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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 12, 2013
Hi Everyone,

Could one of you talented coders out there create me a script or something that could run in the background which tells Piezo to auto-record incoming skype calls?




macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2002
Skype is ending support for their API in September 2013. My first thought on how to accomplish this without the API is to detect when network ports are opened. Skype seems to have 3 ports open all of the time. Mine goes to 6 when a call is active and makes a stop at 5 and 4 after a call before settling back in at 3.

The code below gives you a start on this. Insert the appropriate code to start/stop Piezo where noted. If you get stuck post what you have back here.

repeat -- main event loop
	repeat -- loop when no call is present or Skype is not running
		if (callInProgress()) then
			exit repeat
			delay 15 -- sleep for 15 seconds before checking again
		end if
	end repeat
	-- initiate recording here between repeat loops
	-- you are on your own for this one
	-- I don't have the Piezo application
		if (not callInProgress()) then
			exit repeat
			delay 15 -- Skype keeps ports open for about 60 seconds after a call  ends. Recording will end somewhere between 60 and 75 seconds after talking stops.
		end if
	end repeat
	-- The only way you get to this line is if there was a recording initiated that has now ended.
	-- Tell Piezo to turn the recording off.
end repeat

on callInProgress()
	set pid to do shell script "ps -Af | grep Skype | grep -v grep | cut -d ' ' -f 4"
	if ((pid as text) is "") then
		return false
	end if
	set skypeOpenFilesCount to do shell script "lsof -p " & pid & " | grep ESTAB | wc -l"
	ignoring white space
		set openNumber to skypeOpenFilesCount as number
	end ignoring
	if (openNumber > 5) then
		return true
		log ("talking")
		return false
		log ("not talking")
	end if
end callInProgress
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