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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 20, 2003
I have a Mac Pro with 27" monitor in my home office. It's set up on a standard sitting desk. I'd like to set up a separate standing desk in another part of the room. I considered getting an iMac for that desk, but then thought maybe I could just get a second monitor with an extension cable and a second keyboard and mouse/trackpad. I could set the 2nd monitor to mirror the first one.

Is it possible to have two keyboards and two trackpads or mice attached/connected to the same computer at the same time? Is there any way to do this?


macrumors 65816
Dec 2, 2010
I have a magic trackpad and magic mouse connected to my Mac Pro at the same time along with one wired keyboard. I can use both trackpad and mouse at the same time so yeh you should be able to connect two mice. With keyboards I don't know why it wouldn't work :D
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