today, in stores, prominently displayed for people to use and buy!

But, somehow, on the mini it is all sorts of negative hyperbole. Real world is truly, nobody gives a ****. The display it has is good, retina would be better. But to read the posts here, you'd think retina is a barely passable minimum, and anything less shoots sand into your eyes.


macrumors 6502
Mar 28, 2011
What does that even mean? Nothing ever posted in these forums is necessary. You are basically saying people are allowed to agree or disagree with you, but only those that agree with you are allowed to post their opinions?

Hardly. I'm saying that someone can have an opinion different than yours without being liar.


macrumors member
Oct 15, 2012
nothing wrong with the screen on the mini actually. the build is great, very thin,very responsive and i can read the text to it's smallest size.


macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2010
North Yorkshire
My friend brought his into work the other day, after reading the posts of woe on here I was expecting a really bad display and experience. Well, thats not what happened, I really liked it, display for me is fine.


macrumors 65816
Jul 11, 2008
It's so annoying to have people compare price with the ****** nexus or kindle.

Those devices cost less because they are less of a product.

You get what you pay for.

Apple will always be a premiere product, you don't like it don't buy it.

LOL riiight. Apple loves fans like you that believe everything they make is the greatest thing since the automobile.

As a owner of a iPad 3, Nexus 7, Motorola Xoom and Kindle Fire the Nexus 7 does hold its own. Both the Fire and the Nexus 7 don't feel like cheap products. They may be made of plastic but its not the same plastic that Samsung uses on their phones, it feels just as solid as the iPad 3 with less weight.

iPad 3 gets used mostly at home but when I go to work I use the Nexus 7 since it:
a) is smaller
b) you are able to customize the keyboard (a huge problem with iPads in my opinion) so I can type quickly and efficiently.

What Apple has done with the iPad Mini is sold less for more.


macrumors 65816
Feb 18, 2010
My friend brought his into work the other day, after reading the posts of woe on here I was expecting a really bad display and experience. Well, thats not what happened, I really liked it, display for me is fine.

my opinyon after useing the ipad 2, 4 and the mini
nothing wrong with the mini screen
the bad programs that look bad on the mini looks bad on the 2 and the 4
those programs where ritten in low resulotion maybe for iphone


macrumors 68020
Jan 29, 2010
Having read so much crap about the ipad Mini I was expecting it to be "unusable" "terrible" "awful" .....
The hyperbole is annoying, but couldn't the haters pile on in one or two theads--there must have 10 duplicate threads about how crappy the mini is. In fairness, there have been at least 10 to say its not that bad.


macrumors newbie
Nov 8, 2012
Try and hold your ipad with one hand while reading a book in bed for over an hour... Your arm hurts right?

Now... Do this same with an iPad mini. Better huh?

YES. After I got my iPad mini I literally stopped using my iPad. But I wasn't sure about ditching my Kindle yet. After a few nights reading with the mini, the Kindle has now joined the iPad sulking in the corner.


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2012
Pacific Coast, USA
suites you, doesn't suite me

everyone is different, my friend (and i tried it at the apple store twice)

don't tell me to stuff it

I concur.

However, the concept of individuality is often lost or misunderstood in Appleville.

The organizations' dictatorial ways tend to hamper otherwise intelligent human beings ability to think for themselves.

A side effect is a boorish attitude... perfectly normal, if not rather repugnant.


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2011
Alpha Centauri A
Yep. It blows my mind how much people bash the Mini when it's really a pretty good device.

I've had a 3 and 2 for together for a while, and often use my 2 just for reading because it's lighter. So I sold the 2 for a I have just as good a screen but TRUE lightness and portability.

Sure, I'll get the retina mini when it's ready. But happy as a clam until then.

What people don't realize is they bash it because there is a higher powered product. The mini is perfect for a certain crowd, otherwise apple wouldn't even release it.


macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2010
I think people can't comprehend that some people, myself included will gladly forego the retina screen for the thinnest, lightest device they can make. And if they make a retina that is significantly heavier or thicker I woouldn't want it.


macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2009
I think people can't comprehend that some people, myself included will gladly forego the retina screen for the thinnest, lightest device they can make. And if they make a retina that is significantly heavier or thicker I woouldn't want it.

Exactly my feeling, the whole point of the Mini is the fact it is small, thin and light, yet still easier to use than any other 7" competitor.

Any thicker or heavier and you may as well just use the 9.7 iPad.
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