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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 22, 2011
Hey all,
I have an nsmutablearray declared in interface:

@interface UnitsDetailViewController : UITableViewController
NSMutableArray *units;

Then I try to add objects to it (and I verified that the objects exist via NSLog):
            NSLog(@"the units object contains %@", [unit objectForKey:@"id"]);
            NSLog(@"the units object contains %@", [unit objectForKey:@"name"]);

            Unit *model = [[Unit alloc] init];
            model.unit_id = [unit objectForKey:@"id"];
   = [unit objectForKey:@"name"];
            NSLog(@"the model property contains %@", model.unit_id);
            NSLog(@"the model property contains %@",;
            NSLog(@"the model itself contains %@", model); //<Unit: 0x6bc6150>

            [units addObject:model];
            NSLog(@"the units object contains %@", units);

Yet the last NSLog above where I evaluate value of units, it returns null. I expect it to return an array of objects.

thanks for response


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2005
Dallas, TX
You may be left wondering why you were allowed to add an item when you never allocated an array. The reason is that you can send messages to nil and they don't fail, it's just a no-op. This can be helpful when you know it and do this purposefully, but obviously can cause some confusion. Alloc and init yourself an array (perhaps in your init, or lazy load when you need it) and you should be good to go.

Where are you learning from? Your posts have shown some gaps in your basic understanding, which is completely normal for a beginner, but you should have a resource other than us to learn from.



macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2008
Where are you learning from? Your posts have shown some gaps in your basic understanding, which is completely normal for a beginner, but you should have a resource other than us to learn from.



In your interface, what you're doing is (merely) telling the rest of your code that if they use that class, the variable (in this case "unit") is available for that other code to use.

In your implementation (which you have labeled "code"), you need to allocate and initialize that variable, then put stuff in it. You should be able to send an allocate message to the NSMutableArray class, then send a initialize message to the result, then assign that to the variable.


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 22, 2011
Thanks for responses. Everyone was right here. I didnt initialize the array. I just declared it. I should have known this.
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