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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 21, 2009
Up There
I want the apple logo to stay on when the lid is closed, is there an app that'll do that?

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macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
The logo is lit up because it's a hole in the back of the display.

If the computer is asleep then the display is off = no lit logo.


macrumors 603
Oct 31, 2010
Hamilton, Ontario
The logo is lit up because it's a hole in the back of the display.

If the computer is asleep then the display is off = no lit logo.


in theory it should be possible all my windows laptops had options that closing the lid did nothing meaning it wouldn't put the computer to sleep but mac looks like thats not an option


macrumors 603
Mar 14, 2008
For this to work you'd need to have the screen remain powered and lit at all times. I think there is a hardware switch with magnets that prevents this working when you close the lid.

That and the fact that the display backlight is a huge battery drainer, you'd seriously cripple your battery life if it stayed on while the computer sleeps.


macrumors 65816
Oct 2, 2011
Same reason you don't leave your lights on when you leave your car. It's stupid and pointless.

+1. Not to mention you're wasting battery. The only reason I can think of for wanting to do this is to show off to people around you that you've got a MBP. Big whoop, the reality is nobody gives a crap.


macrumors 603
Oct 31, 2010
Hamilton, Ontario
For this to work you'd need to have the screen remain powered and lit at all times. I think there is a hardware switch with magnets that prevents this working when you close the lid.

That and the fact that the display backlight is a huge battery drainer, you'd seriously cripple your battery life if it stayed on while the computer sleeps.

not any more that using caffein and keeping the lid open, but you might be on to something with the hardware


macrumors 601
Feb 6, 2010
On the fence
The screen automatically turns off when you close it, so even if you kept it from going to sleep, the backlight still wouldn't be on.
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macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2011
New Jersey
I had a problem a couple years ago where my MBP would not go to sleep when I closed the lid. This lead to my MBP getting to crazy temperatures because the fans would not do anything when the lid was closed. I don't know if Caffeine keeps all other hardware on or what?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2011
who cares if he wants to leave the screen on. It's his computer. I wouldn't do it myself but good on anyone who does
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macrumors 6502
Oct 3, 2011
Portland, OR

it's his computer and it's what he wants, how is that even relevant? for a company whose logo is to "think different", its users sure seem to freak the **** out whenever somebody does...


who cares if he wants to leave the screen on. It's his computer. I wouldn't do it myself but good on anyone who does

hah, beat me to it :)

lol, reflecting further one might wonder why it even lights up at all when 99% of the time it faces away from you and you never see it... oh wait, it signals to others we have large disposable incomes and "think different"
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macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2011
New Jersey
I had a problem a couple years ago where my MBP would not go to sleep when I closed the lid. This lead to my MBP getting to crazy temperatures because the fans would not do anything when the lid was closed. I don't know if Caffeine keeps all other hardware on or what?

who cares if he wants to leave the screen on. It's his computer. I wouldn't do it myself but good on anyone who does

Nowhere did I suggest that the OP should not go ahead and do what he wants. I was giving advice based on my experience with similar situations. If Caffeine allows the fans to do what they are supposed to when temperatures get high (due to a screen being on continuously), then the OP will not have problems like I did.

So, TheRdungeon and cosmicjoke, get your heads out of each others asses and reply to a thread with something more than insults.

And to the OP, let me know if you do find a solution to this, as I am interested...
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macrumors member
Mar 8, 2011
why wouldn't you bring your MBP out of the dorm? bring it with you to the student center and use it to pick up chicks. they'll be attracted to the lit apple logo like bees to honey.
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macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2011
Pink∆Floyd;13872852 said:
I want the apple logo to stay on when the lid is closed, is there an app that'll do that?

One comes free with your Mac purchase. Just stick one of those white apple stickers you get when you buy a Mac, over the logo on the case. Because it's so white, it'll look like it's glowing. :D
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