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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


The Beatles today announced the debut of a free animated version of the band's Yellow Submarine book as an exclusive on Apple's iBookstore. Apple is also prominently promoting the release on the main iBookstore page within iTunes and in emails to iTunes users, showing off some of the capabilities of iBooks on the company's mobile devices.
The iBookstore's exclusive 'Yellow Submarine' book takes the reader on a kaleidoscopic, music-filled journey with The Beatles to an underwater dreamland featuring animated illustrations and text from the 2004 book, 14 full-color video clips from the original 1968 film, audio clips of classic Beatles hits and Sir George Martin's original score, original dialogue from the film, "read aloud" functionality to follow along as actor Dean Lennox Kelly narrates, as well as interactive features that let you tap the story's wild array of butterflies, starfish and sea monsters to make them come alive. A video trailer for the book is available for free streaming starting today at
The press release notes that the book release is in celebration of one year of availability for The Beatles on the iTunes Store. The Beatles have sold over 10 million songs and 1.8 million albums through iTunes since their November 2010 debut.

Apple is also leveraging the Yellow Submarine release to promote its new iBooks 1.5 release, which earlier this week added a night-time reading mode, full-screen mode, and new fonts.


Yellow Submarine [iTunes Store] is a free 317.5 MB download through the iBookstore. A trailer for the book and a link to purchase the music from the book are available on the main iTunes page for The Beatles [iTunes Store].

Article Link: The Beatles' 'Yellow Submarine' Hits iBooks as Free Animated e-Book

Drunken Master

macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2011
Beatles = most overrated band in history.


Yeah, sure.

I'd like to see you name 10 pop-rock songs from the '60s better than 'A Day in the Life', 'Strawberry Fields', 'Eleanor Rigby' or 'I Am The Walrus'.

Only Jimi Hendrix was on that level back then and they weren't even competing within the same sub genres.


macrumors regular
Jul 21, 2011

Yeah, sure.

I'd like to see you name 10 pop-rock songs from the '60s better than 'A Day in the Life', 'Strawberry Fields', 'Eleanor Rigby' or 'I Am The Walrus'.

Only Jimi Hendrix was on that level back then and they weren't even competing within the same sub genres.

To name a few: :D
Communication Breakdown
Dazed and Confused
Good Times Bad Times
Heartbreaker/Living Loving Maid


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
Oh dear oh dear oh dear....

I can see why this is free. :(

Just downloaded it onto my iPad1 and it's a lag and jerk-fest,
Plus due to the format of the book, it really REALLY does not work well with the iPad's 4:3 aspect ratio.

All it's doing is reading a book and displaying a few slightly animated graphics.
Shame, but it really just does not work and really nothing I'd show to show others how good an iPad is....

What a pity :(


macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2011
Oh dear oh dear oh dear....

I can see why this is free. :(

Just downloaded it onto my iPad1 and it's a lag and jerk-fest,
Plus due to the format of the book, it really REALLY does not work well with the iPad's 4:3 aspect ratio.

All it's doing is reading a book and displaying a few slightly animated graphics.
Shame, but it really just does not work and really nothing I'd show to show others how good an iPad is....

What a pity :(

Well, I guess I shouldn't be upset then that I can't view it on a Mac!


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2011
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

First page says "for Steve". :)


macrumors G3
May 4, 2002
Go Vegan
This looks like a lot of fun. And it's FREE! What's not to like? And if it's not for you well then you don't have to get it. :p

I'm glad the iTunes Store has more Beatles items in it. I really hope they release some of the films via the iTunes Store. Judging by the promotional video footage of the films Apple released when the band made their debut on iTunes, they looked to be in great condition. So somewhere there certainly is a better version of 'Magical Mystery Tour' out there and hopefully an un-cropped master of 'Let It Be' film. Hey we can always hope. :D


macrumors 6502a
Mar 28, 2011
It's fun, and I wouldn't have been disappointed if I'd paid [less than $10] for it.

It certainly well illustrates the shortcomings of an interactive ebook over a full on app though, through its accidental taps and page turns on a book that doesn't fully fit the screen. Most notably, it demonstrates the lack of what would have been a very welcome fullscreen mode on illustrated books -- a new and very nice feature in iBooks that I guess is only available for more text-based titles.


macrumors member
Jan 31, 2011

Yeah, sure.

I'd like to see you name 10 pop-rock songs from the '60s better than 'A Day in the Life', 'Strawberry Fields', 'Eleanor Rigby' or 'I Am The Walrus'.

Only Jimi Hendrix was on that level back then and they weren't even competing within the same sub genres.

Day Tripper
Drive My Car
Penny Lane
Ticket To Ride
Here Comes the Sun
Paperback Writer


macrumors 603
Mar 18, 2008
amen to that! the world gives them way too much credit.

Like Drunken Master points out, if you can name another band who has a discography as vast as the Beatles, with as much pioneering studio analog techniques over the years as they had, then by all means, we're listening. ;)

You go and try and produce some of their hits on nothing but analog 4 track tape decks, simple reverb effects, and without a computer in sight, and lets see what you come up with.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Beatles = most overrated band in history.
Agreed 100%. Over rated and under talented. Songs with the same lyric line repeated over and over and over and over and over.

I'm sure Steve Jobs is smiling from up above that more of his beloved Beatles are on iTunes. But for the rest of us with a brain we just roll our eyes and sigh.


Like Drunken Master points out, if you can name another band who has a discography as vast as the Beatles, with as much pioneering studio analog techniques over the years as they had, then by all means, we're listening. ;)

You go and try and produce some of their hits on nothing but analog 4 track tape decks, simple reverb effects, and without a computer in sight, and lets see what you come up with.
I admit some of their early musical techniques were pretty good for the time. But they go and spoil it by writing by writing lyrics so repetitive boring and bad it makes me and many others not want to listen to the good music.

(Only the music part is good, the lyrics part is so bad it boggles the mind how lyrics that bad were ever that famous. I don't understand this).



Yeah, sure.

I'd like to see you name 10 pop-rock songs from the '60s better than 'A Day in the Life', 'Strawberry Fields', 'Eleanor Rigby' or 'I Am The Walrus'.

Only Jimi Hendrix was on that level back then and they weren't even competing within the same sub genres.

Father And Son
Another Saturday Night
The First Cut Is The Deepest
Morning Has Broken
Peace Train
Longer Boats
Where Do The Children Play
Sad Lisa

There you go. 10 songs from the same era of music. Sure it's not the same musical techniques, and a lot of it is acoustic. But the music and lyrics are 10x better. I quite like Cat Stevens music. And I was born like 20 years after he starting singing. So I cant say that is my era of music it's not.

But I can appreciate the best from each era of music. Cat Stevens and Jimi Hendrix were some of the best in their era. The Beatles were not.
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