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Lil Chillbil

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 30, 2012
So now that i am hard at work on an actual script for a sequal to this *****flick I just want a rating on how bad it is. Keep in mind that the script for this one took 3 guys and chick 8 minutes to write and then 2 weeks to film and edit and post to youtube. This sequel I have been hard writing for the past 3 months straight, I am more seasoned on editing and writing than I was in january.

but heres the film that needs a good beating with a stick have at it with your critical hammers :p



macrumors 6502a
Sep 4, 2009
Not much really to say. You have said it all. Just watch your acting in future productions. Lets hope it is a good script.
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