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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 26, 2010
Hello Apple Community...

I'm having a very annoying problem with Finder. Of course, related to the SBBOD but I'm not interested on the many, many solutions around because none of them have solved my problem but deleting the finder preferences in order to reset it. So, here is the problem: from about a couple of months I cannot reset the finder preferences. I used to delete the in order to restore the Finder preferences to its defaults (and that way, killing the SBBOD) but 2 months ago deleting the finder.plist is not restoring the Finder preferences. I tried, for example, replacing the finder.plist with an old one I have but nothing right happens. I've created another Admin Account, and the OS works perfect there, also, deleting the finder.plist restores the default Finder preferences configuration as expected. I copied that finder.plist file and replaced with that one, the one from my main Administrator Account but that doesn't work either. So please, let me know how, please, how can I restore the finder preferences?

Thank you very much in advance,

Mart :)
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