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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 16, 2008
I've used this code many times over but I must have done something stupid. I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS code 2 error in the load data subroutine. Its marked where. It happens on the first attempt to write to the array.


#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "RunSauce.h"

#define number_of_indices 66
#define number_of_stocks  10 
#define total_back_test_period 500
#define back_test_period 500
#define pretest 400 
#define OFF  0  

int main()
	int  index1, index2,  i,  day, *signal, stock = 0, top, sort, buy_count, sell_count, move, num_of_trades = 0, k, off = OFF;
	float long_profit, short_profit, gross_profit, gross_loss, long_total_eff, short_total_eff;
	float  ** index_open_array, ** index_close_array,** data_open_array, ** data_close_array, *sauce, profit = 0, *account, earlier_profit, initial_investment = 100000;
	char *dir, *list,  **index_list,**stock_list, *output, **date_list, *tmp;
	struct system
		char stock[5];
		char index1[10];
		char index2[10];
		int stock_location;
		int signal;
		int index_location[2];
		int k;
		float max_profit;
		int buy;
		int sell;
		int num_of_trades;
		float long_profit;
		float short_profit;
		float earlier_profit;
		float gross_profit;
		float gross_loss;
		float long_total_eff;
		float short_total_eff;
	struct system  **maxes;
	maxes = (struct system **) calloc(number_of_stocks, sizeof(struct system * ));
		for(i = 0; i < number_of_stocks; i++)
			maxes[i] = (struct system*) calloc(maxes_saved, sizeof(system));

	if ( (data_open_array = (float **)calloc(number_of_stocks, sizeof(float*))) == NULL)
		printf("no mem data_open_arrays\n");
		for (i = 0; i < number_of_stocks; i++)
			if ( (data_open_array[i] = (float *)calloc(total_back_test_period, sizeof(float))) == NULL)
				printf("no mem data_open array\n");
	if ((data_close_array = (float **)calloc(number_of_stocks, sizeof(float*))) == NULL)
		printf("no mem data_close_arrays\n");
		for (i = 0; i < number_of_stocks; i++)
			if ((data_close_array[i] = (float *)calloc(total_back_test_period, sizeof(float))) == NULL)
			printf("no mem data_close array\n");;
	index_open_array = (float **)calloc(number_of_indices, sizeof(float*));
	for (i = 0; i < number_of_indices; i++)
		index_open_array[i] = (float *)calloc(total_back_test_period, sizeof(float));
	index_close_array = (float **)calloc(number_of_indices, sizeof(float*));
	for (i = 0; i < number_of_indices; i++)
		index_close_array[i] = (float *)calloc(total_back_test_period, sizeof(float));

	account = (float*) calloc (total_back_test_period, sizeof(float));
	sauce = (float*) calloc (total_back_test_period, sizeof(float));
	signal = (int*) calloc (total_back_test_period, sizeof(int));
	dir = (char *)calloc(200, sizeof(char));
	list = (char *)calloc(200, sizeof(char));
	output = (char *)calloc(200, sizeof(char));
	tmp = (char *)calloc(7, sizeof(char));

for (stock = 0; stock< number_of_stocks; stock++)
  for (top = 0; top < maxes_saved; top ++)
		maxes[stock][top].max_profit = 0;
		maxes[stock][top].gross_loss = 1;
		maxes[stock][top].gross_profit = 1;

	printf("loading stock data\n");
	strcpy( dir, stock_file_directory);
	strcpy( list, stock_file_list);
	date_list = load_date (dir, list);
	stock_list = load_data(dir, list, data_open_array,data_close_array, date_list);

char**  load_data(char *dir_path, char* list, float **open_array,float **close_array, char **date_list)
	char *name, *full_path, *line_of_data, *close_s, **symbol_list, *cmd;
	int file_counter = 0, day = 0, i, symbol_number = 0;
	float close = 0, open = 0;
	close_s = (char *) calloc (30, sizeof(char));
	name = (char *) calloc (100, sizeof(char));
	full_path = (char *) calloc (150, sizeof(char));
	line_of_data = (char *) calloc (200, sizeof(char));
	cmd = (char *) calloc (200, sizeof(char));
	symbol_list = (char**) calloc(number_of_indices, sizeof(char*));
	for (i = 0; i <number_of_indices; i++)
		symbol_list[i] = (char *)calloc(10, sizeof(char));
	if( (FILELIST = fopen(list,"r")) == NULL)
		printf( "couldn't open  file list\n");

	while (fscanf(FILELIST, "%s\n", name) != EOF  && file_counter < number_of_indices)
			strcpy(full_path, dir_path); strcat(full_path, name);
			if ( (SEC = fopen(full_path, "r")) == NULL)
				printf( "couldn't open index file %s\n", full_path);
				if (PRINT)
				printf( "opened index file %s\n", full_path);
			day = 0;
			while ( (fgets(line_of_data, 200, SEC))  && day < total_back_test_period)
					close_s = strtok (line_of_data,","); //symbol
					if ( day == 0)
						//	printf("%s\n",symbol_list[symbol_number]);
					close_s = strtok (NULL, ",");
					close_s = strtok (NULL, ",");// date
					if (strcmp(close_s,date_list[total_back_test_period - 1 - day]) == 0)
						if (strcmp(close_s, "<TICKER>") != 0)
							close_s = strtok (NULL, ",");
							close_s = strtok (NULL, ",");
							open = (float)atof(close_s);
							for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
								close_s = strtok (NULL, ",");
						close = (float)atof(close_s);
						close_array[file_counter][total_back_test_period - 1 - day] = close;

						open_array[file_counter][total_back_test_period - 1 - day] = open;
	return (symbol_list);



Nov 25, 2005
sizeof (system).

"system" and "struct system" is not the same thing. If you have a variable "int system;" defined somewhere then sizeof (system) is the size of that integer. I'd always use something like

typedef struct xxx { ... } xxx;

so you can use the name without the "struct".

And why does it compile? Because there is a Posix function named "system". sizeof (system) is the same as sizeof (&system); it is the size of a function pointer; four or eight bytes depending on whether you run 32 bit or 64 bit code.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 16, 2008
Thanks I didn't realize that calling it system was a problem. Calling it systm didn't w.ork either so I stuck with typedef.
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