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macrumors newbie
Jul 15, 2011
What, you can't have a discussion about the "best" something that isn't necessary? I'll remember that next time I hear about the best running shoes or the best beer or the best tennis player...

Anyway, I am also looking for a cooling pad for a macbook pro, although I would settle for one that's merely "very good". I want one with one or more fans in it though, and it doesn't look like the one linked to here has them?


macrumors member
May 16, 2010
Questions to ask yourself
1.) Do I really need this?
2.) Do I really want to lug this around with me whenever I take my macbook somewhere?

I've had a 15" macbook pro for a year now and have never once thought "Oh, I'd really like to have a cooling pad to bring the temp down." Just make sure you're keeping the macbook ventilated (away from walls/other crap) and you should be fine.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 2, 2010
I have this one for my 2010 i7 15" MBP. It looks good and the angle it gives the MBP is nice when typing. Let me say though the cooling thing wasn't the reason I bought it. I was hoping my MBP will maybe not get as hot, the load fans were really pi**ing me off. I actually bought it because it has 3 USB ports, and an internal SATA port where you can connect a 2.5" HDD. I have an older 500GB drive in there for backups. The fans of the cooler are fairly quiet, they make a deep, but "quiet" woooooooooooooooo sound :D not audible when my MBP is at 6000rpm. :p which it usually is.

Let me note though that it does absolutely nothing regarding heat. I didn't observe any change in temperature. Zalman posts like a difference of 20°C with and without the cooler using a Lenovo I think. Well temps don't even change a single degree on my MBP.
If your aim is to get your MBP to run cooler, forget it :p

If you really want to have your MBP run cooler, I recommend lots and lots and lots of ice packs. Put your MBP onto them, and exchange them for cold ones from the freezer every, I dunno, 10 mins :D
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macrumors 68030
Jul 25, 2002
Any slab of rigid material which can simultaneously cover all four of the rubber "feet" on the bottom of your MacBook will do just fine.

The "reason" for such a "cooling pad" is when using the MacBook on non-solid surfaces (a bed, a couch, the floor), spill-potential surfaces (kitchen counter or table), or just plain thermally-sensitive surfaces (your thighs), to give it a solid surface on which to work.

Yes, you can get one with fans as well, but if your MacBook's fans aren't keeping it cool enough inside (which is very different from what you might consider "cool enough" when it is sitting atop bare skin!) then a trip to the Apple Store is in order. More fans will just drain your battery and add noise (the former assuming a USB-powered pad; if you get a wall-powered one you instead deal with a clunky cord and if you get a battery-powered one you deal with dead batteries).


macrumors newbie
Jan 20, 2012
la Terra
Hotbook Pro

I use my 15" inch Macbook Pro every day for work. I use it on my lap. I need a cooling pad for sure...but I can't really find one suitable so I started using ice pack I keep in the freezer wrapped in a cushy towel. It cools down my macbook and keep my legs cooler too.

That's a DIY fo sho!



macrumors newbie
Aug 15, 2013
Cooing Pads and/or MacBookPro Heat

Its a legitimate question with too many snarky posting less than courteous answers. Have a heart for people (even novices) trying to deal with a legitimate issue.

The truth is the MacBook Pro burns hot on the laps of its users. Depending on outdoor or indoor temperatures it can get very hot very fast and burn your lap in no time.

As a broadcast professional my first success was finding a high quality Targus pad I picked up at Costco a few years ago for $30.00. It is manageable for use though with the AC power on and feeding its power hungry source. Battery power will drain rather fast.

When I use the MBP in the field (such as my Jeep Grand Cherokee) The targus cooling pad off a DC power source its also fine.

The long term answer for the best cooling pad? A Macbook Air. The writers I associate with claim its the best solution for those of us who write novels for a living and need the use of a good laptop computer for use wherever we are. The latest version seems to work very well.

Have to say the best counsel here has been the ice pads in a towel. Smart. Even a Targus cooling pad turned off or not drawing USB power from your MBP seems wise as well. Anything to lift the MBP off your body and give some type of air flow helps.

From my work in Television control rooms Air Conditioning is the best resolve. In the Jeep, on the go, editing packages and working in the field being close to an air conditioner source keeps all broadcast and computer equipment running optimal. In the Jeep, on the targus pad with the AC directed at the console glove box as a work station desk works wonders on the MacBook Pro and keeping from burning yourself or your vehicle.

The best solution again is a MacBook Air. Reasonably priced these days and a far better solution than burning yourself or being burned with less than professional people able to answer a simple question with some civility. Mac users used to be the best fraternity on the planet. Seems a few aliens have obviously slipped in. Hope this saves future searchers the frustration I found when looking for legitimate answers to a common problem.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 28, 2012
Just keep in mind that the pad will be cooling your lap, not the MBP, because the MBP fans don't draw air through the bottom. So, for example, if you frequently wear shorts, choose a pad that will feel good against bare legs and leave no or few marks.

Good luck.


macrumors 65816
Jun 28, 2012
The long term answer for the best cooling pad? A Macbook Air. The writers I associate with claim its the best solution for those of us who write novels for a living and need the use of a good laptop computer for use wherever we are. The latest version seems to work very well.

I'm a writer -- white papers and other technical stuff rather than novels -- and I agree that the MBA stays pretty cool, even when I take a break to watch YouTube. It's also amazingly silent. I bought mine in July 2012, and I've heard the fans only once: when I was upgrading from Lion to Mountain Lion. Great machine.


macrumors demi-god
Apr 27, 2011
I use a Logitech N315 Lapdesk. It has friction covering on top and bottom so the MBP doesn't slide off. Isolates my legs from the heat. Doesn't provide any cooling to the MBP but it does allow airflow around it. It has a slide out mouse pad if you want to use one. Even when playing videos, my legs never get warm.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2006
Questions to ask yourself
1.) Do I really need this?
2.) Do I really want to lug this around with me whenever I take my macbook somewhere?

I've had a 15" macbook pro for a year now and have never once thought "Oh, I'd really like to have a cooling pad to bring the temp down." Just make sure you're keeping the macbook ventilated (away from walls/other crap) and you should be fine.

YES, YES... YES!!!

My 2006 15" MBP recently died because the X1600 got cold solder points (from overheating). I've replaced the X1600 using a more heat resistant solder, however keeping my machine cool is now paramount because I realise what too much heat can do.

FWIW mine was turned on for 12+ hours a day on a desk in a VERY humid country. The bottom got VERY VERY... VERY hot. If I can run it without the logic board getting so hot (e.g. through better air circulation) then I will because replacing the X1600 was a cow and I don't want to have to replace it (or other parts) any time soon.

Sorry I'm too poor to replace it with a 'modern' machine. I know Apple classifies my machine as 'vintage', but November 2006 wasn't THAT long ago!! This machine has a good 5+ years left in it for word processing/internet browsing. It got me a masters degree and is currently getting me a law degree, so IS useful!!


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2006
Please make some suggestions for models designed for retina macbook pro 15'.


macrumors 601
Please make some suggestions for models designed for retina macbook pro 15'.

Wow, is that a custom built unit for long-limbed, giant-handed people? Two canoe tarps back to back might work. :D

In all seriousness, there are all kinds of cooling pads available for 13" or 15" MBPs, if you can be bothered with the inconvenience of schlepping them with you, everywhere you go. If all you're worried about is burning your lap, any old damp, folded-over towel will do.

For flat surfaces such as desks, I use these:, and more for the tilted angle, than the heat.
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macrumors member
Jul 1, 2010
Cooling Pad for Mac

I use Rain, 17 in. and 15 in. The best advantage is comfort. Made of aluminum. Passive system, no fan. Can lift and carry Mac around without handleing computer itself. Expensive. For HP 17 inch, the fans are powered by plugging into the usb port. Without cooling I had a connection on Mother Board melt. All is well now.


macrumors newbie
Jun 12, 2013
PLEASE stop the SICASIM.....!!!

See the thing about people responding to forums is quite simple.
1) generally a individual will ask a question or request knowledge. ONLY those with positive or necessary information regarding the topic should reply. And those that replay back with unnecessary condescending remark should JUST SHUT THE F:.@k Up and get a life.
2) The guy ask a simple question,,,easy nooooo. Those Persons who seem to think they need to response with irrelevant information and stupid remarks. :mad: NO we don't want you condescending stupid irrelevant remarks....k,, THAT EASY,,,,,, isn't it....(think)??

See those of us who live in a warmer\hotter climate require additional cooling system for living and or devices. So yes I too would appreciate relevant logical feedback regarding responses ONLY the topic of this thread.....!


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2006
I use Rain, 17 in. and 15 in. The best advantage is comfort. Made of aluminum. Passive system, no fan. Can lift and carry Mac around without handleing computer itself. Expensive. For HP 17 inch, the fans are powered by plugging into the usb port. Without cooling I had a connection on Mother Board melt. All is well now.

I can't find a link. Can you give it?


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2006
Almost all coolers are black, and not designed specifically for macbook pro.
Bigger, or smaller dimensions etc.
And not silver/aluminum.

I recognize that the most important thing is cooling itself.
But I would like to have a cooler with identical dimensions with my rmbp, and with aluminum body or at least silver color.
Nothing like this seems to exist on the market.


macrumors 6502a
May 12, 2007
... those that replay back with unnecessary condescending remark should JUST SHUT THE F:.@k Up...

You seem to forget that wars have been fought and millions of lives have been lost for the right to say whatever we want, even if it's condescending.


Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Rain Designs iLap has worked well for me; I have one for the 17" MBP and one for a 15" MBP. Right now my new 13" rMBP is sitting on the 15" iLap until I can get one that is the proper size for this machine.

Why a cooling pad or stand? The earlier MBPs used to get pretty darned hot and very uncomfortable on my lap. Also, the iLap looks nice on the desk and protects the bottom of the rMBP from rough or possibly dirty surfaces. It also protects the machine if any liquid or food is nearby -- reduces the possibility of the machine sitting in a puddle of spilled liquid. The iLap works great just about anywhere -- on a bed, on the sofa, or on a table or desk.

For years I also have had something really nifty for travel -- APC used to make this thing that folds up like a folding fan -- when opened, it creates a handy 4-legged surface upon which to rest a laptop. I don't think they make them any more, or at least I didn't see anything when I checked online.

As far as actual need for cooling, per se, I don't think it hurts to have more air flow around any computer or electronic device. My Mac Mini, for instance, I elevate on an aluminum trivet to create more air flow around and under it, and ditto for my Airport Extreme.
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